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Rosalie seemed annoyed, but I wasn't sure why. Before her adoptive father came into the hospital room, she seemed fine. But now, it felt as if I had to tread lightly in order to not piss her off even more.

"What is it?" She asked. Her arms were crossed, and face blank and she leaned against the plain hospital walls.

"You owe me an explanation."

"Well, I saved your life," Rosalie softly shot back. "I'd like to think I owe you nothing."

I couldn't help but glare at her, my irritation slowly rising at her nonchalant tendencies.

"You said you would, Rosalie."

"Like I told you back at school, I wasn't too far from you in the first place," she said, matching my energy. "And once I saw the truck coming, I pushed you out of the way. That's it."

"Rosalie, I'm not stupid. I saw you on the other side of the lot by your car."

She tilted her head at my words, her dark eyes glaring at me. "Well, what do you want me to say, Bella? I'm telling you the truth."
It came out in a rush.

"All I know is that you weren't anywhere near me— Tyler didn't see you, either, so don't tell me I hit my head too hard. That van was going to crush us both, and it didn't, and your hands left dents in the side of it. And you left a dent in the other car, and you're not hurt at all— and the van should've smashed my legs, but you were holding it up..." I could hear how crazy it sounded, and I couldn't continue. I could feel my teeth grinding together, tears coming to my eyes.

Rosalie only stared at me, a humorless laugh escaping her. And yet, her face was tense, defensive.

"You seriously think I lifted a van, something that weighs more than both of us combined, off of you?" Her tone questioned my sanity, but it only made me more suspicious. It was like a perfectly delivered line by a skilled actor.

I nodded once, jaw tight.

"You know no one would believe you, right?" With every word she said, she took a step closer to me until we were face to face. Rosalie was a head taller than me, so I had to glare up at her.

"Who said I was going to tell anyone?" I said each word slowly, carefully controlling my anger.

Shock flitted across her face. "You're not?"

"I don't like to lie," I told her. "So there'd better be a good reason why I'm doing it."

"How about you just thank me, and move on."

    I stayed quiet, not wanting to thank her unless she gave me something. Rosalie only sighed at my silence, rolling her eyes.

    "You're not gonna let this go, are you?"


    "Fine," she muttered. "Then this conversation's going nowhere."

    We scowled at each other in silence. I was the first to break away, walking away from our shared place in the hallway. I was only a few feet away from her when I muttered out, "So, why bother then?"

    The only thing I got in return was an irritated grunt coming from the blonde before she went in the opposite direction of herself.

    The waiting room was more unpleasant than I'd feared. It seemed like every face I knew in Forks was there, staring at me. Charlie rushed to my side; I put up my hands, to stop him from ambushing me.

    "There's nothing wrong with me, I promise," I assured him. I was still aggravated, not really wanting to talk to anyone else at the moment.

    "What did the doctor say?"

    "Dr. Cullen saw me, and he said I was fine and I could go home." Mike, Jessica, and Eric were all there, beginning to converge on us. "Can we go?"

    Charlie put one arm behind my back, not quite touching me, and led me to the glass doors of the exit. I waved sheepishly at my friends, hoping to convey that they didn't need to worry anymore; though, I was sure Jessica would blow up my phone soon after I got home. It was a huge relief, the first time I'd ever felt that way, to get into the cruiser.

    We drove in silence. I was so wrapped up in my thoughts that I barely knew Charlie was there. I was positive that Rosalie's defensive behavior in the hall was a confirmation of the bizarre thing I still could hardly believe I'd witness.

    "Are you going to call Renee?" He innocently asked when he got to the house.

    "Why would I?" I muttered, stepping out of the car. I slammed the door a little harder than necessary on my way out.

    Renee made it clear that once I moved to Forks, to not call her anymore. At first, it hurt knowing that my own mother wanted nothing to do with me. But the feeling only turned to a dull pain over time. I was able to live without her.

    I decided I might as well go to bed early that night. Charlie continued to watch me anxiously, and it was getting on my nerves. I stopped on my way to grab three Tylenol from the bathroom. They did help, and as the pain eased, I drifted to sleep.

    That was the first night I dreamed of Rosalie Hale.


Conversations between me and the sis

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Conversations between me and the sis


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