Port Angeles

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The sky was a dusky yellow, the sun had at least an hour left before the night sky replaced it. Though my windows were tinted dark enough to provide some protection, there was no reason to take unnecessary risks.

I haven't been in Port Angeles long, only an hour. I had no plans to come to the city, but Alice almost forced me into my car and told me to stay close to Bella but didn't elaborate further. I almost went against her words but when I saw the look in her eyes, I couldn't argue.

My car was parked a few blocks away from the dress shop but I could still hear them as if I was standing in the same room. I couldn't help but listen to their conversations, inserting my own thoughts on a few subjects.

"Didn't you ever go with a girlfriend?" Jessica was a little shocked when Bella revealed she never went to any sort of dance back in Phoenix.

"No," Bella bashfully admitted. "My girlfriend at the time didn't really care for those things either, so there was no point."

I couldn't help but mutter to myself, "Well, she's stupid."

Jessica and Angela talked amicably to themselves while Bella was mostly silent. I tuned out their conversation until I heard my family being mentioned.

"Is it normal for the...Cullen family to be out of school a lot?" Her question was quiet, only aimed at Angela.

"Yeah, when the weather is good they go backpacking all the time— even the doctor. They're super outdoorsy," Angela answered just as softly.


Backpacking. A common excuse we use no matter where we move.

The trio stayed in the store for half an hour more until Jessica and Angela were happy about their purchases and decided to grab dinner at a restaurant a few streets away. But Bella, however, wanted to check out a bookstore that was in the opposite direction of the eatery.

"'Oh, Bella, you little nerd," I sighed, turning out my car to drive to the place. Bella already had a head start so it would take me a while to reach her and that put me on edge. It was getting dark and I couldn't hear her anymore.

I haven't felt this nervous in a long time.

Taking a calming breath, I pressed harder on the gas.

My nerves didn't settle as I drove through the sparse traffic into the center of town. I should've known Bella would have set off by herself; she did mention that the library in Forks was sparse.

But finally I made it to the bookstore and parked underneath a heavy tree. When I cracked open my window, I could catch the faint trace of Bella's natural perfume. She must've just left.

"Dammit, Bella," I softly growled.

I drove slowly through the streets, visibly looking for her but still tracking her scent. She must've gotten lost; her scent backtracked, stopped in random places and sometimes went in circles. I was close to getting out of my car to follow her on foot but the still semi-visible sun stopped me from doing so.

Finally, after what seemed like hours, I finally found her. The relief lasted for only a fraction of a second, and then I finally caught on to what was being said.

"Stay away from me." Her voice was low and steady, not a scream.

"Don't be like that, sugar."

Why don't you show them how pretty you are, Rose?

A violent chill went up my spine at the sudden realization. A deep and heavy growl escaped from between my lips as I jerked the car to enter the dark alleyway. My headlights showed a group of five men circling around my mate, now scattering once I almost hit one.

I got out of the car, the door slamming roughly behind me. From the corner of my eye, I could see Bella relax at the sight of me. From what I could see, they didn't land a finger on her.

I spoke as calmly as I could to her, keeping my eye on one of the men in front of me. "Get in the car, Bella."

"Woah, how're you doing, baby?" He exclaimed. He must've been the ringleader. I could smell the stench of alcohol on him.

She's a looker, ain't she, John?

My lip curled up, showing my fangs. The color drained from his face and the other four stepped back in shock.

He didn't have a chance to react once my fist made contact with his chest, sending him flying to the brick wall behind him, his head slamming against the wall. I could hear his wheezing breathing, thanks to one of his ribs puncturing a lung.

"What the fuck?!" One of his friends yelled, tripping over themselves to escape the alleyway. I was very close to chasing every one of them down but the soft breaths of the girl in the car stopped me.

Getting back in the car, I swerved back out to the street, regretting my decision that I didn't hit him with my car.

My hands were tight over the steering wheel, my body tight, wanting to pounce. It was Bella's voice that broke me out of my violent rage.

"Is...is he—"

"He's alive," I answered shortly. Unfortunately...

I could see her nod and move to put her seatbelt on.

I had to ask to make me feel more secure, but it was hard to get the words out. "Bella did they...did they touch—-"

She quickly answered. "No. No, they didn't. Thank you, Rosalie."

I only nodded but I felt relaxed at the good news. If they so much as even laid a finger on her, I would turn around and make each of their deaths painfully.

Just like I did his.

I must've been lost in thought because the next thing I knew I felt her hand lay across my shoulder and, as a reflex, I flinched away from her touch.

"Sorry," I whispered, seeing the all so familiar sad look on her face. "Sorry, I'm fine. Just...give me a second."

"It's okay."

She must still be shaken up. Yet, she's trying to comfort me.

You're too good, Bella.

After a while, I said, "Sometimes...I have a little problem with my temper. Especially with people like that." My teeth grounded together. "Right now, it's taking everything in me to not turn around and hunt them down."

Bella didn't say anything and I quietly cursed at myself, thinking I may have ruined things before it even began.

"I should get you back to your friends," I whispered, carefully turning the car around. I had no destination in mind, only trying to get away from her attackers. Bella only nodded at my words.

It didn't take long for me to reach the restaurant; Bella gave me a questioning glare but didn't voice her thoughts. Before she left my car, I briefly touched her hand.

"Bella, um. You haven't eaten anything and you're most likely in shock," I carefully said. "So, if it's alright with you, would I be able to buy you dinner?"

I could see her cheeks flush a little and the corner of her lips slightly raise. "Yeah. You can do that, Rosalie."


Im me again. It felt like it's been ages
(I'm writing Twilight fan fiction in 2024)


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