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I was rudely awoken by JJ stumbling around the room from the shower. Wet hair and only in his towel. John B peered in as he was checking on us.

"Dude! Come on, man. Get outta here." jj threw a can at him. JB just laughs and leaves closing the door.

"you woke me up asshole." i said as i buried my head into the pillow to get rid  of the light. "i don't appreciate it."

"Sorry princess." i could hear the smirk in his voice.

"Ugh." i pulled my head put sitting up as i felt the bed sink next to me. Looking over to see him still in his towel. "get dressed weirdo." i laughed as i got up.

"yeah, yeah. You don't, you look hot in my clothes." he smirked as i rolled my eyes leaving him to get ready.

I went over and sat on the sofa bed with kie still tired from last night.

"you alright?" i asked as i slumped down practicality on top of her.

"i was before you crushed me." she laughed as i moved over to the side laughing aswell.

JJ came out of the room looking at me and kie as he made his way to get a beer before heading out to pope on the porch. "Where's JB?" he asked looking around.

"He has a DCS meeting in like two minutes." i replied getting up the get changed.

After a bit john b came back we hung out at the beach having a good time before everyone was dropped off but i decided to just grab my board and shark and stay at john bs when i saw a text from my dad saying it was okay and to stay safe.

Hurricane Agatha. What a bitch. Kind of a blessing though, means JB can have more time to think of an excuse for DCS. I was hoping the whole time that our house would stay standing. It's not the sturdiest building ever but it hold me and dad so. Thankfully shark was good when i got him from the neighbour. she's a lovely lady, lonely and old, doesn't live with anyone so she is always fine to take care of shark when we need it. usually he just rides with me. I got him like two years ago when i started volunteering at the dog shelter in the school breaks. He was a puppy and honestly so cute, still is. Boarder collie, cutest thing the world ever did see. All the crew love him, he jumps into bed with me and jj when we stay at the château and in my bed at home.

"Come on aj! Grab your board!" Pope and jb where running out the doors, yelling at me as i sat with shark, a hoodie over my bikini.

"We're swimming in that?!" i asked getting up putting my shoes on.

"Hell yeah!" JB yelled from the door already attaching his and popes boards on top of the car.

"i mean sure. Hey buddy stay here ok?" he simply just looked up at me and closed his eyes. i made sure both doors were fully shut before walking out.

"He'll be fine" JB assured, looked at me in the passenger seat. "he's used to the hurricanes by now."

"i know, still worry though." i laugh nervously.

We made it to the beach and it was, thunder, lighting, north wind blow. The waves were massive.

We had our boards under our arms, i shivered at the thought of how cold that water was right now.

"Its a double overhead out there, bro." JB laughed.

"Double overhead?" Pope asked sounding nervous. Rightly so, as we saw lighting over the waves. "Those aren't surfable waves guys."

John B laughed. "Says who?" i laughed as me and JB ran along the beach completely ignoring the 'BEACH CLOSED' sign, who listens to those anyways.

We swam out into the sea and i was right. it was, freezing. But we move. Me and JB caught the same wave, but he fell off straight away as i laughed at him riding it in.

We kept going for a while, Pope deciding to stay at a safe distance at the beach. As we stopped, i heard JB, "What the hell?"

"What?" i looked over

"There's a boat." he pointed over to where he was looking. Sure enough there was a boat out there getting absolutely battered by the waves.

"Why is there a boat in a hurricane?" i asked dumbfounded, "it looks like a good one too."

"I don't know, lets head back in" We paddled back in to pope, running back to the twinkie to go home.

As we got there JJ was already passed out on the couch, with shark next to him, so i decided to join him after i had showered and fed shark some treats for staying in the house and not moving.

As i got under the blankets i tensed as i heard thunder and all the power turning off, im not scared of storms im just worried what will happen with the consequences of them.

JJ opened his eyes looking at me. "Hey. It's okay." he pulled me closer, my head on his chest as shark jumped up and lay on the end of the bed.

I just hummed at him and closed my eyes, quickly falling asleep to the rhythm of his heart.

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