Chapter 3- End of Normal Life

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 Blue's P.O.V


I had the feeling that that charm was meant for me. Made for me. Made to protect me. Something about it made it different, special. Not just what it was, and what it could do. The charm's history. What was sacrificed to have it made. Why it was. All I saw was a lock of white blonde hair, just like mine, and I awoke.

  I woke up and stared at the ceiling, trying to figure out what the heck I had just dreamed. Unlike every other dream I had ever had, there were no pictures. There were no words that I could hear. But throughout the dream, I had just known more and more stuff the longer the dream went on. I decided to write down what I had learned in one of my new birthday presents, which was a thick diary. It had a  dark, chestnut brown leather cover emblazoned with a big, silver B. I opened it up to the first page of creamy white paper. I wrote down the date, August 16. After that, I wrote down all the things I had learned in my dream. And the lock of platinum hair. I closed up the diary and put it back in its place on my shelf. I sat there on my bed, gazing into space, my mind occupied by my dream. I probably would have stayed like that until the sun fully rose, if a tinkling sound had not brought me back to earth. I started, and looked around the room for the source. Right by the window, a pair of intricate wings glinted in the gold sunrise. I studied them for a full minute, taking in their sleek shape, their threads of silver woven together with a tiny space in between each strand, making each wing a minuscule cage. In the right cage-wing, a tiny slip of paper was fluttering inside. In the left, a packet of some powder. Seemingly noticing me watching it, the  wings flew down to me. I could literally feel my eyes pop out of their sockets. As if moved for me, my arm flew out before me and my pointer finger stuck out. The little wings lowered to my hand and daintily perched on my finger. Up close, I saw the wings were attached together by a round head with absolutely diminutive eyes, gleaming and dark. It was wearing a bell-shaped hat upon its head, and that's where I'm guessing the tinkling sound came from. Each of the cage-wings, upon further inspection, had hinges to open up the cage. I gently pried the right one open and the tiny slip of paper fell into my hand. It instantly grew to a normal-sized sheet of yellow paper. It was folded. On the first top fold, it said in big, loopy handwriting:

                      Addressed To The One-And-Only Miss Blue Larae Kerherring,

 8103 Forest Street, Hazard, West Virgina. Second Floor, Third Room To The Right. 

 Only a little creeped out, I unfolded the letter. It read

Dear Miss Blue Larae Kerherring,                                                                                

I am very pleased to inform you that you are a person of magic, or a persona magicarum. On the very minute of your tenth birthday is when it becomes official. Something very unusual should have happened. It may be simple, like seeing in inverse colours for a minute.

     How is that simple?  I wondered.

Or feeling vibrations in the air. It might have been more complex. These happenings and what they mean will all be worked out at the Academy, along with any other confusions. Now, about the Academy, as mentioned earlier. You will be attending the Maelstrom Academy, the institution where you will be taught all you need to know about our world and the way of life here, which is split into the three parts of Myth, Mystics, and Magic, along with how to harness your powers. Do not worry about books and other school things, when you arrive they will be taken care of. You are expected to arrive at Maelstrom on August 26, exactly ten days from now. Pack your necessaries and your currency of money. Again, financial  matters will be taken care of at Maelstrom. Lastly, the packet that came with this letter. It is full of a powdered substance that will let you see as we see. Pour it into a glass of water and drink the mixture. Along with the the powder,  there should be a charm. This is the key to all the doors you will need to go through. Simply fit it into any door with an indent next to it, and the door will pop open. This is all you need to know so far. Other matters will be discussed at Maelstrom on August, 26. See you there soon.

                                                               ~Miliciant Bennett,

                                            Director of the Set-Up of Magical Education

I sat staring at the paper for a good three seconds before I blinked and pinched myself. It hurt, and I yelped aloud. Taking this as enough proof to prove the letter was real, I burst out of my doorway and pounded down the stairs two at a time. All the while I was yelling, "Aunt Cora! Andy! Stephen! I'm going to a place called Maelstrom! In an entire new WORLD! Its about magic!" The little messenger wings seemed to want to show off its tinkling, and it followed me all the way downstairs, where I skidded around the corner and slammed into the counter. I took in the sight around me. Aunt Cora had stopped stirring her batter. Andy and Stephen had looked up from their breakfasts, and were giving me weird looks. Camille wasn't there, so she probably was asleep. Altogether, they weren't reacting as horribly as I thought they would, with me screaming down here about magic first thing in the morning. They were staring at me like I had just sprouted a flower from my head and was now gardening it, but I guess that was to be expected. I waved the letter around in the space above me, and the wings gave an annoyed tinkle as I had just nearly swatted it from the air. As one, Aunt Cora, Andy, and Stephens' eyes all looked from my glowing face, to the paper, to my set of wings, and back to my face. I grinned, and started talking in a way that all my words were one long sentence. "LookItsTrueIPinchedMyselfJustLikeAndyIsSeeHereTheRedMarkIsOUCHItReallyHurtsIDidn'tBelieveIt EitherButTheLittleTinklingMessangerWingsAreProofI'mNotDelusionalAndNeitherAreYouSeeLookIt!"

-I gasped in air-


Aunt Cora came back to her senses. "Blue! Stop talking!"

"MAGIC!" I screamed, overjoyed.

They all clapped their hands over their ears, wincing. Somewhere above me, Camille started crying from being woken up. "Stay right there, Blue,"  Aunt Cora said, deadly calm. I felt my smile drop right off my face. She didn't believe me! And she was mad at me. I slumped down into a chair at the table. Stephen shot a glance at me. But Andy piped up, "Can I see the letter, Blue?" He sounded curious. I handed it to him. As his eyes darted along the lines, I could see them grow wide. "Wow.."He whispered. "Lucky! I want to go there and have magical powers! I'm nine, maybe I'll get in next year!" He looked to me hopefully, as if I could tell him if he was or wasn't. "Um, I don't know how you get in really.. Maybe though." He didn't look any sadder, though. Stephen reached over to grab the paper and started to read it. Andy jumped up and started to chase the wings around the kitchen, which continued tinkling like mad. When Stephen looked up from reading, he had a skeptical look on his face. "I dunno, Blue... I think this is just a big hoax, sent from..." But there was no one who would hoax us. We were all homeschooled, so it couldn't be any friends. And we lived way out in the country of West Virgina, so we didn't have any neighbours close to us who could do this to us. I explained that to Stephen. "And how the heck could we have gotten that tinkly-messanger, anyways?" At my comment, the set of wings came down and spun around my head. I'm guessing it didn't like being called tinkly-messanger. I lifted up my finger for it to perch on. It sat down. "See, Stephen? It responds to names." I held it close to his face. "And look, it has little eyes! Its a real, magical creature. Or maybe mythical, or mystical. There was stuff about that in the letter."

    By that time, Aunt Cora had come back. She was still looking spitting mad, but her face softened once she saw us all looking hopefully up at her, and the wings settled on my finger. Before she could say anything, I bolted up and gave her the letter. She looked at me as if wondering if she could trust me, and then started to read. Her expression stayed the same the entire time. I could feel the tension in the air while we waited. When she finally finished, she sighed, and combed her fingers through her hair. We all looked at her in complete attentiveness. After watching us for a couple of seconds she said,

   "Well, I guess Blue is going to Maelstrom Academy."

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