1 - The Box

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Walking into the room, two young adults looked towards each other. Both were wearing posh black suits, looking very smart indeed. One was male with two katanas strapped to his back. Having a pair of black shades covering his eyes, he would study the surrounding area. The second part of this duo was female, sporting short, dark brunette pigtails. With a pistol strapped to her side, she would quickly pull it from its sheath before aiming forward.

Both would continue forward, looking around the area. They found themselves in a dingy warehouse. Littering the room was tables with cheap labs sitting upon them. Seeming as if they were making some kind of drug, the rooms smell matched it.

The female would turn to the male as she continued to examine the room with him.

"So Chief Death..." She spoke quietly. "Where to?"

Scratching the bottom of his chin, Chief Death would think to himself for a few seconds.

"That door..." He commented, pointing over to a metal door. "And Bella-Rose..."

She would tilt her head as she looked at him.

"Be careful..." He nodded.

"Come on bro..." She smirked. "I'm always careful!"

Tiptoeing over towards the door, Chief Death would pull out a single katana. Nodding over to his sister, he would open the door. Swinging it open with a strong force, several men would be seen inside. Holding machetes and knives, they would shout in anger.

Without any warning, the group of men charged towards The Death Siblings. Holding their weapons of choice, they aim was to maim the duo. The two jumped back with their weapons in hand. They both would smirk before jumping into action.

Holding her gun at the charging men, Bella-Rose would quickly shoot several bullets towards them. Her aim was precise, as if she had extreme training at some point. The bullets she released would hit three separate men, blasting through their faces. As the dead enemies fell to the floor, more would charge towards the brother.

Standing in a defensive stance, the chief would charge towards the oncoming men. One male, holding a large machete, would swing it towards the anti-hero. But with some great reflexes, Chief Death would lean backwards. Dodging the attack, he would quickly lunge his katana forward into the stomach of the attacker. As the stabbed person slumped to the floor, the chief would yank his weapon from the bleeding wound before kicking them to the ground.

The fight would continue on like this, Chief Death slicing at his oncoming attackers. Chopping off limbs as well as spilling blood, this man had no care in the world. Beside him, his sister would match his kills. Sending bullets at her enemies, she'd blast their brains right out of their heads, chuckling as she did. 

The room would fall quiet as The Death Siblings looked around. Surrounded by tons of corpses leaking blood onto the floor, the duo would smile. Strolling into the room the men charged out of, Bella-Rose would spot what they were searching for. Whistling to grab her brothers attention, the two would hustle over towards a large chest. Hitting the lock with his katana, Chief would pull open the box.

Inside laid a shiny, silver cube. Each side shared identical engraved illustrations, seeming random and strange. Picking it up and rubbing it slightly, Bella-Rose would smile.

"We found it!" She chuckled, looking over to her brother. "Lets go!"

Nodding back to his sister, Chief Death led the two out of the warehouse. Reaching the outside, the duo would sprint down the path with the box in hand.

Arriving outside an old, boarded up building; the two would quickly enter. Inside the place was quite different, the place actually being modern and clean. Several people would be walking around, also wearing black suits like the siblings. Making their way down a hallway, the two would arrive outside an office. A plaque was plastered on the door with the name 'Wedferdoor'. 

Knocking onto the door, the duo would enter the office. The place was sleek with each furniture item looking expensive. On the opposite side of the room sitting behind the desk was an older looking gentlemen. He had long grey hair and beard as well as very pale skin. His outfit was strange, a long black cloak with a red gem right in the centre. The man smiled towards The Death Siblings as they walked towards him. Placing the box down on the mans desk, they would smile.

"Here you go Mr Wedferdoor!" Bella-Rose nodded.

"The box, easy to retrieve!" The chief added.

With a smirk on his face, Mr Wedferdoor lent forward towards the silver cube. Placing his hand on top of it, the older gentlemen would close his eyes. As if he was feeling for something, for a few minutes he stayed in the same position. Taking his hand off, Wedferdoor would nod.

"Indeed you have found it." He nodded. "Another successful mission, well done you two!"

Clapping his hands slightly, Mr Wedferdoor would stand up from his leather chair. Walking around his desk, he would grab a gun.

"Stand back..." He spoke over to the siblings.

They would comply, quickly doing as they were told. Turning over towards the box, Mr Wedferdoor would quickly shoot a bullet towards it. Spinning as it hurdled towards the cube, it would hit it before suddenly being reflected off. The bullet would be launched into a wall leaving the siblings stunned.

Cackling to himself, the older gentlemen laid the gun down before walking back to his desk. Smiling down at the cube, he would nod his head in a gleeful manner.

"Perfect..." He smiled.

Holding her hand up slightly as if she was in school, Bella-Rose would lean over to her boss.

"Um sir..." She mumbled. "What exactly is that?"

Turning to the duo, Mr Wedferdoor would shake his head.

"Ah yes, sorry!" He chirped. "Bella-Rose, Chief Death... This is The Berhe Box!"

The siblings looked towards each other, still confused to the purpose of the box. Scratching their heads, they would turn back to their leader.

"Mr Wedferdoor, sir..." The chief spoke up. "That's just a name..."

He would chuckle.

"A name that brings hope to the intellectuals that have heard of it! This box is transportation!" He informed them.

"Transportation?"  Bella-Rose questioned.

"Yes..." Their boss would reply. "To other worlds!"

The confused looks on the siblings faces quickly turned to ones of shock. Other worlds? What could he mean by that? Taking a step forward, Chief Death would tilt his head.

"Um sir..." He spoke up. "Other worlds?"

Turning to his students, the older man would nod. Stroking The Berhe Box like some pet, the siblings would turn back to being confused.

"Dimensions..." Wedferdoor announced.

The Death Siblings would gasp, half not believing their boss. He had never lied to them before though. Everything he has ever said, he would back up with evidence sooner or later. Looking to each other confused, the duo would shrug.

"Why would you need it then sir?" Bella-Rose asked.

"Because, my dear Death Siblings..." Mr Wedferdoor smirked. "We've got some traveling to do!"

The Death Siblings: The Deathly DuoWhere stories live. Discover now