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"Power. The ability to control things. This metal has no power." declared Mr. Douglas. "It's small, weak, insignificant. Is there anything we can do to change that ?" he asked before the half chameleon raised his hand. "Corey what you got ?"

"We can add electricity."

"Exactly." the teacher smiled and went behind his desk. "We turn this metal rod... into a magnet. Now it has power. Now it has influence, over others." he said showing a sphere and making it move inside a bowl thanks to the magnet. As the ball got faster, the teacher started to cough.

"Are you okay Mr. Douglas ?" asked Hayden while all the students were a little worried.

"Just a little cough. Where were we... uh. Right. Now we have electricity, and a little bit of power. Let's add a little more." he said while trafficking something to get the power higher. "After all, the greater the power, the greater the control." he said before coughing again and finally taking a sip of water. All the supernatural teens in the classroom were looking at each other until he came back for the experiment. "Imagine how powerful this rod could be with boundless electricity. Say, from a lightning bold ? What else could we control ?" he said before increasing the power and coughing again but this time he went outside the classroom.


Their phone chimed, Quinn looked at hers before putting her top on. A party, she smiled a little when she heard one of the girls smash her locker.

"Where is it ?" she frowned and look at the girl while Hayden went to see. "Who took all of her stuff ?"

"What's wrong Gwen ?"

"Someone took all of her stuff." declared the girl.

"Whose stuff ?" asked Quinn joining Hayden even if she wasn't completely dressed. She didn't practice for soccer but for cheerleading. It was one of her ways to pass time.

"Phoebe, my sister. She's been on your team for two years."

"I don't remember her."

"You don't remember her ? The school doesn't remember her. No one remembers her." said Gwen before leaving the locker rooms.

"Fuck." said Quinn looking at her and knowing it was something related to the Ghost Riders.


Quinn and Hayden walked into the library to finally found Gwen looking in some sort of a yearbook. The blonde leaned on a bookshelf while Hayden was in front of Gwen.

"What are you lookin' for ?" asked the Chimera.

"Anything. Anything to prove that Phoebe's real."

"Hey." said the blonde closing the book Gwen was holding. "We believe you."

"No you don't."

"That was hers, wasn't it ?" asked Hayden showing a bracelet. "What happened ?"

"We just went to bed like any other normal night. I got up to get some water, and I thought I saw this man standing in our front yard. When I looked again there was no one there, but this morning my sister was gone and her room it was completely empty. I can't reach my mom and I tried to call Phoebe's phone but the line's been disconnected. And no one believes that she exists. The cops, the school they're all saying there's no record of her. And everyone's looking at me like I'm crazy." she got her bracelet off and showed it. "I made this for Phoebe, for her birthday. Mom forgot to buy her anything, she travels so much. This is the only thing i have left."

"The man in your yard. What did he look like ?" asked the witch.

"He had a black hat, a long coat, uh... couldn't see his face." she said before a guy shushed the girls, so Hayden took them a little further from the tables.

𝐥𝐞𝐭 𝐢𝐭 𝐛𝐮𝐫𝐧 - 𝐨𝐜 𝐱 𝐭.𝐫Where stories live. Discover now