4 - London City

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The black SUV containing the three assassins finally arrived in London. Parking beside a white van, the three climbed out. Looking around and taking in the scenery, Bella-Rose would smile. Turning to her brother, she smirked.

"Been a while since we've been here!" She commented, tilting her head.

Nodding back to his sister, Chief Death would lock the car.

"Indeed, let's get this over with..." He would sigh.

Carl would arrive behind the two siblings, nodding towards them. Time to get to work. Pulling out her phone, Bella-Rose quickly pulled up the address of Hellford Laboratories. Confirming it was just ahead of them, the trio would set off down the road.

Walking past many civilians, they would push forward past them. Taking them a few minutes, something  - or someone - would Chief Death's attention. It shocked the man for a second, causing him to stop in place, also causing Bella-Rose and Carl to look over to him.

Bella-Rose would catch the direction her brother was looking in, joining him in the staring. As she did, she too spotted someone. A look of disbelief fell over the anti-heroines face, stumbling backwards slightly. Rubbing her eyes, she looked back to her brother.

"Sky..." Bella-Rose mumbled.

"Cuz..." The chief added.

A few miles ahead of them, a ginger male in his young twenties could be seen heading towards an entrance of a park. Joined by two other people, most likely friends, The Death Siblings would watch them. Sky was their oldest cousin, one who they hadn't seen in many years. The two would remember the many fun times the three would have with each other, even joined by their other cousins sometimes. Family weren't something the siblings really thought about, they never even stayed in contact with them. Especially after the disappearance of their mother.

As their cousin ventured into the park with his friends, Carl would wave towards the duo. Looking over to the man, the two would quickly grow an apologetic look on their faces. Tilting his head confused, Carl would stare at the two for answers.

"Ah..." The chief would scratch the back of his head. "That was our cousin, we haven't seen him since we joined up..."

Nodding his head towards them, the trio would begin walking again. Carl would lead as they finally arrived outside Hellford Laboratories. Looking up at the large building, they would make their way inside. Looking over to a young female receptionist, Bella-Rose would head over to her. Stopping before the white counter, the deathly female would smile to the other. 

"Why hello there, my name is Ms... Hilling!" She smirked. "I'm here to meet with Serena Hellford!"

Blinking a few times up at the assassin, she would tilt her head.

"Um..." She mumbled. "I'm really sorry Ms Hilling, but Professor Hellford is currently abroad..."

Bella-Rose's eyes would widen, turning back to look over to the other two assassins. Thinking to herself for a few seconds, suddenly an idea popped into the anti-heroines mind. Looking over to the receptionist, Bella-Rose would giggle.

"Oh dear, I must have got the dates mixed up!" She'd shake her head. "By any chance is her husband here?"

Seeming shocked, the lady opposite Bella-Rose would nod. Clicking onto a button in front of her, the receptionist would hold a phone against her head. Muttering quietly into the device, she would place it back down a few seconds later. 

"Professor Paradox will be with you shortly, please take a seat over there..." She would gesture over to a waiting area.

Nodding and thanking the receptionist, the female sibling made her way back over to her accomplices. Sitting in-between them both, she would cross her legs. Looking between the ones either side of her, the trio would sit in silence. Waiting for their victim, he would suddenly arrive. 

Walking out from two large metal doors, a muscular man would be seen looking over to them. He was wearing a baggy lab coat and sporting some blue goggles on top of his head. Moving some grey hair out of the way of his eyes, Professor Paradox would take a few steps over to them. Holding his hands together and smiling, the man would look down towards them.

"Hello, I'm Professor Paradox... I heard you were supposed to meet with my wife?" He would speak clearly and smartly.

Nodding over to the man, Chief Death would stand up to face him. Holding out his hand, the two would firmly shake.

"Yes, we have been sent from Ipswich to interview Professor Serena Hellford about the so called Berhe Box!" He would smile as he looked over to Paradox.

Nodding his head, Professor Paradox would welcome them deeper into the lab. Walking through the building, Carl would admire the many machines they would walk past. Moving past one lab, two people could be seen inside working on a simple pair of handcuffs.

After a few minutes, the group would arrive outside an office. Entering it, Paradox would walk over to his desk before sitting down. Peering around the room, Bella-Rose would notice various mechanical body parts laying upon workbenches. Sitting down opposite the professor, she would look over to him.

"Well, Professor Paradox..." She started, still slightly peering around the room. "My name is Bella-Rose, this is Carl and the Chief..." She would point to them accordingly. 

"Lovely to meet y'all!" He would nod with a smile. "So how can I help...."

Quickly the phone on his desk began to ring. Apologizing to the trio, Professor Paradox would pick it up and answer. Listening to the caller, his eyes would quickly widen. Standing up abruptly, he would bow towards the three.

"If you lot could wait here, I'm needed for just five minutes!" And with that, he left.

Being alone with Carl and the Chief in the professors office, Bella-Rose would tap her leg slightly. She was confused about why Paradox left so quickly. Scratching her nose, she would shake her head. Turning over to her older brother, she would sigh.

"This is going to take ages, isn't it..." She moaned.

Shrugging back, Chief Death would look over to Carl. Spotting him, he would be staring out of a window. His face was a mixed of worried and scared, causing the chief to walk over to him. Laying a hand on the chefs shoulder, Chief Death would smile.

"You doing okay bud?" He asked Carl, catching Bella-Rose's attention.

But Carl would shake his head. Taking a step away from the window, he would point to the outside. Joining both of the males by the window, Bella-Rose would look out of it before her brother also would. Quickly the two would gasp loudly.

Outside, hurdling towards the building, was a large orange wave of energy. Roaring ferociously as it ripped through the air, it would head straight for the trio.

"What the fuck is that?" Bella-Rose exclaimed, stumbling backwards as she held onto her necklace.

"Get to cover!" The chief quickly yelled, looking for somewhere to hide.

As the three scrambled around the room, The Wave would enter the building. Phasing through the walls, windows and anything else in its way, the orange energy ripped right through the assassins. Throwing them into the air, The Wave left their systems before throwing them to the ground with a large force.

They would lie lifelessly on the floor of Professor Paradox's office, out cold due to whatever just hit them.

Meanwhile, back in Ipswich, Mr Wedferdoor would stand before The Berhe Box. Around the man and his device were many doctors and scientists laying unconscious around him. Stepping away from the box, he would look over to another box sitting on the opposite side of the room. This box looked very different to The Berhe Box. It was brightly coloured, being the opposite then the dark and metallic look of the other. Engraved into the other box were multiple yellow lines, giving it an extra unique look.

"Oops..." He chuckled.

The Death Siblings: The Deathly DuoWhere stories live. Discover now