5: Own Style

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I walk into school, with a good feeling. A feeling of creativity. I get interested looks from the people in the hallway. "Who knew someone can grow that fast in the span of 5 days?" I ask Jake. "I will never know, but you made that possible. I hate you a little less, but I still sort of dislike you." Jake says. "Who cares about what you think anyways? Lets just date whoever we actually want to date. Except that VSCO girl across the hallway. Not her please." I insist. "Alright, I guess." Jake says, smoothly finishing off the conversation. We head to our next classes. Once school is over, I walk into my house excitedly! Like every day. Cringe cultures (kind of) dead anyways, who are you to make fun of the way I walk home. "Your advice worked!" I say happily to Mom. "Your grades went up!" Mom says. "Its a win-win!" Dad says. "What do I do now?" I ask. It can't just end here. "What if we see what happens if you go back to what you were, see if its true love." Mom says, she's definitely invested.
Day 6:
I come back to school as my cringy old self. "H-hi Jake!" I say. "What happened?" Jake asks. "I dunno. Something d-definitely did though." I say, stuttering a little. "Welp, guess we'll see what happens tomorrow." Jake says. "G-guess so :3" I reply. We part our ways.

I come back home. "So never said he hated me, he was more curious what I was going to be like tomorrow." I say to my parents. "Should we order some pizza?" Dad asks. "Sure, why not?" Mom answers. "Yay!" I exclaim. Yes, Netherite just shoved two days in one. Don't question it :D


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