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"Get Tyler out of the van!" Someone shouted. There was a flurry of activity around us. Bella tried to get up but my hands kept her on the ground.

"No, no, stay here," I whispered quietly to her. "Just let them move the truck, I don't want you to hurt anything else."

While the rescue attempt began around us— adults arriving, authorities called, sirens in the distance— I tried to think over what I could say; both to Bella and to my family when they realized what happened. Many looked surprised to see me here beside Bella, but all assumed— as there was no other possible conclusion— that they had just not noticed me standing by the girl before the accident.

Bella was the only one who didn't accept the easy explanation, but she would be considered the least reliable witness. The slight swelling of her head made it obvious that she sustained a small concussion, it wouldn't be hard to tell Bella that I was next to her the whole time.
But, did I want to lie to her? She was my mate, after all.

I didn't look in the direction where Edward and Alice stood, not wanting to see the shock or the disappointed look on their faces. There would be hell to pay for this tonight.

I wanted to iron out the indentation my shoulders had made in the tan car, but she was too close. I'd have to wait until Bella was distracted.

It was frustrating to wait as the humans struggled with the van , trying to pull it away from us. Due to Bella's dark eyes on me, I couldn't try to help to speed up the process. Finally, they were able to shift it far enough away for the EMTs to get to us with their stretchers.

A familiar grizzled face appraised me.

"Hey, Rosalie," Brett Warner said. He was a registered nurse and Carlise knew him well. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine," I said quickly, guestering to Bella next to me. "I think Bella might have a concussion— she hit her head really hard when I pushed her out of the way."

Brett turned his attention to the brunette, who huffed out a quiet breath and shot me a slight glare from the corner of her eye. While Bella preferred to suffer in silence or not, I would feel more at ease if she got checked out.

She did not contradict my story immediately, though, and that made me feel easier.

As they put the neck brace on her, her face flushed scarlet with embarrassment, I used the moment of distraction to quietly rearrange the shape of the dent in the tan car with the back of my foot. Only the others noticed what I was doing and decided to comment when I slowly made my way over to them.

"I'll make sure to catch anything you missed," Emmett said. I owed him that.

"Are you stupid?" Edward hissed. I wasn't sure if that comment was directed toward me or his mate. "What if one of these humans saw what you were doing? Are you really that blind, Rosalie?" His words were fast, too fast for anyone other than us to hear.

I growled back at him. "Well, did they? As far as I can tell, everyone's too worried over Bella or Tyler. I have it handled."

"Why are you so worried about this human?"

Besides Alice, the others knew nothing about my feelings toward Bella. Both Alice and I kept our thoughts busy so Edward wouldn't catch on. I wanted to tell the others on my own time.

But by the look in Edward's eyes when I accidentally let my thought's slip for a split second, I knew I wouldn't get that chance.

Alice's head snapped toward the ginger, eyes wide with shock. "Edward, don't—"

"She's your mate?!"

I sighed quietly, seeing Emmett and Jasper's shocked faces turned toward me. "Yeah...yeah she is. And I was going to tell everyone when I wanted to. But thank you, jackass, for doing that yourself." I glanced over my shoulder, seeing a few of the EMTs load Tyler and Bella to the back of the ambulances. "I'm going to follow them, don't wait up."

The first priority when I reached the hospital was to see Bella. I was sure that Carlise knew I was here as soon as I stepped foot in the building and would find me later so I wasn't worried about him.

I stood outside of Bella and Tyler's shared room; Tyler's constant apologies and Bella's calming breaths were heard from the other side. After smoothing out my hair, I carefully entered the room, the creak of the door pausing Tyler's words.

"Oh...h-hi, Rosalie," Tyler stuttered. "Bella told me what happened, and I'm really sorry."

I only hummed at his apology, not bothering to say anything else. My eyes were stuck on Bella's relaxed face; her eyes were closed but she wasn't sleeping, possibly just trying to get Tyler to stop talking to her.

I took a seat on the chair next to her bed and said quietly, "Are you feeling alright?"

Her brown eyes flashed toward me, startled at my sudden voice. " I keep telling them, there's nothing wrong with me but they won't let me go. How come you're not strapped like the rest of us?"

I could hear Carlisle in the hall. "I already got checked by my father. And I'm having him check you now too."

"So, Miss Swan, how are you feeling?" Carlisle asked when he entered the room. He had a wonderfully soothing bedside manner that put most patients at ease within moments, I learned that when working side by side with him over the few years though I wasn't sure how that affected Bella.

While Bella was talking to him, Carlisle said something too quietly for me to hear yet giving Bella his full attention. "The others only gave me a rundown on what happened but didn't go into detail. Want to tell me what happened?"

"Do I have to?" I uttered. That earned a look over Bella's head as he was checking the slight bump on her scalp. "I will, alright just not now."

"Later then," he agreed. Much louder he said to Bella, "I suggest taking some Tylonal for the pain but come back if anything happens. But I'm afraid you, Mr. Crowley, will have to stay with us a little longer."

When Carlisle moved to Tyler, Bella leaned over to me to whisper, "Can I talk to you outside? It's important."

"Be careful, Rosalie," Carlisle warned as I got up from my seat. I didn't give him an answer, only following Bella to the hallway where we would have the needed conversation.


If you father went to get milk all those years ago...

I'm your dad now. I'm proud of you, kid


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