7 - The True Mr Wedferdoor

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Looking up to the three assassins standing before him, Mr Wedferdoor would shake his head. Standing up onto his feet, his glare wouldn't break.

"I don't have to do shit, you take my orders!" He yelled in anger.

The Death Siblings and Carl were shocked. They had never witnessed Wedferdoor act like this. As the man stormed from around his desk, he would make his way towards the three. He went to grab Bella-Rose by the throat, quickly being noticed by Chief Death. Not allowing anyone to harm his dear sister, he would charge at the leader.

Tackling the older man to the ground, the two would brawl. Violently throwing punches at each other, Bella-Rose would watch in horror. But quickly she realised something. Looking down to her neck, she spotted the necklace, The Newstead Necklace. What if he was going to grab that. What if... The necklace, caused this dragon form to appear! Looking back down towards the fighting men, Bella-Rose would smirk.

"All right you two, stop!" She yelled, holding her hand against the emerald gem embedded within the necklace. "Or I'll use this!"

Chief Death and Mr Wedferdoor would glance towards each other. The chief was confused, not really understanding what his sister was on about. But on the other hand, Wedferdoor's face has turned to a look of worry. The tussle would finish soon after, with the two men getting upon their feet as Carl shook his head in disappointment.

"So..." Their boss spoke as he dusted his black cloak down. "You've discovered the capabilities of the necklace?"

Bella-Rose would nod towards Wedferdoor.

"Wait!" The chief quickly added. "That turned you into the dragon?!"

As Chief Death pointed towards The Newstead Necklace, Carl would tilt his head in shock. Bella-Rose would chuckle as a response, nodding towards them.

"Anyway!" She turned back to Wedferdoor. "You did it... Didn't you!"

A huge smile would grow across the villainous mans face, just confirming the anti-heroines theory. Walking back over to his desk, the leader would take a seat. Secretly, without the three assassins seeing, he would press some button just under his work surface.

"You could have killed us all..." Chief Death sighed, looking towards the master who he was starting to find unworthy of his loyalty.

Not replying to the three standing before him, Wedferdoor would just sit with a smile. Yes, his experiment was a failure. But how did these three know it happened, unless that orange wave of energy went further then he realised. Quickly, he began to type on his PC. Pulling up some news websites, he'd spot articles on The Wave.

"The entire planet?" He chuckled as he read.

Annoyed with how their leader was acting, Bella-Rose would take a step towards him. But suddenly the door to the office swung open. As the three and Wedferdoor looked over for the cause, before them would be an army of assassins. Mr Wedferdoor had raised a silent alarm.

The corridor was lined with people in black outfits ready to attack!

"Seriously..." Bella-Rose sighed, looking back to her boss. "I'll take this as we're being let go?"

Nodding, Wedferdoor would chuckle.

"You lot have gotten in the way a few times now, I'm not going to risk anything else..." He would turn to the army of assassins. "Kill them... All three!"

Chief Death, Carl and Bella-Rose would all turn to each other, shocked. With that, the army came swarming inside the room!

Grabbing one of the katanas attached his back, Chief Death would lunge forward with it. Stabbing right through one person's chest, the chief would spin to slice off the head of another. As the bodies fell to the floor with blood gushing out, Chief Death would continue his rampage. Charging through several enemies, he would enter the hallway. With a smirk on his face, he would quickly grab his second katana. Being trained highly to use two at a time, he would do his thing. Spinning around in circles on the spot, he would violently swing his weapons. Slashing through multiple oncoming targets, this assassin seemed unstoppable. 

Punching his chest as some kind of gorilla, Carl would raise his frying pan and charge forward. The beast of a man would slam his cooking utensil against a multitude of attackers. Putting a huge amount of force behind his attacks, he would brutally beat down anyone who dared to target him. Not making a sound as he made his way through the horde of enemies, a small smirk would grow on Carls face.

Bella-Rose on the other hand was frozen. Watching the two males fight for their lives, the female Death Sibling stood still as thoughts raced through her head. The one man she looked up to, the one she considered a father, would so easily sentence her to execution. It sickened her to the stomach. Her eyes would glance over to Wedferdoor who just sat gleefully as he watched. But quickly the sound of grunting caught Bella-Roses attention. 

Chief Death would get struck from behind with a crowbar, being knocked to the ground. He made a grunting noise as he connected with the floor causing his sister to look over. It was at that second that something snapped inside the anti-heroine... After all, no one hurts her brother!

With rage in her eyes, Bella-Rose would hold her hand against The Newstead Necklace. With a slight rub, the emerald crystal would begin to glow! Quickly the same, familiar, green gas began to surround the female. Assassins would stop in place as they watched whatever was happening in front of them.

"This will be fun..." Wedferdoor chuckled.

As the cloud surrounded Bella-Rose, her entire body would change. Her size just continued to grow as purple scales formed over her body. Golden horns would sprout upon the beasts head as its teeth quadrupled in size. Quickly landing before the group and smashing through the walls and ceilings, Bella-Rose's dragon form would stand proudly. Screeching towards the enemies, she'd cause some to gulp.

With no warning, Bella-Rose shot a rope of flames towards the assassins. Burning all the ones the fire would touch, they would fall to the floor and scream with pain as some even passed away. Charging forward, the dragon would smash through the building. Arriving by her brother, the purple beast would stomp onto some attackers, instantly squishing them.

Some assassins began to flee as the dragon continued her rampage around the building. Meanwhile Chief Death would swiftfully get back up and onto his feet. With his katanas in hand, the chief restarted his slicing.

Realising her brother was up and at it, she turned her attention towards Mr Wedferdoor. Marching over to him, she would screech loudly. She was ready to end this man's life, no matter the consequences.

"Admit and confess!" The dragon roared, stopping before the older gentlemen.

"I admit... To being curious... I confess..." Wedferdoor would stop, feeling something strange. Climbing up and onto his feet, he looked up to the dragon. "I confess... Something's about to happen!"

Looking at him confused, the large dragon would quickly gasp. Grey smoke began to surround Mr Wedferdoor, finally engulfing him fully. As the cloud got bigger, it would suddenly dissipate. In Wedferdoors place was another dragon. Crashing through the remaining roof of the office, this beast was double the size of Bella-Rose! With grey scales, silver horns and an evil grin, this monstrous dragon peered down to the female one.

"Well look at that...." The Wedferdoor dragon spoke. "Seems I can use your powers!"

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