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   Hello. How are you? I'm doing fine myself. Sit down. I'll tell you why you are here.

    I should tell you who I am, first, shouldn't I?

    Yes, I should.

   I am Nare A. Rator. I hope it is obvious what I will be doing here. For those of you who are... a little slow, I am the narrator for this story. A rather bizarre story, at that.

   Not your average fairy tale.

  There are many words to describe this story, and since I need to get them out of my head, I'll list them to you. When I said not your average fairy tale... Well, I really do hope you took note of that.

   Anyways, words describing this story. Ahem.

  Arcane. Noteworthy. Unorthodox. Nondescript. Peculiar. Queer. Quaint. Extraordinary. Aberrant. Sporadic.  And even, in some points, quite freakish.

  I simply had to get that off of my mind. Back to the topic now. You are here to listen to this story. I hope it is your will, and you are not being forced to read what I write. Anyways, if you were being forced to, by torture, perhaps, its not a very good torture. But don't tell your torturers that. They would find a new and worse way of torture.

  I'm sorry, I really do have to get back to the topic. Back to about the story.

  At some points, you will be looking out from the main character's view. In others, I will be telling you what's happening. I promise I won't babble on about torturing or vocabulary words when I do.


I think I have gotten down the bare facts. I am Nare A. Rator, the narrator. I will be leading you through this story. A very unusual one. You are the dedicated reader. You will read on.  The Introduction is coming to an end. I must start with the story now.


Once upon a time, there was a girl with hair a shade more golden than the snow...  

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