Chapter 14- Headmaster's Realizations

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 Nare A. Rator's P.O.V.

 "Ah, Blue. You seem to be the only one who turned up. If there are others, I think I will find out soon." He started to walk, and Blue followed. She could feel eyes watching her. But she just kept on walking.

   They went down a corridor with walls made of smaller rocks, not the big square chunks Blue had seen everywhere else. They went to the end, near a window that overlooked the green grounds. The  rocks that made the walls here were little bigger than pebbles. December stopped, and his fingers played over some stones that were the slightest bit whiter than the gray ones that made up the hall. Blue couldn't help but see what it was. Right-up-right-left-down-up. The wall of pebbles slid away to reveal a short passage with a door at the end. 

   They entered the office. It was a perfect hexagon, and painted a soft blue. This had a strangely calming effect. Blue felt as though she could almost sigh. There were cabinets lining the walls from top to bottom, and two sheets of shimmery blue glass. December went around a large, walnut desk and sat down in a large, puffer chair. He gestured to another chair, puffer, like his, for Blue to sit in. She did so, and was sucked down into layers of soft fabric and down stuffing. But, it was rather comfy. She looked out the window. The sun was just starting to set, and the sky was bathed in a grapefruit red.

   "You do know why you're hear, right, Blue?" said Headmaster December. Blue started. She had been gazing out the window.

   She composed herself, and slightly embarrassed, nodded. "I don't have The Mark." 

   "Yes. Now, this can mean one of two things. Either you are an Expily, which is a Mundi person with no magical powers. But, that's very rare, and we haven't had one in.." he waved his hand. "..In many, many decades. I am very confidant that you are not an Expily." He said surely.

   "Now. The other thing you could be is an Excedunt. These are even more rare than an Expily. They are people who surpass the normal level of wizarding power. We haven't had one in the last," He paused to think, stroking hid beard. "I'd say in the last 250 years or so. We haven't had an Expily in the last 50 something."

   He changed the subject swiftly. "Did anything strange happen on the minute you turned ten?" December asked Blue.

   "I was blown off my feet, backwards." she replied. He looked puzzled and stroked his beard more. "I think it has to do something with this." She took off her long chain and selected her heart charm. Blue held it out. December looked up, and something seemed to change behind his face. He took it, and gazed at the engraving. "Where did you get this?" he asked sharply. Blue shrunk back a little. "My mom.. It was already in her will to give it to me. On my tenth birthday. Not a coincidence?" She glanced up at December, who was still examining every bump and curve of the charm. He didn't seem to hear her.

   Suddenly, he got up and went to one of the cabinets lining the walls. He opened one and took out what looked like a tiny cauldron hooked up to a scale. From another cabinet, he got a short bottle containing a silvery mist. He took a dropper and sucked up a bit of the mist in the bottle and leaked it into the teeny cauldron. A bubbling brew appeared from no where inside it, with the mist floating above it. Before Blue could do anything, he had taken her heart charm off its strand and dropped it into the brew with a plop. Immediately, a shot of lavender steam shot out from the cauldron. It flashed red, but then turned slowly from a sea blue to pure silver. The scale's needle kept quivering between the two markings on the scale. When the steam blew purely, the needle finally rested on the marking 'LEGITIMENT". The brew in the cauldron disappeared.

   December picked up the charm once more and gave it back to Blue. "It should be cleared of any Malos matter that might have somehow ended up with it." He looked into a cauldron, and raised an eyebrow. "Which seems to be an uncanny amount." Blue hurried to busy herself with putting the charm back on its chain. When she was done, December began to talk.

   "Blue, you are the daughter of our late Empress, Esmeralda Aurora Felicity Jenay de Autor." he spoke gently.

  Blue blew out her breath. She tucked her knees to her chest, and began to play with a loose thread on her knee-socks. She said, very quietly, "I know." and just barely over a whisper, she added, "I thought her name was just Emsie."

  December looked surprised. "How did you already know?" he asked. Blue unfolded in her seat.

   "You promise Care or Feather won't get in trouble? It was all me, honest." December nodded.

   And so Blue spilled out the entire tale of their rather... eventful afternoon. She was very truthful, and left in the part about Care using her powers to light a fire inside Lady Lucrissa's Lovely Boutique (Though glancing quite frequently and nervously at December) and how they had ran away from the scene, ending up on the corner of Cilobaid Alley and Havocarust Place. She described the goblins and the warlock and how Feather had tackled her in order for her to stop talking to the warlock. ("Honestly, I'm not sure how he saw Care and I. We were hidden by the corner of a building."). How the forcefield appeared, how she sliced off the goblin's arm, and passed out. How she had gotten new clothes, and how Feather and Care pieced together her story and the charm to come to the conclusion of her being the Empreii. When they had done the worshipping thing. How she saw the special table of wand-woods and told the wand-maker her story. Getting ice cream and having the lady who worked there recognize her from her mom. Getting back to the Volantes and falling asleep.

   She stopped, and looked up at December, who was looking at her. He seemed to be thinking about two things at once. "You, Blue Kerherring, are an Exedunt. The passing by the charm on the minute you turn ten, and being blown off your feet -- A sign that you are very sensitive to powerful magic. The magic inside you that was unlocked would respond to the magic in that charm."

   He sounded very stirred. "Do you need to go to the hospital quarters for your cut?" Blue had nearly forgotten about the slash the goblin had left in her arm before she cut that goblins own one off. She took a look at the wound. It was red and slightly puffy. "You go on down, but do you mind telling Miss Care of yours that I'm impressed she has that much control over her ability already? The next time you see her, of course." Blue nodded, and Headmaster December gave her directions to the hospital quarters. 

   Blue hurried off, but the Headmaster of Maelstrom Academy of Mythical, Mystical, and Magical Education sunk back into his chair. 

   Why did those Malos creatures want the charm?

   Something was going on.

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