Chapter 24

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After the couple's dramatic exit we all started getting ready for dinner. Since we assigned seats for the ceremony the guests were allowed to sit wherever they wanted to for dinner. But they kind of stayed in their own cliques, occasionally stepping out of their group for a brave second to talk to another before heading back to their people. There were the doctors, Victor's family, the 7 high school friends invited, the neighbors, and the random people who were questioning why in the universe they were invited. I think it is so funny how they are just interacting with each other. This feels like a reunion.

I think a memory that is going to stay with me forever is the very brief conversation I had with B from the hospital.

"Never thought that you Dad was gay. I thought he was into chicks," she said as she found herself standing next to me. 

"He isn't gay," I said.

"Then what is he?"

"He is just a person who is happy and in love."

She has such a confused face on. "I- I guess."

I looked around and saw everyone standing around while the workers were getting the dinner tables set up. We wanted the workers to eat with us so we wanted them to get the work out of the way so they could enjoy the party too.

"Tell me something, B. You liked him, didn't you?"

Her smile, for some reason, got bigger as I asked this. "We have been friends since we started college, and I started really liking him when I dropped out of medical school," she said with a certain fondness. "I tried taking him to bed every single chance I got, but he was always busy with you. I told him one day that I would like to go on a date, and he actually said yes. He ended up taking me to your parent teacher conference. He knew me all along. He was the one who actually got me the job working at the hospital. He told me that we could stay friends. I am glad we did."

I don't remember that parent teacher conference, but I could imagine B all dressed up in the most revealing clothes, thinking she was going to some nice restaurant, but ended up going to my dingy elementary school. Dad always surrounded himself with great people, but he always kept to himself. Most people don't really know the full story, know him truly. He always hid behind a wall. Well maybe not anymore.

"I'm glad too. Well, enjoy the rest of the party."

"Yeah, thanks," she looked around and her eyes lit up. "I found the real party." She found some people continuing their own party from earlier. She is going to be fine. But I looked around and saw Joshua standing next to Greyson, talking casually, though eyeing that group from the side. I sighed, putting some of my tension into the air. 

Finally, the newlyweds came out. Victor wasn't really joking earlier. They both went to their room to freshen up and go breathe for a second. Getting married takes up a lot of energy. We all clapped and cheered as they made their entrance. Hand in hand they walked to their little table. Dinner was finally ready.

We all went to our tables and sat down. I was situated between Greyson and Joshua. It was going to be a three-course meal, and I was already sick to my stomach. A true 3 course meal meant a lot of chewing and swallowing and a lot of food that I honestly didn't feel like eating. I looked over to Greyson and there was no interest in my face.

"Promise me you will eat at least the appetizers," Greyson asked me. It was going to be salad and soup and buns and there were going to be drinks served to the adults. For a quick second I considered asking for something to calm my nerves down.

"Okay," I said. I started to play with my necklace as we began serving ourselves. The bowl reached me, and I put one spoon on my plate. I looked over to Greyson, looking for his approval. He reached for the bowl and put some on his plate. He put just a little bit more on my plate. It looked like a mountain.

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