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There were many times when I envied humans and this was one of the few times; when they could fall asleep whenever they pleased, I wished I had that ability especially during this time of the day.

High School.

Maybe purgatory was the right word as Edward had once described it. Unfortunately, I had lost the vote to start college again instead of high school as it seemed as if I was suffering the most.

My foot tapped quietly against the tiles as I stared at the cracks running through the plaster in the far corner of the cafeteria, imagining patterns into them that were not there. It was an excuse to tune out the voices around me but it didn't work very much.

The talk of the day was a new girl. The excitement over her arrival was predictable, it was the same reaction as one would get from flashing a shiny object at a group of toddlers. In every class I had, at least one person had seen her at least once. I didn't care enough to remember anything they said, most things humans said weren't worth my time.

There were only four voices that were harder to ignore, considering they all sat next to me.

Emmett was excitedly talking to Jasper about a new video game he was playing, his arm across the back of Edward's chair. Jasper listened with full attention since they often played together. It seemed as If Edward and Alice were having their own private conversation but nothing was said aloud.

I moved my eyes away from the cracked plaster and onto the next, which happened to be a pair of unfamiliar chocolate-brown eyes. They must belong to the new girl. I moved my eyes down to the table just as Edward opened his mouth.
"It seemed like we have another new admirer," he said. "Stanley is giving her the gossip about us."

"Anything new?" Emmett asked, chuckling under his breath.

"No. Rather unimaginative, actually. Not even an ounce of horror. I'm a little disappointed."

So melodramatic, I thought, earning a glare of the redhead. Rolling my eyes at him, I couldn't help but glance at the new girl once more. I was surprised to see her eyes already on me but, with a flushed face, turned back to Jessica.

"I wouldn't waste my time with Blondie," Jessica snarked, jealousy coating her voice. "Apparently, no one here is good enough for her."

I couldn't help but lift my kips into a slight smile, remembering what she was talking about. It happened during my first week here, Jessica deciding to ask me out after Mike's failed attempt. While her rejection wasn't as harsh as Mike's, it still left a bruise on her ego.

"Is the new girl afraid of us yet?" Jasper asked, little humor coating his voice. Edward only shrugged, his dark eyes locked on the back of Bella's head.

I had the urge to block her from his line for vision, from the harsh glare she didn't know she was receiving. It was a strange thing to feel, something completely unfamiliar. I shrugged it off, getting up from the table with the rest of my family.

This year, I was playing a Senior along with Jasper and Emmett. I headed off to my advanced level Biology class, preparing for another boring lecture. I highly doubted that Mr. Banner, a man of no more than average intellect, would manage to surprise anyone holding two medical degrees.

I settled into my chair and placed my bag on the ground, holding nothing I didn't already know. I was the only one who didn't have a partner, their instincts telling them to stay away.

The room slowly filled as they trickled in from lunch. I placed my head in my hand, and waited for time to pass. Again, I wished I were able to sleep.

It was a new voice by the door that caught my attention. Angela, a nice and quiet girl, walked in with Bella Swan. It wasn't hard to tell she looked nervous as she glanced around the room. She must've finally noticed me when Mr. Banner told her to take a seat, a gasp getting stuck in her throat.

As finally got closer, she wiped her hands on her jeans, her scent hit me like a battering ram. She had the sweetest blood I've ever smelled in more than seventy years. I hadn't imagined that such a scent could exist. If I'd known, I would have gone searching for it long ago.

All the tension that I didn't know was in my body immediately vanished, a mute sigh escaping between my lips.

I had no control on what happened next. "Hello."

Bella looked surprised at the sound of my voice. But she still stuttered out, "H-Hi."
Why was I trying to make conversation? "I'm Rosalie. You're Bella Swan, right?" Stop talking.

"Yeah. You're actually the first person to call me by my nickname, everybody usually calls me Isabella first."

I hummed, turning back to the front of the class. Though I looked focused, my fingers dug into the side of the table. My hand crushed through the strut and came away with a palmful of splintered pulp, leaving the shape of my fingers into the remaining wood.

The sound of her strong heart beating distracted me from the class but instead of being tempted by the thirst, it calmed me. Bella's presence in general, sent a wave of tranquil through my body.

The bell rang just as Bella's head turned to me. Whatever she was about to say got interrupted by my farewell. I didn't give her a chance to say anything else as I quickly left the room.

I didn't bother going to my next class, pacing by Edward's car as I waited for the school day to end. My mind was going too fast for me to even know what I was thinking but there was one thing that was certain.

Bella Swan was the cause of it.


I held back a groan when I heard my name being yelled. Edward stomped next to me, harshly whispering out his words. "What are you thinking?"

"You're the mind reader aren't you, you tell me," I hissed back.

"What the hell was that back there?"

I glared at him. "Were you seriously snooping on me?"

"Your thoughts were too loud for me to ignore," he corrected. "It definitely doesn't help that I can't read the Swan girl's mind in the slightest, but all of your thoughts were about her."

I paused, my anger deflating for a moment. " can't read her mind?"

I could hear his teeth grinding together. "No. Meaning, I don't know what she noticed about you."

Sighing, extremely annoyed, my eyes found something more interesting; Bella already met my gaze on the other side of the lot, a light blushing covering her face. Edward stopped whatever he was saying to see whatever I was glancing at, Bella breaking contact immediately.

"Knock it off," I snapped at him, roughly pushing his shoulder.

"Whatever is going on between you and that human, stop it before it gets out of control," he warned.


Reading over past stories I have written is very very cringy.


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