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chapter one

chapter one

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CURRENTLY, THE AVENGERS ARE ON THE QUINJET HEADING OUT OF SOKOVIA. They had gone to collect Lokis scepter from Struckers Hydra base when they had encountered two enhanced individuals.

The team took a hit after Clint had been shot, Bruce had a code green and Tony had his
mind manipulated.

Suddenly Natasha sits in-front Bruce who moves his opera playing earphones to his shoulder and looks at the women softly. "Hey, the lullaby worked better than ever." the red haired women spoke with a soft smile.

Bruce shook his head softly the guilt settling in, "Just wasn't expecting a code green." looking down at his lap then looking into the woman's green eyes.

"If you hadn't of been there, there would've been double the casualties." She said trying to reassure him.

She nodded over to Clint lying on the table, "My best friend would of been a treasured memory."

Bruce looked at her softly, "You know, sometimes exactly what i want to hear isn't exactly want i wanna hear." he said leaning is hand on his leg.

Natasha looked at him sadly "How long before you trust me." Gazing into his face.

"It's not you i don't trust." He spoke shaking his head softly again. Natasha spoke loudly, "Thor, report on the hulk."

Thor put his hand on his hip and began talking proudly, "The gates of hell are filled with the screams if his victims." his smile growing. Natasha looked over glaring at him while Banner just put his head in his hands groaning in despair.

Thor realised what he'd done and quickly tried to change round what he had just said, " But not the screams of the dead, of course. No, no, wounded screams." he spoke digging himself into a bigger hole.

"Mainly whimpering, a great deal of complaining and tales of sprained deltoids and gout." Thor rambled nervously.

Clint's phone had begun ringing from his pocket and he swiftly answered the call without reading the caller ID knowing who it was. "Clint, Omg are you hurt what happened." A worried voice spoke through the phone.

Clint groaned putting the phone on speaking, "Yes Juliette i'm fine just a little knock to the ribs." he said trying to mask the pain he was feeling for the girl he thought of as his daughter.

Juliette rambled on through the phone, "Are you sure, because Nat texted me and she said it was a little more than a knock to the ribs." you could hear the stress in the young girls voice.

Clint groaned at glared at the red head. "Really Romanoff why would you tell her that." he said holding his wound. Natasha looked over and smirked at him, "I would never lie to my favourite girl."

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