Chapter 12- End of A Long Day

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My book is now ranked... I have been told by some peeps that this is awesomely good.... So now there is a party going on inside of me that I probably can't put on words because it would look like this..


Yep. Oh, and sorry I haven't updated for a day or two now.


Blue's P.O.V.

  After comparing the Empresses hair (I dunno why I don't call her my mother, I have very little doubts about me being the Empreii now) to mine, the wand-maker pushed it into a little hole that appeared in the wand. The room was silent, but not a scared silence like it was when the old man asked me to come with him. I glanced at Care and Feather and they both had something on their faced that looked like pride. Pride about me. This made my heart swell, because we've only known each other for not even a day and it feels like so much more. 

  We went back to the front room to pay for our wands. Feather and Care paid. When it was my turn, he said to me, "Fifteen korunas, seven kunas." I looked at Care and Feather for help. Of the many things I still had no clue about in the wizarding world, money was close to the top of the list. They got the message and helped me. "Here, take off your pack." Feather said. I took it off and he and Care rummaged through it for the sacks of coins. They took out a sack of gold coins and a sack of silver coins. "These are korunas," Care said, holding up a handful of gold coins stamped with some weird symbol. "And these are kunas." Feather finished, showing me a silver coin decorated with an owl that had little blue stones for eyes. "Krones are bronze. We'll show you those later." 

  They paid the man, who was extremely patient, the money and put the sacks back in my backpack.   Feather checked his watch. "It's 2:45. We shou-" He was interrupted by December's voice calling. "All pupils of Maelstrom return to Boomthale Avenue in ten minutes!" Feather's pace quickened. "Hurry! We have to get to the Brewing Supply Store! And what does December think, blasting his voice all over the streets!" We looked around. "Feather, I think he just projected his voice to the students. No one else on the streets seems disrupted." I said. Feather looked like he didn't like being proved wrong. 

  We hurried from Witticaster Wands to the Brewing Supply Store. We got our enhanced-pewter cauldrons. The man that was there (A name tag said his name was Wally) was very nice and enchanted the stubby cauldron legs to turn into wheels until we got to the Volantes. "Posuit Rotarum!" Was what the spell was. I tried to remember that. We all piled our things into our cauldrons and wheeled them off.

  At 2:50 we headed from Umber Embers Avenue back to Boomthale Avenue. There was a gathering crowd of kids, most with ice cream. I looked where the ones with ice cream were coming from. Care beat me to it. "Hey, lets go to the Crepito Cone! I heard they had the best cranberry sherbert around. C'mon!" She dragged me and Feather to the shop.

  There were long benches against the walls with tables in front of them. The floor was sleek and shiny and made of tile. Our cauldron wheels rumbled as we dragged them along with us. Kids were grouped everywhere -- at the tables, at the paying counter. We went down the narrow divide to the ordering counter. A plump lady walked up to us behind the counter. She looked at me for a second more than she did Feather and Care. Who, speaking of them, both knew right away what they wanted. "I'll have a large cranberry sherbert." said Care. "And I'll have a Pale Ale float." was Feather's order. I looked at the menu written on a chalkboard stuck to the wall. I chose the first thing I saw. "And I'll, uhm, have a fudge sundae." She nodded to all of us and rushed off to make them.

  I felt eyes on the back searing into the back of my head. I saw Scarlet whispering to Rosemary and another girl. The new girl had light blonde hair. Nearly white blonde. But still no where near the snowyness of mine. I could tell this girl was very judgemental and also very dumb. How? She was looking at me with a look of hatred, when she had never even met me. And dumb because she was listening to what Scarlet had to say. And apparently believing it, for the longer Scarlet went on, the deeper her look of hate got. Rosemary was also looking at me with disgust. 

  My god, I thought, Why are they obsessing over me? Care tapped me on the shoulder. My sundae was ready. I paid the lady and took it without looking at it. I nudged Feather and Care and flicked my eyes over to where Rosemary, Scarlet and that other girl sat. They had stopped whispering, but were still watching me. Feather's lip curled and he gave me a small shake of his head. Ignore them. I got the messsage. Care, ever the bold one, looked at them and rolled her eyes. She looked to me and made a stupid face, which got me sniggering. She walked out and Feather and I followed. 

  We sat down at an outdoor table. Care started to talk. "Did y'see that new blonde girl?" she asked.

  "Yeah," Feather and I said together. "What about her?" Feather asked.

  "You could call us old friends. Back in Sydney when we were little, we were very close. Then she took on a girlish streak and we sort of went our own ways." She shook her head. "I am not a girly-girl."

  I nodded and looked down at my untouched sundae. I saw that in hot fudge a little crown was drawn. I sighed. "Look, guys. A little crown." Feather smiled when he saw it. "What?" I asked him.

  "Oh. My dad once went here and he saw your mom. He told me. She was just leaving the line and she said to the lady, 'The crown! Thanks, Lydia.' I guess she was a regular or something, or at least used to be." He thought for a second. "I guess she recognized you. You do look like the Empress. I saw her on the Glass once." 

  "Whats the Glass?" I asked. I had a ton of questions. "And, I have a photo album of my parents. I don't look anything like what my mom looks like in the pictures." 

  Care answered this time. "The Glass is like -- what do the Ords call it? -- a telvison? Well, there's different Glass Networks and you can tune in your Glass to all of them."

  Feather spoke. "The Glass Network I saw was of your mom doing some important Empress-business. They showed her face alot. She had green eyes and the same nose as you." 

  Care went on to explain the photo album. "Ord pictures are alot different from Mundi pictures. Oh, Mundi is here." She saw me about to ask that. "Anyways, Mundi photos are much clearer, and they always capture exactly what you look like. Ord pictures can be blurry or distorted or fuzzy or whatever. Mundi's can't."

  "Oh. Well do you know where I can get some Mundi photos of my mom?" I asked.

  Feather answered. "I'll bet December has some. Go ask him if he does." I nodded. I still had to tell him about not having the Mark of The M anyways.

  Care and I finished our sundaes and sherberts while Feather threw away his Pale Ale cup. "Good thing it was a float," Feather was saying, "Or I would be having the burps now." 

  "The burps?" I asked, while Care was agreeing. 

  "Yeah. Pale Ale is a really weird drink. If its just Pale Ale and nothing else, you explode into really big burps after you finish. Sparking burps. Of course they stop after a second though. And bad things happen if a bottle of Pale Ale is thrown and gets smashed. All the things that make sparks go off at once."

  Care interuppted. "So, thats why Pale Ale isn't allowed in schools like Maelstrom. Once, a few years ago, some little bar had a fight and a bottle of Pale Ale was thrown. The place just exploded or lit on fire or something."

  "It did both." Feather said. 

  "How do you remember?" I asked. 

  "Oh. I have a photographic memory. I remember a good amount." 

  "Wow, thats pretty cool, Feather..!" Said Care. She genuinely seemed suprised.


  We all followed December back through the streets and up the hill. I spotted Rosemary and Scarlet and their new girl in a tight knot, talking more. Gladly not watching me. "Hey, what's that girls name, the one you used to be friends with?" I asked Care. "Oh, its Mia." She replied, just as we were stepping on the carriage. Feather, Care and I dragged our cauldrons full of school supplies through the noisy sliding doors. We got to our seats in the very last car. We sat down and waited for the Volantes to take off. After a few minutes of flying, I fell asleep.

  It had been a long, long day at Sylvetta City.

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