The "Cullens"

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They were sitting in the corner of the cafeteria, as far away from where I sat as possible in the long room. There were five of them. They were talking quietly among themselves but not eating, though they each had a tray of untouched food in front of them. Unlike most of the students, they weren't gawking at me so it was safe to stare at them.

They didn't look anything alike. One of the three boys, one was big— it was surprising that his muscles didn't break free from his dark skin, and thick dark curly hair. Another was taller, leaner, but still muscular and long honey blond hair. The last was lanky, less bulky, with untidy, red hair. He was more boyish than the others, who looked like they could be in college, or even teachers here rather than students.

The girls were opposites. The short girl was pixielike, thin in the extreme, with small features. Her hair was a deep black, cropped short and pointing in every direction. And the tall one? She She was beautiful. Her hair was golden, gently waving down to the middle of her back and pulled into a loose ponytail.

And yet, they were all exactly alike. Every one of them was chalky pale, the palest of all students living in this sunless town. They all had dark eyes despite the range in hair tones. They also had dark shadows under those eyes, bruise like shadows.

But all of this is not why I couldn't look away.
I stared because their faces, so different, so similar, were all devastatingly beautiful.

Almost inhumanely. It wasn't hard to decide who was the most beautiful, the blonde girl won that with no question.

"Hey Angela," I said to a girl from my Spanish class, watching as the small one walked away from her table, tray in hand with untouched food. "Who are they?"

Angela looked up at the same time the beautiful blonde glanced our way. She looked at Angela for just a fraction of a second, then her dark eyes flickered to mine. She looked away quickly, more quickly than I could even think about moving. In that brief flash of a glance, her face held nothing of interest.

Angela giggled quietly, probably at the sight of my flushed face.

"We call them the Cullens—"

"None of them are related though," Jessica interrupted, pushing herself into our conversation. "Doctor and Mrs. Cullen took all of them in because they all have some weird eye disease. The little one that left was Alice, the big one is Emmett and the ginger next to him is his boyfriend Edward. The blond guy is Alice's boyfriend, Jasper. And the really pretty blonde is Rosalie. They moved here two years ago from Alaska."

Strange, unpopular names. The kinds of names grandparents had. Or maybe just small town names. And Rosalie...the name fit her.

I glanced once more at Rosalie, who picked at the food sitting on her tray. The one named Edward was talking quietly to the others but it seemed as if Rosalie wasn't listening in the slightest, her eyes darting over to meet mine. I looked the other way quickly, Jessica making herself known once more.

"I wouldn't waste my time with blondie," she commented. "Apparently, no one here is good enough for her."

Mike grunted in agreement, making me release a quiet laugh. From the corner of my eye, I could see Rosalie smirking as well.

Since we shared the next class together, Angela offered to walk with me to class. Neither of us bothered to make conversation and I was grateful for that.

Unfortunately, Angela already had a partner and went to go sit next to him while I went up to introduce myself to the teacher. Actually, all of the tables were filled but one. Next to the corner aisle, I recognized Rosalie sitting next to an open seat. She was glaring out of a window, not paying attention to the others around her.

The teacher signed my slip and told me to take the only free seat. As I was getting closer, Rosalie finally turned away from the window when I was a few feet away, my breath getting caught in my throat. She's even more beautiful up close.

Are my hands sweating, it feels like they're sweating. I whipped my hands along my pants, set my bag on the ground and took my seat. I hope my detergent smells's a good thing I took a shower this morning.

I was too deep in my thoughts and I almost missed the quiet, "Hello."

My eyes traveled over to Rosalie, who looked a lot more relaxed when I sat down. She sent me a polite smile, my heart thudding in my chest at the action.

"H-hi." I couldn't help but notice how smooth her skin was, not a singular scar or freckle in sight.

She spoke at a quieter level, doing her best to not disturb the teacher. "I'm Rosalie. You're Bella Swan, right?"

"Yeah. You're actually the first person to call me by my nickname, everybody usually calls me Isabella first."

Rosalie only hummed, turning back to the front of the class. I sighed at myself, jotting down the same notes the teacher had on the board. This class seemed to drag on longer than the others. Was it because the day was finally coming to an end or was it because I was thinking too hard on what to say? I couldn't help but glance at her from the corner of my eye, how her brow furrowed over her dark eyes and the slight frown on her face. Either Rosalie wasn't in a good mood, or that was just her face completely relaxed.

If she was in a bad mood, I hoped I had nothing to do with it.

I had finally thought of something to say to the blonde just as the bell rang loudly. Rosalie fluidly rose from her seat, much taller than I'd thought, and gave me another look.

"Bye, Bella." She gave me a small wave and just as I raised my own hand, she was already out of the door.

"I have to applaud you," Mike said as he stood next to me. "I don't think anyone here has ever held a conversation that long with Rosalie for that long. And yet, you did it effortlessly."

I shrugged, wishing I would have said more to her, but followed Mike to our next class we shared together.

Unfortunately, unlike Phoenix, gym was required all four years here. Coach Clapp gave me a uniform but didn't make me participate today. I watched four volleyball games running simultaneously. I wasn't looking forward to this class.

When the bell rang, I walked to the office to return the paperwork. The trip was uneventful and I made it there with no troubles. Minutes later, I made my way to my truck but a sight made me stop.

On the other side of the lot, I saw Rosalie resting on top of the Volvo with Edward. It looked as if they were having a heated conversation; Rosalie had her arms crossed over her chest, glaring at the ginger. Her eyes met mine over Edward's shoulder, us holding contact until Edward turned to level my gaze with a glare.

I quickly turned back to the truck, almost hitting myself with the door. At this point, only a few cars were left in the lot. I headed back to my new home, thinking about the beautiful blonde.


I don't know what to put at the end of my chapters anymore


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