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Quinn couldn't help but being scared of herself. Before the police could come, she ran away and finally came to the animal clinic, Deaton stood before her, she was obviously in shock of her capacities that she had only discovered. 

"Deaton... I need help. Your help."

After seeing her in such distress, he made her come inside and sat on the table.

"I barely touched her, she already had burns, her skin had melted, it was horrible, the smell of burned skin... " she said looking right if front of her recalling what happened only moments before, still disgusted of what she had done.

"You only need to control it, but in order to do that, you need to embrace the fire that's inside of you, you need to believe in it. You can't be afraid of it or else..."

"Or else... what ?" she asked already scared of what he could say.

"Or else you're going to destroy yourself, and everyone around you, Quinn."


"What the hell is happening to this kid ?" asked Stiles talking about Brett on the table of the clinic, he was already tired because of the game that took place earlier.

"He's been poisoned by a rare wolfsbane." answered Deaton while Stiles Derek and Quinn were trying to make Brett stay still, which was something really complicated since he had spasms. "I need to make an incision and you need to hold him as still as possible."

"Hey Quinn how about a little spell to make him still ?" asked the human in a sarcastic tone.

"It doesn't work like this ! How about Derek and his werewolf strength" she answered almost angrily still trying to maintain his legs but being more unsuccessful than her friends.

"Yeah I am not the only one here with werewolf strength." he backfired, Quinn was opening her mouth to continue to argue but Deaton stopped her.

"If you can't hold him still the incision might kill him."

She heard Stiles slipping and Brett pushed everyone out of his way starting with the blonde feeling a kick on her stomach, which resulted in Quinn hurting the wall, a wall that she partially burned with her bare skin, but Brett was put down by a punch across his face as he tried to escape from the clinic.

"I guess I still have a little werewolf strength myself." a mysterious man in his 30s said coming in the clinic, he had some features that resembled Derek's.

"Okay thanks but who the hell is this guy ?" asked Quinn lifting herself and leaning on the wall.

"My uncle Peter, the Alpha that bit Scott and Lydia, I killed him but he came back to life, we don't like him."

"Okay reassuring." she said before going a little bit further away from Peter.

"Hey Doc, I don't think he's breathing" informed Stiles before Alan Deaton ran to Brett and opened his chest from which escaped some yellow gaz, wolfsbane. 

"Guys, can you hear that ?" Started Quinn.

"I think he's saying something" Finished Stiles while he frowned and got closer to her what he was saying.

"The sun, the moon, the truth. Three things cannot long be hidden. The sun, the moon, the truth." murmured Brett still out of consciousness.

"It's Buddhist." Informed the veterinarian.

"Satomi." Finally said Peter.


"Sorry Guys, Liam skipped my class, maybe he's sick..." Said the Coach with a somehow depressed voice. "Like me." Quinn looked at him a bit sadly and made the boys leave the office so, he could be alone a little time.

"He didn't look sick on our run." stated Mason

"He's not getting back to any of my texts." said Scott

"Okay usually I would say that he lost his phone but thats weird, it's Liam, he's never without it." The bell rang and Scott told Mason to text him if he found Liam. But before Quinn followed Mason, she stayed with Scott, he had a call from Liam's cellphone, but it wasn't him on the phone.

"Where is he ?" Asked Stiles with an almost paternal and worried tone.

Quinn didn't hear what they said after, but Scott came and explained it to her.

"He wants the money, and Violet."

"How convenient we don't have Violet, or that amount of money." 

"Let me take care of this okay ?" he said before running 

"But Scott !" She yelled for nothing, he was already gone, so she decided to go to class.


Her room hadn't changed much, expect the fact that there was a bucket of water and incense on the top of it, she wanted to try and use her fire, but she was cautious and didn't want to burn down the house. She closed her eyes for a long time, focusing on her breath, and trying to create a flame. It wasn't simple, but she finally succeeded, visualizing the flame. The first one was in her hand, but the others went to the bucket, sign that she was getting closer every time. Finally exhausted, she lighted the incense, while humming the scent, making her go in her own head.

She came back into the old library, the smell of the books was relaxing, this time there was a table, so she came to the old book and picked it up.

natus ad flammas, flammas compesce tuae

Quinn kept saying this while she looked around her. Books. If she's in her head she can do whatever she wants. So she grabbed one and though of what deaton had said to her earlier. "You have to believe in it". Maybe that works for everything in the supernatural world. So she imagined it, a latin dictionary. After a while in her head, she translated the latin phrase into a french one. One she could understand since she lived there for a long time.

Née des flammes tu as été, les flammes tu devras contrôler.

She smiled a little because she understood. But finding the meaning behind this was way more complicated than she thought, she tried to concentrate but something was calling her. She backed away from the book and followed what was calling her, it drove her to a little necklace that was floating, she looked at it and touched it. Once she did that, she woke up, the incense had finished to burn, and when she put her hand on her chest, the necklace was here. A bright and light diamond blue pendant, with written on the back, the latin formula. She could manage to transfer things from her head to reality.

𝐥𝐞𝐭 𝐢𝐭 𝐛𝐮𝐫𝐧 - 𝐨𝐜 𝐱 𝐭.𝐫Where stories live. Discover now