Chapter Thirty-Three

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After Isabel and Adam went to bed for the night I snuck down into the lobby and waited for Allie to arrive. A few minutes later she came strutting into the lobby all dressed up, smiling at me from ear to ear. "Dani! Please don't tell me that's what you plan on wearing tonight?" She asks, glancing over my body at my light gray sweatpants and matching sweatshirt. "What do you mean? I thought we were just going to watch movies in my room and hang out?" I defend my outfit. "That was the plan, but my uncle is the manager for the band Haywire and he scored us some tickets to their concert tonight. We better get you ready before we're late!" She walks over to the elevator and presses the button. "What floor are you on?" She patiently asks as I follow her into the metal box. "Five." I respond, looking at her sparkling tight black dress. She follows me to my room and I tell her to be quiet as we enter. Even though I wasn't sharing a room with Isabel and Adam, they were in the room next door and I didn't want to chance them hearing anything. She walks over to the bed where my suitcase was sitting and begins digging through my wardrobe. "You didn't pack anything to go out in?" She questions me. "I mostly just packed swimsuits." I admit. "We will just have to make a stop somewhere on the way and find you an outfit. Let's at least do your hair and makeup." She responds. I stand there staring at her for a few seconds before she finally asks "where's your makeup bag?" I glanced down at the floor in embarrassment. "I don't usually wear a whole lot of makeup so I didn't pack any." I admit. "Okay, that's totally fine. We will just find somewhere to get all that too." She assures me. I follow her back down to the lobby and notice a long black limo as we make our way outside. An older guy in a suit opened the door for us and Allie slid in first. Alfie and the other boys were sitting there patiently waiting when we got in. "Hey Dani. Interesting look for a concert but I like it." He winks at me and I begin to blush. "Be quiet Alfie, we're making a quick pit stop to dad's before the concert so we can fix her look." Allie responds. The boys started their own conversation and I watched out the window as we entered Beverly Hills. The houses were literal mansions, I never felt so out of place in my entire life. The boys decided to wait in the limo as Allie took me inside and brought me to her bedroom. She sat me down at her vanity and started doing my makeup. "Is your Dad home?" I asked, secretly hoping I could meet him. "No, he's on tour in Europe right now. He won't be home for months." She replies, grabbing a tube of bright red lipstick and applying it to my lips. "Has anyone ever told you that you have an amazing complexion?" She asked as she finished my makeup and started curling my hair. "It's probably because I don't wear a ton of makeup." I responded. She eyes me suspiciously then sprinkles some glitter in my hair and ties half of it up in two space buns while the lower half is left down in curls. "You look absolutely stunning. Are you naturally this blonde?" She asks, walking over to the large closet. "Yeah, I've never colored my hair before." I responded. "Well if you ever want to I'm your gal. I've dyed my hair in all sorts of colors. Blue, pink, even green!" She replies, walking back out of the closet holding a sparkly purple dress. "Put this on, I'm going to get you some heels." She hands me the dress and returns to the closet. Once I'm dressed I glance into the full length mirror, I'm practically too stunned to speak. The girl looking back at me looks like me, but somehow she also doesn't. She looks hot. Allie comes back with a pair of black pumps and smiles at me as I admire myself. "I did a good job on the makeup right? I was able to hide that hideous sunburn." She states as I put on the heels. I try not to fall as I follow her back to the limo and we get back inside. We couldn't have been gone for more than fifteen minutes. My fairy godmother worked her magic seriously quick. The boys weren't paying any attention to us until we started driving away from the house. They all looked over at me simultaneously and the car was completely silent. "I did good huh?" Allie asks as she reapplies her own lipstick. They continued to stare at me wordlessly for a few seconds then went back to their conversation without another look in my direction. I don't know whether that's a good or bad thing. They never said whether or not I looked good, and now I was starting to doubt myself. What if they couldn't find the words to say because I looked awful and they didn't want to be rude? I spent the rest of the drive staring out the window twiddling my thumbs trying to hide my nerves. We pulled up to the venue where the concert was being held and stepped out of the limo into the crowd of people lining up to get in. Allie grabbed my hand and we followed the boys up to the VIP entrance. We were each handed a lanyard to wear with our passes, and we were escorted inside to the VIP seats. The opening band was already playing as we found our seats. "Let's take a picture for Instagram!" Allie suggests, pulling out her phone. "I don't have social media." I admit. She stares at me in disbelief and looks over at Alfie who is listening to our conversation. "Where did this girl come from? She's so innocent?" She asks him sarcastically. He rolls his eyes and takes her phone from her hand. "I'll take your picture." He tells us, motioning for us to get closer together. We posed for the picture, and Alfie took a few shots. I went back to watching the band play as Allie scrolled through the photos. Once the opening band left the stage, Allie and I made a quick trip to the restroom before Haywire came on. I'm not too familiar with rock music but I know a few of their songs. I was excited, but still feeling super insecure I couldn't get it out of my head. "Everything okay?" Allie asks after taking a selfie in the mirror and washing her hands. "I don't look stupid do I?" I finally ask. She looks at me in disbelief and links her arm with mine. "Are you kidding me? You look hot! Why would you think you look stupid?" She begins to question me. "The way the boys looked at me then didn't say anything made me feel like I didn't look good." I admit. I'd never cared what boys thought before, and I still don't necessarily care what they think now, I just want to feel good about myself but that's hard to do when you lack confidence like I do. We were reproaching the boys when Allie replied "you look amazing and I'll prove it." I watched her with wide eyes as she stopped in front of them and placed her hands on her hips. "Dani wants to go get a drink but I'm so tired I just need to sit for a minute. Could one of you please escort her?" They all offered and stood at the same time. Allie looks back at me with a smirk. She walks back over to where I'm standing so the boys can't hear her as she says "take your pick." I look back over at them as they eagerly wait for me to decide who I want to come with. If I had to decide based on looks it would be Alfie no doubt. He looks like the kind of boy that just stepped out of a Hollister ad. Jensen was the lead singer of the band and had a very bubbly personality to him, but he kind of gave me player vibes. Tucker was definitely the more intimidating one. They all had tattoos but Tucker had the most, even on his hands and neck. I feel like if I brought him home to my mother she would have a heart attack. Then there was Dakota. Sweet little blonde Dakota. He looked like a golden retriever mixed with Niall Horan. He was definitely the most quiet one out of the group, and somehow I felt like I related to him the most. I point over at Dakota and he looks surprised by my choice. Allie walks back over to her seat next to Alfie and the other boys watch as Dakota follows me out of the arena to get a drink, which I don't even want but I feel like I have to get now. Neither of us spoke until we were almost back to our seats. I could feel him cautiously watching me and he quickly looked away after we made eye contact. "Sorry, I'm not usually this awkward." He finally spoke up. I'm quick to shake my head. "You're not awkward, I am." I replied. "I find that hard to believe. You seem so proud of who you are. Like earlier when you got in the limo in your sweatpants like we weren't about to go to a rock concert. I thought that was really cool." He admits. "Well in my defense I didn't know we were going to a rock concert, and if I had the clothes to change into I would have." He shakes his head and the crowd goes wild as the band Haywire enters onto the stage. "I wouldn't change a single thing about you." He replies, looking me directly in the eyes.

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