Aloe Vera

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You were right, obviously you were. The next day you had been awoken by no other but Baji Keisuke, taking your room apart for something simple however not attainable in your room called aloe vera. "6 am, and you wake me for aloe vera, because you were stupid?" you grunted, slowly getting up and making your way to the bathroom. Baji and you both weren't morning people and you could definitely tell. The two of you both searched the entire bathroom, not being able to find the forsaken Aloe vera moisturizer. "we got none at home, I'm sorry Keisuke" you sighed. "Fuck, it hurst like shit I've been beat before and it's nothing compared to this" he once again grunted making you return a giggle. "Oh yeah beaten? By what that Tokyo Meow meow? Did you never leave your playing pretend phase?" you laughed, him staying silent not giving you the hint on what might have happend.

"Y/n I'm not playing pretend, stop pissing us both of" and just like that he left. Not a morning persin my ass, he surely was moody he always had been but since he had returned from Japan he sucked. Alot. Nevertheless you went to bed again, hoping — more like praying to not be awoken by him again.

Prayers usually don't get heard, just like this time. A black haired guy snuck into your room, searching for the same moisturizer which neither of them had found before. Without questioning it you simply tried to sleep again, not knowing that with someone like Keisuke Baji it was near to impossible to do such thing. Books, pots even plushies had been thrown to the floor leaving an echoing sound inside sour ear until you finally decided to kick the douchebag out.

"Keisuke get OUT!" you hissed, throwing a pillow at him which he certainly returned by throwing plushies, and some of your favorite pieces of literature against your head. Fuck him.

"Man calm down it just hurts! How do you guys not own something for it, this never happend in Japan!" he groaned sitting down on your bedside ultimately declaring peace between the two of you. "I know for sure that Summer in Japan can be hot, when was the last time you have been on the beach?" curiosity getting the best of you you sat up, right next to Keisuke still rubbing your morning eyes in distress.

"like three years ago, stuff happened." you nodded, appreciating the fact he atleast shared a bit of information with you, maybe proof that you two hadn't drifted apart fully. "You know at 9 the booths in the city open, they got the best moisturizer, I would show you around town and help treating your sunburn which by the way — as the name says comes from the sun dingus" you grinned at him, hoping that maybe you could piss him off at least a little bit. "Man shut up! I've been locked up in my house for two years so shut it! And Fine if it helps that burn I'd do whatever!"
He didn't say enough for you to nitpick more so you nodded, and went to do your usual morning routine until you met the annoying brat living in your home. You had decided on a goal for yourself, find out what happend, why he apparently hadn't left his home for years and what the actual fuck the tokyo meow meow gang is.

"You are late" you said, climbing onto your scooter, Keisuke sitting down behind you somehow embracing you. It felt weird. Baji and you had driven on this thing yesterday, Yesterday his grip hadn't felt that way, I mean why would it, why were you even paying ettention to the way your friend held you, what was wrong with you?

And then you started. An adventure to begin, an adventure to unfold right between you two.


A/N: I'm going to be honest, I stoped caring about this fanfic until now, but I'm back and I'll finish this don't worry. The 2nd perspective is hated by me — which is why this chapter sucked I Apologize. Future work will be written in first and third pov, except for this book as I have tons of things pre-written.

Another chapter will come soon I promise, tgank you for who stayed <33

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2023 ⏰

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