Chapter Thirty-Six

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Isabel and Adam had to meet the inspector at the new house so I asked if I could go with them. I pretended like I just wanted to spend quality time with my family but it was actually because I needed to speak to Allie. I needed to know what she did to my Instagram and why I have almost ten thousand followers and counting. When Isabel and Adam were distracted, I snuck over to Allie's house and knocked on the front door. Her mother answered with a polite smile, and I almost didn't think she remembered who I was until she pulled me into a hug. "Dani, I am so happy you are here. I heard you kids had a blast last night." She pulls out of our embrace and steps aside to let me in. "Allie is still sleeping but Alfie is out back in the studio if you want to go say hi." I thank her and make my way outside, I don't even knock on the door before I enter. Alfie was thankfully alone and decent, but he seemed surprised to see me as he sat on the couch with a notebook in his lap. "Dani, what are you doing here?" He asks, closing the notebook and setting it on top of the glass table in front of the couch. "Allie is still asleep, but I needed to talk to her, so I guess you're the next option." I explain. He holds his hand in front of his heart. "Ouch, that hurts Dani. I thought I was your number one." He jokes, patting the spot next to him on the couch for me to sit. I glanced around the room at all the equipment, I didn't notice it before maybe because the band was rehearsing and there was so much commotion, but they had a full recording studio. "Why do I have over ten thousand followers on Instagram?" I cut straight to the point. Alfie doesn't even flinch, making me think he must know something I don't. "Probably because Jensen, Dakota, Tucker and I followed you." He casually responds. "I still don't understand." I replied. "Have you looked at the post Allie made?" He asks, pulling out his phone and opening his Instagram. "No?" I replied confusedly. "Did you look at my page? Or the guys' pages?" He questions. "No? It was almost three in the morning, I was more focused on going to bed, oh and getting yelled at by my mother because she decided to come here early and found out I snuck out." I explain. "Are you okay? I mean it's everything okay with your mom?" He asks, concerned. "Don't change the subject. Just tell me what's going on!" I protest. He pulls up his page and hands me his phone. He has over a million followers. I scroll through his feed and it's all pictures of him with his band mates. "You have a lot of followers because your dad's famous?" I ask, still confused about what is going on. He grabs his phone from my hand and scrolls to my page, then hands it back to me. "Look at the comments on your post." He orders. I begin scrolling through them. Most of the comments are from girls, all fangirling over the band. Alfie's band called TheFour. I glance up at him and all the pieces of the puzzle come together. "Oh my gosh." I stare at him in disbelief and he smiles. "I can't believe it took you this long to figure it out." He replies with a smirk. "What? That you're in a famous rock band? How was I supposed to know that?" I counter. "Well considering you don't have social media and you listen to musicals, I wasn't all that surprised that you didn't know." He responds. "You lied to me. All of you pretended like it was some big secret!" I begin to yell. He holds up his hands in defense. "It wasn't our fault you didn't know, and Allie didn't want to scare you off by telling you right away. Besides, I think she was just happy to have a friend who wasn't hanging out with her just to get to her older brother or his bandmates." Alfie explains. My temper began to decline and I thought about Allie and how hard it must be for her to make real friendships when people probably use her for her connections. "I'm sorry. I didn't think of that. I like being friends with your sister. I would never use her like that." I responded. He smiles back at me. "I know you wouldn't." We stare at each other for a few seconds, so to break the silence I reach over and grab the notebook he was previously writing in. "What's this?" I ask as I flip open to the first page. He quickly takes it from my hands and closes it. "Songs." He simply states. "You write the songs for your band?" I ask, reaching over to try and grab it from his hands. "Yes, and you can't see them. They are confidential." He replies, pulling it farther from my reach. I was practically in his lap when the door opens and Allie walks in. She stops when she sees us and glares towards her brother. "No! Absolutely not! She is my friend. I'm not going to let you come between us!" Allie shouts, walking over and pulling me out of his lap. Alfie gives her a wicked smile. "Relax, it was all innocent." He assures her, then gives me a wink. Allie rolls her eyes and as if she can tell that the cat is out of the bag, she gives me a sympathetic smile. "I'm assuming you saw how many followers you have?" She asks. I nod but don't reply. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you, I just didn't want things to be weird." She admits. "You don't need to explain yourself, I understand." I assure her. She smiles at me in relief. "Well now that you know, this summer is going to be so much fun! We can go to concerts and parties!" She replies excitedly. "What do you mean by this summer?" Alfie is quick to ask. "My sister asked me if I wanted to come stay with them for the summer." I explain. He looks happy by this news but quickly plays it off as Jensen, Tucker, and Dakota enter the room. Dakota flashes me a soft smile as he sets down his guitar case. Alfie watches the two of us as Dakota takes a seat on the couch next to me. "Why is everyone so happy?" He's quick to ask. Alfie looks annoyed by how close Dakota is sitting to me but quickly hides his emotions with a smile. "Dani is going to be staying here for the summer." Allie begins to clap! The boys smile over at me and suddenly I feel like I just jumped into a tank with a bunch of sharks and they all smell blood. I can see it on Alfie's face, he has the same thoughts.

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