Chapter 8

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Open skies

(As a band of yellow glows on the horizon, bahamut and Toothless thunder through the sky, searching high and low. They spot two shadows,dimly cast against passing clouds, and doubles back, only torealize that they are their own. Toothless blasts a fireball, frustrated,and flaps along listlessly with bahamut, tired and discouraged.At length, they banks and turn around, defeated. Heads hunglow, they glide through a blanket of cloud. Their ear plates twitch at the sound of a distant explosions. They twist their heads around and light up, hopeful. They look around, twitching their plates, desperate for any signof the Light Fury and the night fury. Detecting something, they turns to their sides.The Light Fury and the night fury materialize, head to tail, out of thin air -- their mirror-like scales cooling in the wind.Toothless and bahamut exclaim, ecstatic, toothless showing off his new tail. Shepeels off, coyly. Toothless gives chase, determined not tolose her again with bahamut chasing the night fury. They looks at toothless and bahamut before blasting a balls of fire and flyingthrough it, as if to say, "Watch! I'll teach you". Toothless and bahamut chases them into the fiery funnel, close on their tail. When they emerge from it, the females are gone -- once again disappeared. Bahamut and Toothless look every which way, then spots them far above,heaving their wings into a storm cloud. bahamut and Toothless jackknifesskyward and pours on the speed, catching up in the flashingthunderhead.As lightning crackles all around, Toothless tries toreplicate the Light Fury's cloaking ability. He blasts afireball and flies through it. He looks at himself as heemerges -- he was slightly invisible and he smiles at her. Bahamut tries to do the same but again nothing happens. The night fury shows bahamut again, firinganother blast and diving through it, disappearing with grace.She reappears moments later by his side, chortling: "Tryharder. You can do it."Brow furrowed in determination, bahamut inhales deeply andblasts a larger fireball. He dives through it, but once againemerges unchanged. Bahamut is embarrassed; he so clearlywants to impress her. He 'blushes' glowing blue and roars infrustration. Toothless looks at him while growling encouragements. Suddenly, his rage draws the surrounding electricity of thethunderhead. Lightning bolts strike him from every direction,producing a blinding flash. As it dissipates, he's gone. The Night Fury looks around, concerned with toothless and the light fury doing the same. She calls out.Nothing. Then, as their panic sets in, bahamut reappears inthe distance, his own scales cooling off. He spirals, dizzyand dazed. The dragons race to him, elated, exclaiming,"You did it!" The night fury bolsters him as he smiles, groggy butproud, clearly sapped by the jolting experience.Together, they pierce the top of the thunderhead, rotatingaround one another, face to face. They reach their apex andcease flapping, slowing to a halt against a crescent moon. Bahamut leans in, nuzzling her, nose to nose, while theyhang momentarily. He steals a kiss -- a quick lick. With toothless doing the same little farther away from them. Her eyes flare, surprised by his cheekiness, as she fallsbackward into an inverted swan-dive, wings outstretched. Bahamut mirrors her. Their silhouettes peel apart againstthe pale moon as they spiral into a free fall, sounding outin glee.As layers of cloud pass them by, the Night Fury gracefullyarcs over the water. Bahamut glides beside her, beaming adopey, gummy smile. She extends her wing tip to touch hisown. They glide, side by side, hand in hand. He coos,reveling in the moment.She steers bahamut toward a distant column of mist, risinginto the night. They climb, higher and higher as the curioussight takes on definition.Through the column of mist, bahamut spies what appears tobe a gargantuan hole in the sea. Immense waterfalls form a near perfect circle, roaring thunderously into a chasm of epicproportion. It appears to be a mile wide, maybe more.As bahamut and Toothless who arrived with the light fury squints, perplexed, the Light Fury and the night fury turn to them,uttering softly: "Our home." Bahamut stares at them, nodding inunderstanding. He gurgles back: "Take us there."She grabs hold of his talons, surprising bahamut. Togetherthey tumble through the air like fighting eagles, dizzilyplunging into the mist of the vast hole... and disappearinginto its mysterious depths)

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