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"Quinn, what a nice surprise. I didn't think you were coming again."

"Me neither."

"What changed your mind ?"

"I don't know. I felt bad."

"And you came to me ? I see your friends still don't know."

"No. They don't."

"I think it's your fear of abandonment. You think telling them will make them see you as unreliable. Do you still have hallucinations ?"

"Only at night."

"That's an improvement. A month ago they were during the day. Is it between phases of sleep ?"

"Before I go to bed. And when I wake up in the middle of the night."

"What do you see ?"

"My dad, my friend, and me. As we were living a perfect family life. That's why I know it's an illusion. We never were the 'perfect' kind. I also know that I get jealous. I mean almost all of my friends are in a relationship, and I know it doesn't define me, but maybe I'm not good enough."

"Quinn Evans, you put too much pressure on yourself. You're not less human than I am. Try and remember that."


When Quinn got out of her psychiatrist she got back to the school, she stumbled on Liam and Hayden. She didn't even look at them.


"Quinn ? Are you okay ?"

"Oh Hayden. Of course. Why ?"

"You don't look okay." added Liam.

"I am."

"Good, because we're going to need you."

"And don't ask questions." added the ex chimera taking her wrist and taking her on the road.


"Almost there, last chance to bail." said Hayden.

"Bail on what ?"

"Didn't we say 'no questions' ?" added Liam. "If we're gonna stand a chance, we have to do something drastic."

"Why am I always someone's child." mumbled the blonde.

"There's drastic and there's this."

"I know it's not the perfect plan." added Liam while Quinn tried not to look around, she didn't like the tunnels, not after what happened the last semester, when everything started to fall apart around her. "But we need the bad part of the plan to make the good part work."

"You think she knows it's a bad plan ?"

"I don't know anything." started Quinn before seeing Kira's mother. "Oh not me, her. Act like I wasn't here, please." she whispered.

"Anyone would know this is a bad plan." she said before taking the sword out. "Which is why I have to ask you one more time, are you sure you don't wanna change your minds ?"

"We don't know what else to do." said Liam before going towards her. "It's like the Ghost Riders are unstoppable."

"They are unstoppable. They've been riding the storm and taking souls since long before I was born."

"You don't look that old to me." said Quinn smiling to the 900 years old Kitsune.

"Yeah, we won't survive them, not without your help."

"Kira entrusted me with her sword while she's with the Skinwalkers. And now I'm trusting you because I believe she would want me to. Do not mistake this for me agreeing with your decision."

𝐥𝐞𝐭 𝐢𝐭 𝐛𝐮𝐫𝐧 - 𝐨𝐜 𝐱 𝐭.𝐫Where stories live. Discover now