First Sight

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The ride to the airport was a tense one. From the corner of my eye I could see Renee, my mother, mumbling something to herself. Her hands on the wheel were pale from how hard she was holding it, fingers occasionally tapping to fill the silence.

    I mindlessly pulled at the bracelet that hung on my wrists as I thought of something to say to her. But my mind couldn't help but drift to the fight we had a few nights ago...

    "I didn't raise you to be like that, Bella!"

    "How could you do this to me?"

    "I refuse to have someone like you living in this house!"

    Maybe it would be best if I kept my mouth shut. I leaned my head back against my seat, soaking up the bright sun that shined against the windows; I figured it would be the last time I would get to feel it for a while.

    I loved Phoenix. I loved the sun and the blistering heat. I loved the vigorous, sprawling cities. But, from now on, I would have to learn to love Forks. The constant, yet calming rain and cold weather. The small town where everyone knew everything about everyone. It would be a different and drastic change but one I would have to get used to.

    The car came to a sudden stop, my body jerking roughly at how hard she stepped on the breaks.

    Renee didn't bother to look at me as she growled out a harsh, "Get out."

    I could only stare at her before letting out a soft sigh. I reached behind my seat to grab my other bag before stepping out of the car. The door barely had a chance to close before Renee sped off down the street, not giving me a second glance.

    She was gone.

    It's a four hour flight from Phoenix to Seattle, another hour in a small plane up to Port Angeles, and then an hour drive back down to Forks. Flying doesn't bother me, I've gotten used to it after traveling for so many years. The only thing I looked forward to, that helped bring my spirits up, was seeing Charlie again. While it had been a couple years since I've seen my father, the thought of him brought a slight smile to my face.

    I saw Charlie over by the doors looking around for me as he standed by his cruiser. He finally saw me, a slight smile appearing on his face as I got closer, pulling me into a tight hug as soon as I was at arms length.

"You okay, Bells?" he asked quietly, rubbing my back to sooth me.

Charlie knew long before I told Renee and took the news a lot better than she did. And when I told him what happened when I called him the night of, he didn't hesitate to offer to live here instead.

"I'm fine," I assured.

"Good. Let's go home then."

I was quickly ushered into the car just as a few drops of rain hit us. I didn't think of it as an omen, just unavoidable.

"So, I got you a car," Charlie said as we drove down the road. "Well a truck, but think of it as a welcome home present."

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