Aspects Of You

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Dinner was unusually quiet. No one really talked except for your little sister, which your Mother noticed as being quite unusual.

"So... What did you two do the entire day?" Your mother asked you two, as Keisuke and you just stared at eachother in silence trying to find a good excuse.

"We called Kazutora!" you quickly spoke, making Baji sugh in annoyance. He knew that you didn't know about the fact Kazu was in jail, however, your mother knew.

"Oh you two did? And, what did you three talk about? The debate team he joined In middle school?" she asked, giving you no hint on the fact that she was testing you while Keisuke tried to tell it to you in some way.

"What? He's in Juvie." Baji decided to speak up while you tried to explain it, and just stared at Keisuke confused once again. 'he's in what now??' was all you could think about for the rest of the dinner.


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Different from last night, you were the one standing infront of Keisukes door this time. You wanted an explanation, for the things he said at the dinner table. Even though you, yourself knew it is foolish of you to think your friend Keisuke would even tell you the truth.

The moment he told you to open the door, you entered and stared at the black haired guy, laying in bed.

"good evening to you too Y/n L/n, it's been a 3 minutes.. What brings you here at a time like this?" he asked you, wearing his signature smirk. Acting as if he had no idea why you would be here. Acting like everything was fine. Acting as if he hadn't just indirectly told you one of your friends was sitting in jail — or well Juvie.

"..I was hoping to get some answers Mr Tokyo Meow Meow devision captain..?", you said, while sitting next to him, trying to keep up the strong act.

"Oh you are? Let me see, what could YOU Y/n, want..", he wondered, while playing with his finger, trying to escape your gaze.

"You know what I want Keisuke", you said, looking at him with a straight face.

"Kazutora am I right?" Keisuke asked carefully, waiting on your reaction. He knew exactly what's happend with him.. But did you really want to know that Kazutora killed someone? The moment you nodded he sighed loudly. He really didn't want to lie to you out of all people.. But he had no choice.

"You are so noisy you know that?" he asked you in an annoyed tone as he layed down again. "He stole something feom a store and got caught nothing more—"

"Oh my god and I thought he killed someone!" you sighed loudly in relief and laughed afterwards. It surely was silly to think THE Kazutora, the one that made flower crowns with you, would kill someone!

You began to laugh as you found this situation amusing while Keisuke just didn't know what to say. He did feel bad, but come on, how was he supposed to tell her that?.

"I really thought the Guy I picked flowers with.. Would do something like this.. God I'm a bad friend ain't I?" you blurted out all of a sudden, catching Keisuke completely off guard. After all these years the things you chose to remember were things like these? After years of ignoring her, she still rememberd Kazutora as a nice child that picked flowers with her, and made crowns out of them. Curiosity got the best of him and He wanted to know what you thought of him.. Well more or less

"If I went to jail, would you belive them if I killed someone?" he spoke, surprising you a bit. You were a bit confused on what to respond as you bit your lip before speaking up. "well maybe, but mor ein an accidental way, like baking a poisonous cookie on accident, trying to make someone happy, or when we were kids and you saved those frogs and nearly got an infection because you gave one of them a kiss, and passed it on Kazutora on accident. More like accidental things and nothing more serious, you know?" you explained, while Keisuke just looked at you in amazement. How could you see things this way? He nearly killed you earlier on, but you see it in a different aspect. A type of aspect he was never able to see things, but he'd love to hear more about, from you.

"Don't ever call yourself a bad friend Y/n, whoever tells you that has no idea what they are talking about" He explained to you quietly, as he laid his hand on your head, pulling you into a short but warming hug. You weren't sure which side of you needed this hug more, you after worrying for absolutely nothing, or Keisuke, who seemed to know more than he planned on ever telling you, but that was okay, you are not the tyoe of person to force someone to talk, if he wasn't ready than that's okay.

The hug didn't last for long, maybe because Keisuke clearly doesn't give them often.. Or maybe even never, but you really appreciated it, maybe even more than you expected. You wanted to thank him but the moment you parted your lips, Keisuke spoke up before you. "Don't, don't thank someone for an action like this, it's nothing worth thanking someone for"

"That's stupid, a little thank you is just a small gesture of showing someone their gratitude it's nothing more, and you usually hate every type of physical affection, so.." you explained everything while giving him a reassuring smile. Both your views were clearly really different from eachother, but that's alright. Even though you two couldn't be more different from eachother, your friendship works perfectly.

" And now spit it out, What's this Tokyo meow meow gang about!" you broke off the weird but comfortable silence you two had between eachother, and broke Keisukes barley visible smiling face into a irritated one.

"It's Tokyo MANJI Gang! And we are a biker gang you moron!" he cursed at you, your laughing was the only thing that echoed through the room until Keisukes face lit up and he started to laugh too.

And that's the way the evening continued, the two of you arguing, laughing and at times making fun of eachother till late at night.


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