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"His name is Keisuke, Y/n this is Keisuke." Your mother spoke to you, pointing at the 6 year old Keisuke Baji infront of you, who indeed looked as confused as you.

"he'll be staying with us for the summer, so I hope you are nice to him, alright darling?" she continued while gently pulling you to the front, stopping you from hiding behind her legs.

"No! I don't like boys!"

You squealed giving off a huge frown towards a shocked, and rather pissed off keisuke.

"Well I don't like witches! So I don't want to stay with you either!"

He stuck out his tounge, earning a small clap on the back of his head from his mother. "Don't speak like this Keisuke, I didn't raise you like that did I? Go on, apologize to her." the black haired women sweetly spoke, giving a small smile towards your face, which slowly started lightning up.

Well that was until Keisuke bowed and apologized to you, confused by the fact on why he was bowing you couldn't help but laugh at this, he just called you a witch and now he's bowing to you like you are a princess. "I thought I was a witch! All of a sudden you bow to me like a princess you make no sense Kei!"

Before he was able to respond in any way, both of the mothers began to laugh too, in return causing keisuke to be extremely flustered. God why do they have to embarrass him like this, especially infront of you, who he has to hang out with the entire summer.

Okay, maybe it wasn't as embarrassing as he thought, after all two weeks later both of you had already forgotten this stupid incident anyways. Your mother might have had a great idea by inviting him over, as now you finally had a bestfriend. Not only that, he was super cool, and super strong! Apparently it was from training in a dojo back in his hometown, which he oddly mentioned alot. Like really alot.

"Did you know, that I once-"

"shut uuup Keisuke!" you groaned loudly causing keisuke to frown once again, your mother watching the two of you while laughing rather loudly.



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Or so everyone thought.

Summer 2003, and no one showed up for you. It was already late in August. Usually you, Keisuke and your new friend Kazutora would currently be sitting ontop of your roof, eating some ice-cream your mother bought the three of you, while occasionally making fun of Keisuke for absolutely no reason.

However, nothing. This year no one even called you. Both ignored you for several weeks, and apparently they don't plan on spending the rest of the summer here either way.

To say you were dissapointed wasn't really an overexaggeration, you were feeling betrayed, by the fact he chose his stupid dojo friends over you. Everytime Keisuke told you storys about some girl named Emma, some guy named Mikey aswell as Haruchiyo, you couldn't help but feel deep jealousy for them. You only saw him two months a year, while they had him there for 10! They were able to celebrate his birthday with him, celebrate Christmas with him and even Easter! And now he ditched you? For them?

What made this entire situation worse, was the fact that you told yourself it would only be this summer anyways, he would definitely come the next year again, he'd never dare to ditch his bestfriend for over two years would he?

Well turns out, he would. It's been two years without any type of contact. His mother and your mother still talked but Kei ignored you completely, your birthday cards for him, even his present! You send it all the way over to Japan just to be ignored? That was just rude painfully rude. This definitely wasn't your bestfriend anymore. Keisuke Baji is the type of person that sneaks into your room at 3 am to annoy you, because in secret he didn't want to be alone. Not the idiot to pretend like you never existed?

Kazutora on the other hand was always confusing to you, he was a quiet and reserved child, his home life clearly wasn't going all to well, or that's what your mother noticed as she always tried her best to make these two months the best summer he could imagine, you were too young to fully understand what was going on or why he was the way he is, in the end he also wasn't here.

To be honest you missed Keisuke alot more than Kazutora, but you only knew him for what, two years? It's normal to think that way, it really isn't anything more is it?

In conclusion, Keisuke is a complete butthead, and realizing that 2002 was probably the last summer ever spent with him was a painful experience. Which doesn't mean you didn't overcome this painful feelings, after all its been two years, you can't hold onto this silly childhood friendship forever.

So you both grew older, without eachother by their side, without a clear explanation from anyone. Both of you know that meeting one another now, neither of you would probably recognize the other. You outgrew eachother, and that's okay. You shouldn't hold onto that for too long anyway, it was just a silly childhood friendship.

This would've been the end, if not suddenly on the second week of summer break, an unfamiliar car parked outside, revealing a black haired girl from the back seat. To your suprise, your mom apparently knew about this as she made her way to the unfamiliar women.

You were sitting in your room, staring out the window, probably more confused than ever, watching your mother talk to this girl you've never seen before. You know how it looks when a mother sees your friends and starts talking about how much they've grown? Yes, that is the current sight.

As confusing as it was it didn't really bother you, you never saw this black haired girl before, and neither did your little sister who was hiding behind your mother, similar to you when you were younger.

You sadly weren't able to drown in memories for long, as you finally realized who the long black haired girl, or better said guy was.


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