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I tried very hard not to be aware of her for the rest of the hour, and, since that was impossible, at least not to let him know that I was aware of her. When the bell rang at last, I turned my back to her to gather my things, expecting her to leave immediately as usual.

"Hey, Bella?" Her voice sounded soft, not how she sounded during the beginning of class.

I turned slowly, homing my eagerness didn't show. "Talking to me again?" I finally asked when she didn't say anything once I faced her.

"I'd like to, if that's fine," she admitted, an apologetic look on her face. "I'm sorry— I know I've been unnecessarily rude to you, and I'm sorry. Just know it's not your fault, it's mine."

"Are you serious?" My eyes narrowed at her. I'd heard that before. "'It's not you, it's me', I think you can come up with something better than that."

"Bella, I'm telling you the truth."

"You seriously think I'd believe you," I scoffed, referring back to our previous conversation in the hospital. "You could've saved yourself all this regret."

Even though the last part was whispered, too quietly for even me to hear, Rosalie still answered. Her voice sounded hurt when she said, "Regret what, Bella?"

"For not letting that stupid van squish me. How else would that explain your behavior lately?"

" think I regret saving your life?" The hurt long disappeared from her voice. Rosalie now sounded mad. She slowly stood from her seat, a look of disbelief on her face. "You don't know anything."

I turned my head sharply away from her, clenching my jaw in order to not say anything else. I gathered my books together, then stood and walked to the door, and stalked off to Gym without looking back.

Gym was brutal. We'd moved on to basketball. My team never passed me the ball, so that was good, but I fell down a lot. Sometimes, I took people with me. Today I was worse than usual because my head was so filled with Rosalie. I tried to concentrate on my feet, but she kept creeping back into my thoughts just when I really needed my balance.

It was a relief, as always, to leave.

When I got home, I decided to make chicken enchiladas for dinner. It was a long process, and it would keep me busy. While I was simmering the onions and chilies, I tried to analyze every word Rosalie had spoken today.

My stomach twisted as I digested her words, probably jumping to conclusions. She must see how absorbed I was by her; she must not want to lead me on...hell, she probably didn't even like girls, and was uncomfortable by the way I was acting.

And even if she was interested, I would be the last person to catch her attention, I thought angrily, my eyes stinging— a delayed reaction to the onions. I wasn't interesting. And she was. Interesting...and brilliant...and mysterious...and perfect...and so insanely beautiful. And could possibly lift full-sized vans with one hand.

But, that was fine. I could leave her alone.
Almost an hour later, Charlie and I were sitting at the table. He seemed to be enjoying the food, even though he was apprehensive when he first came home. It was fun to watch as he slowly began trusting me in the kitchen.

"Dad?" I asked when he was almost done.

"Yeah, Bella?"

"Um, I just wanted to let you know that I'm going to Seattle for the day a week from Saturday...if that's okay?"

"Why?" He sounded surprised, as if he were unable to imagine something that Forks couldn't offer.

"The library here is pretty limited and maybe look at some clothes." I had more money than I was used to having, since, thanks to Charlie, I hadn't had to pay for a car. Not that the truck didn't cost me quite a bit in the gas department.

"That truck probably doesn't get very good gas mileage," he said, echoing my thoughts.

"I know. If I have to, I'll make a few stops."

"Will you be back in time for the dance?" Of course he would know when all the high school dances are.

I scoffed at his question. He, of all people, should understand that. I didn't get my balance problems from my mother. "You and I both know I don't dance, dad."

The next morning, when I pulled into the parking lot, I deliberately parked as far as possible from the silver Volvo. Getting out of the cab, I fumbled with my key and it fell into a puddle at my feet. As I bent to get it, a pair of black boots appeared in my vision. A pale hand flashed out and grabbed it before I could. Rosalie Hale was right in front of me, a slight smile on her face.

"How do you do that?" I asked in amazed irritation.

"Do what?" She held my key out as she spoke. As I reached for it, she dropped it in my palm.

"Appear out of thin air."

"I was already making my way over here when I saw your truck." Her voice, as always, was smooth. "Actually, I wanted to ask you something."

"What do you want?"

"So, I know you said you weren't going to the dance—"

"Are you trying to be funny?"

Her eyes held a hint of humor, but she continued what she was saying. "But I heard you were going to Seattle that day, so I was wondering if I could join you."

Oh. That was unexpected. "You want to join me?"

Rosalie hummed. "I was planning on going in the next few weeks. And, it would be better if I went with a friend."

"Is that what we are?" I started to walk to the building, Rosalie keeping close as she followed me. "Friends."

"You're doing me a favor by not saying what happened at the accident to anyone, Bella," she responded quietly. "It's the least I can do. Plus...I really don't want to stay away from you anymore."

I paused in my steps, glancing at her with wide eyes. Rosalie looked slightly amused at the look in my face. "So, can I join you in your trip to Seattle?"

I couldn't speak yet, so I just nodded.

She smiled widely. "Great. I'll see you later then, Bella."

Idk y'all...he/him is starting to look cute...


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