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chapter twenty-one, benched

THE WHOLE TEAM was practicing for the big game. Luis was working on his stopping while the rest were crawling on the ice. The only one not there was Cassidy Conway. Coach had noticed that she'd been zoning out a lot and when he asked her about it, she couldn't just lie to him so she told him that her head was bothering her. Bombay told her that it was best she gets more rest because it looked like she was low on iron. So now, midway through warm up, the team heard a door fly open.

Cass walked out of the changing rooms, in her gear and had a grin on her face.
"Hey guys!"

"Nice of you to join us, Frankenstein!" Dean replied with a snicker, making Dakota punch his arm. "Ow, Dakota."

"I'm sorry I'm late, I had to get a good rest so I can practice well today." She smiled as she slips on her helmet and skates towards her friends. They let out words to let her know that they understand.

"Anyways, what are we doing?" She asked them, scanning the crowd for a certain blond boy with blue eyes.

"Crawling on the floor." Averman shrugged.

"Hey! Frankenstein, it's nice to see you here. Get a good rest?" Bombay asked as he came back from his water break. He puts a hand on her shoulder and Cassidy nods her head.

"Yeah, just fine. What are we practicing?"

"Well, I was wondering if you want to work on stuff privately while everyone else practices? Maybe, your aim, or your shots, passes?" Bombay suggests, Cass puts a finger on her chin like she was thinking.

"Sure." She shrugged as everyone got back to work.

After all the hard work they had put in their practices, it was time to head out and have some fun. Cass stayed behind because she knew that Adam was hiding something from her so she wanted to find out what it was.

"Banks, let's go!" Dean yelled for him as Adam came out of the showers.

"Yeah, I'll be right there." He responded as he looked around to see if anyone was there. Then, he sat down on a chair and started rotating his wrist.

"I knew something was wrong." Cass spoke up from behind him. Adam jumps in his seat and turns around.

"Cass." He breathes out but then quickly looked down at his wrist. "It's just a little sore. I can still play."

"That's not true and you know it, Adam banks!" She scolded, her arms crossed. "Why would you hide it from me anyways?"

"Yeah, well if you appreciate hockey more than I do then you would understand! Some people just risk everything just to do what they love, okay?" Adam snapped at her.

"Yeah, so you risk everything to the point where you're permanently injured and can't play the sport you love? It doesn't make sense!" Cass snapped back.

There was a moment of silence until Cass thought of something that would probably make Adam mad at her but it was probably for the best.

"I'm tell Coach Bombay." She said before walking away. She heard him scoff and mutter curse words under his breath as she went to get their coach.

"Now just think how you'd play with two good wrists." Coach Bombay spoke, walking inside the room with Cass beside him.

"Coach." Adam frowned and then sent a glare to Cass. "It's just a little sore. I'm okay."

"I should have spotted this sooner. Sorry man, I wasn't doing my job." Bombay said as he walked towards Adam.

"Coach, I'm fine. I can play, I swear." Adam lied, Cass stares at him with a frown. He could barely swing at the puck and he thinks he could play?

"Okay." Coach sighed and then went over to grab a hockey stick from someone's cubby. "Here, let's find out."

Adam felt a wave of panic when Bombay handed him the stick. When he tried grabbing it with his good hand, Bombay had told him to switch.

"Now rotate it."

Adam tried his hardest to rotate the stick and but he just couldn't. Out of frustration, he dropped the hockey stick to the floor and looked away.

"I have to bench you."

"No! You can't do that." Adam quickly defends.

"Adam, you can get permanently injured." Cassidy tried to tell him.

"No, you can't bench me. I gotta play. All the scouts are here watching me. This is my shot."

Bombay looked over to Cass.
"Can you give us to minute to talk Cass?"  He asked her, Cassidy was hesitant but the. nodded her head, going out of the room.

what has she done.

𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌 𝐎𝐍 𝐈𝐂𝐄  , adam banksWhere stories live. Discover now