Chapter Seven

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Once I arrived at the football game with Isabel and Adam, I followed them over to the crowded bleachers. There were a lot more people there than I expected, but I guess everyone usually goes to the homecoming game. It was also colder than I expected it to be, so luckily for me Isabel had grabbed a few blankets from her car. I gladly took a blanket from her when she offered it to me, and silently cursed out the person who invented metal bleachers. The game hadn't started yet, and all the cheerleaders were standing there waiting for the football players to make their grand entrance. They even had a huge sign for them to run through. "You can go sit with your friends if you want in the student section." Isabel mentioned as we watched all the crazy students jumping up and down to the drumline that was playing in front of them. "No thanks, I actually think I'm going to take a walk. I don't think my butt can handle these cold bleachers much longer." I replied, standing up and taking my blanket with me. I found a quiet spot to stand near the fence along the side of the football field, and watched as the football team ran onto the field, all of them jumping up and down and waving at their family and friends. Then there was Oliver. He ran onto the field after everyone else, followed by the coach. He didn't have his helmet on and he looked like he was angry. His coach didn't look very thrilled either. He grabbed the football and began throwing it back and forth with another teammate. I tried not to stare at him too long, I didn't want to look like a creeper. I felt my phone in my back pocket vibrate so I pulled it out to check who it was. It was probably just my mom making sure I'm having fun. She worries about me way too much. But it wasn't my mom, it was a message from an unknown number saying "I see you" with a smiley face. I glanced around me to see if anyone was looking at me, and that's when I saw him. Dylan was leaning up against the fence down the field, surrounded by his theater friends. He waved at me when our eyes met, and I immediately walked over to say hi. "I'm surprised to see you here, I didn't think of you as a football fan." He spoke as I approached. Everyone stopped talking and smiled back at me as I came up to them. "Hey Dani." A few of them greeted me. "Hey guys. I'm not a fan, but my sister's fiancé is, so I came with them." I spoke to Dylan. He made room for me to lean on the fence with him, and everyone else started talking about some new movie coming out, leaving Dylan and I to have our own conversation. "Oh look, there's your boyfriend." He joked, pointing over at Oliver who was now stretching. "Shut up. He's not my boyfriend." I reply, my cheeks turning red, if they weren't already from the cold. "I'm just teasing you. I like how upset you get, it's cute." He replied with another one of his charming smiles. "So, are you happy to officially be playing Sandy now?" He asked. "I guess, I just hate how I got the part. I want to play Sandy because I deserve it, not because Trina quit." I replied with a frown. "You do deserve it. You were born to play Sandy." Dylan encourages me. Dylan's eyes flashed back over to the field, where Oliver was finishing up his stretches. He was looking in our direction, but didn't wave or make any type of movement indicating that he was looking at us. He probably didn't even see me standing there. "The game is about to start, I'm going to go sit back down on the bleachers." I informed Dylan. I could feel him watching me as I made my way back over to where Isabel and Adam were sitting. The first half of the game was very interesting. I have no idea how football even works, so Adam tried explaining it to me. All I knew was that Oliver was playing really well, based on how much the crowd was cheering for him. It was finally time for halftime, so I decided to get up once more and walk around, my butt felt numb. Adam stayed on the bleachers to hold our seats while Isabel went to get us some popcorn and hot chocolates. As I was walking, I noticed the players were leaving to go back towards the school. I'm guessing they were going back to the locker room to take a break. "Hey, you came." Oliver's voice spoke from beside me. I hadn't even realized he was standing there, I was so distracted by the sound of their cleats hitting the pavement as they walked. "Yeah, I guess I did." I replied with a smile. "Are you enjoying the game?" He asked. "If I'm being honest, I don't know much about football, but my sister's fiance has been doing a good job explaining it to me." I replied, causing him to laugh. "I have to go, but I'll see you after the game?" Before I had the chance he was already walking away from me and towards the school. I don't know why he wants to see me after the game, all I know is I'm not planning on sticking around to find out. Once the game was almost over, it was clear our team was going to win, I asked Isabel and Adam if we could leave early. They were both fine with it, so I followed them back to the parking lot. Once we were inside the warm car, I felt like I could finally breathe. I knew I was officially safe from Oliver. Part of me still wondered though, why did he want to see me after the game?

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