Chapter Twenty-Four

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"Did you have a good weekend?" April asked as I took a seat next to them and the other pink ladies. "Yeah, it was nice." I replied with a smile, thinking about how for once since my father left, I had actually enjoyed my birthday. "Is that a new necklace?" April asked, admiring my locket. "Yeah, it was a birthday present from Oliver." I responded. "Oh my gosh? When is your birthday?" Trina spoke up excitedly. "It was Saturday." I admit. They all looked at me with confused expressions on their faces. "Why are we just finding this out now?" April asked with a small frown. "I don't usually celebrate my birthday." I replied, hoping they would leave it at that. "Why not?" Trina pried. I didn't want to tell them the real reason because it was far too personal, so I lied. "I just don't like being the center of attention." They decided to drop the subject as Mr. Conrad walked in to start rehearsal. "Boys and girls. We have only twelve days until opening night! We are down to the wire now... I need you all to be completely focused and ready for the show." He spoke as he paced back and forth across the stage. You could feel everyone's nervous energy floating around the room. I glanced over at Dylan who was sitting a few rows behind us, he looked over at me with a soft smile. Once rehearsal was done, Dylan came up to me as I gathered my things. "Do you need a ride home?" He offered as we both exited the auditorium. "Actually, that would be great." I reply, following him over to his car. My mom can't afford another car, so right now we share hers. If my mom needs the car, then I usually have Isabel or Adam drive me around when I need a ride. It's not ideal but it works. "So, are you getting excited for opening night?" Dylan asks, clearly trying to make small talk so the ride home wasn't so silent. "Yeah, excited but also a little nervous." I admit. "It's normal to be nervous. I even get nervous and I've been in shows since I was a kid." He assures me. "I find that hard to believe. You always appear so confident when you perform on stage." I replied. "It's called acting." He glances over at me and we both laugh. "So don't hate me." He spoke as we pulled up to a large brick house. It looked like nobody was home, all the lights were off inside. "Where are we?" I ask as he steps out of the car and comes around to the passenger side to open my door. "It wasn't my idea." He whispered in my ear as he led me towards the house. He slowly opened the door and as soon as we both stepped inside, the lights flashed on and everyone screamed surprise! "What is going on?" I asked as April, Trina, and a few other theater kids came running over. "We decided to throw you a last minute birthday party. Sorry if it sucks, we only had like thirty minutes to run to the store and get decorations." April explained. I glanced around at all the balloons and streamers hanging from the ceiling. It definitely didn't look like a last minute party. "The best part of it all is..." We all watched Trina as she disappeared into the kitchen and came back holding two bottles of vodka. "Oh my gosh Trina, where did you get those?" April asked her with a slight smile. "My dad has been drinking a lot because of the divorce. I doubt he will notice." She replied, opening one of the bottles and taking a swig. If I didn't know any better, I'd assume this is something she's done before. We all stared at her nervously as she handed the bottle over to April. "Oh come on, it's a party! Live a little." Trina protests as she notices the nervous energy in the room. Someone starts blasting music through the T.V in the living room as April takes a swig. She pulls away from the bottle with a sour look on her face. She then hands the bottle to me. Everyone eagerly watches me as I take the smallest sip. Drinking is not really my thing, but I'll pretend like it is. I hand the bottle to Dylan who passes it over to the next person. "Are you kidding me? You're no fun!" Trina pokes Dylan on the shoulder. "Can I steal you for a minute?" Dylan asks as Trina and April begin conversing with the rest of the party. I nod my head and follow him up the staircase into a random bedroom. There were a bunch of boxes all over the floor, I'm guessing Trina's dad hasn't had the chance to unpack everything yet. I follow him over to a bench in front of a large window in the corner of the room, and he grabs a light pink bag off the floor. "I saw this the other day and it made me think of you. When I found out it was your birthday, I asked Trina and April to stop at the store and buy it for you." He explains as I reach into the bag and pull out the most beautiful snow globe I've ever seen. It was silver and had the Eiffel Tower inside. "Oh my gosh, Dylan. This is amazing." I stared down at the snow globe and wondered how he could have managed to get me the perfect birthday present when it still feels like we don't know each other at all. But we do know each other. We are so much alike that it makes sense that he would know I would love this gift. It resembles the both of us. I tuck it back into the bag and give him a soft hug. He gently wraps his arms around me and we stay like that for a few seconds. There was something so warm and comforting about his arms wrapped around me. He finally pulls away first and it takes me a few seconds to compose myself. "We should get back down to the party." He insists. I nodded my head and followed him back downstairs where everyone was now sitting in a circle playing spin the bottle. "Dani! Come join us!" Trina yells from across the room. I shake my head no as April walks up to me from behind. Dylan was thankfully already across the room so he couldn't hear April and my conversation. "What were you two doing upstairs, alone?" She wondered out loud. I glanced over at her and she had an annoying smirk plastered across her face. "He gave me my birthday present." I tried to explain. "Isn't it such a sweet present? At first we were confused but then he explained how much you wanted to visit Paris someday. He is so thoughtful." She replies. "Yeah, he sure is." I add, making eye contact with him from across the room. He quickly looks away and begins a conversation with Justin, one of the T-birds. "I'm sorry Oliver didn't show." April apologized. I glanced over at her in confusion. "Oliver?" I asked. "Yeah, we invited him to the party but I guess he had other things to do." She informs me. I could feel the anger bubbling inside me, but I also felt sad. No, hurt. What could possibly be more important than showing up to his girlfriend's surprise birthday party? I know for a fact he doesn't have any plans tonight because he mentioned that his parents were going out of town for a few days and wanted to get together with me. I was supposed to call him after rehearsals but then I ended up here. I just don't understand why he wouldn't show. Trina walked over to me with a frown. "What's wrong?" She asked, obviously noticing my change in mood. I don't reply as I take the bottle of vodka out of her hand. I can feel Dylan's eyes on me from across the room as I place my lips to the bottle. This time, I took more than a sip. 

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