Chapter 18

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"The Grand Inquisitor has breached the walls," The Captain reported Vader. "We shall have her soon."

         "Tell the Inquisitor to stand down," Vader said.

         "My Lord?" The Captain said.

         "Y/n is already ours," Vader said.

*                         *                         *


         Swinging your saber, you swung it in circles, leading Obi-Wan closer to the edge.

         "There's no way out, Master," You said. You pounded on his saber again, causing Obi-Wan to strain. "Admit you are beaten."

         "Y/n, that's enough!" Ahsoka yelled. "You'll hurt him!"
          You yelled, before hitting Obi-Wan's saber again.


*                         *                         *

         "What is it?" Roken asked. Your vision cleared, and you saw Obi-Wan and Roken looking at you. "What's wrong?"

         "It's over," You whispered. "I'm going back."

         "You can't quit," Obi-Wan said, grabbing your shoulder. "I fought for too long. You can't just throw that away, young one. It won't make a difference. They want all of us."

         "Vader wants me," You said.

         "If you surrender," Roken said. "She died for nothing. He'll keep coming."

         "That's why I have to stop him," You said.

         "You're going to fight him?" Haja asked, walking towards you. "Fight your old love?"
          "Will everyone stop calling him my love?" You said. "He is not my love! He expects me to surrender. He knows I'll do everything I can to protect these people."       

         "You'll be on your own," Haja said.

         "No," You said. You turned to Obi-Wan. "Look out for her, will you?" You gave him your lightsaber, daggers, and other weapons.

         "You gonna tell me how you're gonna fight without weapons?" Roken asked. You smiled at him.

         "There are other ways to fight," You said.

         You walked out to the troopers, holding your hands up.

         "Seize her!" The trooper said, grabbing your hands and handcuffing you.

         The troopers led you out of the facility, and you saw Reva pacing. She stopped, alarmed when she saw you.

         "Inform Lord Vader," Reva said, a smile building on her face. "Y/n Tano, is ours."

         The troopers took the cuffs off you, and Reva walked towards you.

         "He's on his way," She said. "Welcome back, Jen'jidai."

         "You're not bringing him to me," You whispered. "I'm bringing him to you."

         Her wicked smile faded.

         "This isn't over yet," You said. Reva's eyes glistened. "There are families back there. Children. Are you gonna let him do it again, what we did to you?"

         Reva looked up and around, before back at you.

         "We could end this together," You said.

         "What makes you think," Reva whispered. "He won't see it coming?" She tilted her head at you.

         "Because all he'll see is me," You said. Reva spun around on her heels, walking away. The troopers came back and guarded you.

         They led you inside the bombed facility, closing the doors. As soon as they did, you knocked them out, and you could feel Vader's presence coming closer.

         "Gonna miss our little talks," You muttered, before running.

         You heard the doors behind you open, and Vader's breathing. You ran harder.

         The doors to the facility opened, leading you to Obi-Wan, who instantly ran to you.

         "You're okay!" He said.

         "Of course," You said. "What kind of Jen'jidai do you think I am?"
          "Everything's all set," Obi-Wan said. "Leia!"

         You turned around, to see Leia climbing down the ladder. You and Obi-Wan ran to her. She fell into your guy's arms.

         "Well done," You said.

         "Where's Tala?" She asked. Your heart sank.

         "Come on," Obi-Wan said. "We need to get to the transport."

         Without arguing, Leia allowed you to pull her to the transport.

         You watched as Vader pulled down the transport distraction, bringing it to the ground and destroying it, yelling your name.

         You smirked as the real transport took off, leaving Vader yelling.

*                         *                         *

         Vader felt Reva's presence behind him. Hatred is all he felt of her.

         He remained calm, as she approached closer. She yelled, drawing your lightsaber and about cut Vader's head off, but he stopped her, using the Force to hold her up.

         She groaned in frustration.

         He slowly turned around.

         "She was wise to use you against me," Vader said. She screamed in agony, as Vader pushed her back with one swift movement of his hand. Reva charged, but every swing she did to hit Vader, he would block it with the force, holding her back. She made her saber double-sided, making it spin in rapid circles.

         She yelled, as Vader pushed her back, walking calmly.

         He used to Force to pull the sabers from her hands, and split them into two. He turned one off, tossing it to her at the ground. She picked it up, and charged.

         Reva could not defeat Vader. Vader was too powerful with the training Y/n taught him. Vader knocked Reva to the ground, grabbing her lightsaber with the Force. An old trick Y/n taught him.

         As he walked closer, he could feel the fear Reva had. He could read the images in her mind, of him and Y/n destroying the young Padawans.

         Vader stabbed Reva in the stomach, making her groan with pain.

         As he took out the saber, Reva fell to the ground, groaning.

         "Did you really believe I did not see it, youngling?" Vader asked. "You are of no further use."

         The Inquisitor that Reva thought she killed came marching into the room.

         "Hello, Third Sister," He said, a sinister grin on his face. "Revenge does wonders for the will to live, don't you think? Your rage was useful."

         He walked to her, kneeling down in front of her.

         "Now it is tiresome," He removed the badge from her shoulder. "We will leave you where we found you. In the gutter, where you belong."

         He stood back up, marching away. Vader lingered by Reva for a moment more, before spinning around and marching away.

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