004. first meeting

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chapter four

📍salvage yard, African coast

Juliette's first mission since she got injured was with the Avengers so she had never been happier that her injury had happened, although she still did wish she had gotten that agent's number.

"But I always say, 'keep your friends rich and your enemies rich and find out which is which'" Ultron's robotic voice spoke, Klaue and His friend looked at the artificial life source wide-eyed.

"Stark." Klaue hissed at ultron. Wanda and Pietro stood together looking between the two arguing. What did he mean, stark?

Ultron tilted his head at the man, "What." he demanded looking down at Klaue, "Tony Stark used to say that to me, You one of his." He hissed walking closer to the metal man.

"What?" Ultron grunted grabbing Klaue by his arm. "I'm not." before Klaues man grabbed his gun ready to open fire.

Wanda saw this motion and quickly fired back using her powers to disarm the man.

Ultron glared at the man he was holding, "You think I'm one of Stark's puppets, his hollow men? I mean look at me." He snapped looking down at himself and then back at Klaue.

"Do I look like Iron Man? Stark is nothing—" Ultron bellowed before chopping the man's arm off.

Wanda and Pietro looked over scared and shocked. Ultron realized what he had done and began apologizing.

"I'm sorry. Um- Oh! I'm sure that's gonna be okay. I'm sorry." He mocked holding his arms out trying to calm the man. "It's just I don't understand." He shook his head, "Don't compare me with Stark!" Ultron snapped kicking the man in the face.

Klaue groaned and fell down the stairs near him. Ultron began ranting about how much he hates Stark, "It's a thing with me. Stark is, he's a sickness!" Ultron complained wailing his arms around.

"Ah, Junior." Ultron heard a familiar voice and turned around to see the Avengers and Tony landing in his suit, "You're gonna break your old man's heart."

Ultron, Wanda, and Pietro all turn around at this sound facing the team, "If I have to." Ultron spoke. Juliette spotted a glance at the teens behind Ultron, They looked fierce but you could see the glisten of anxiousness in their eyes.

"Nobody has to break anything," Thor stated trying to defuse the tension as Ultron and his followers walked closer, "Clearly you've never made an omelet," Ultron's sarcastic voice spoke.

"He beat me by one second," Tony mumbled looking back at Thor who just gave him a funny look.

Pietro began walking forward next to Ultron, "Ah, this is funny. Mr Stark, It's what? Comfortable?" He questioned looking back at his sister.

hot accent— wait no.

Pietro looked down at the bombs, "Like old times?" He asked trying to get a reaction out of Stark.

Tony followed his eyeline towards the bombs, "This was never my life." he sighed. Juliette looked down towards the bombs, what had Tony done?

Steve walked forward and spoke up looking at the twins, "You two can still walk away from this." He begged, Steve didn't want the two getting hurt.

Wanda just laughed scrunching her eyebrows, "Oh, we will." She smirked. The girl was wearing her curly brown hair in a high ponytail, She had dark makeup.

Wanda had two necklaces one that matched the redness of her dress and the other black which matched her leather jacket.

"I know you've suffered." Steve tried to win them over.

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