Volume 4: Closure

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Toma Hisoka POV

I was relaxing on the main deck at a cafe. 

Since the third day of the exam was a break period, we could do whatever we wanted. That said, there wasn't much to do anyway, now that a lot of groups have finished the exam. Thanks to Kouenji's rogue move, I signaled Matsushita and Ryuuen to start submitting names through email, names of the Class A VIPs I mean.

After that, I left absolutely everything to Hirata and Ryuuen for them to discuss. I even offered them to include Class B as a nice big "fuck you" to Katsuragi. Besides, Sakayanagi told me to bring him down, then why don't we bring him down to the very bottom? 

My part of the plan is over, so now I'm free to do as I please for the rest of the exam. Whatever the results, whether Ryuuen betrays us and takes down every other VIP in the exam, I don't care. For now, I can just think about other things like how I can deal with Yuko, and the looming threat of those men in black coveralls. 

If I were to think as if I was alone, I'd be very wrong. Sure, right now I can't really get any help, but Sakayanagi is a possible ally. She and the Chairman were the ones to give me the info about those men. Since I'm a student, I'd barely be able to investigate that myself, so I'll just stay on my toes for now. 

As for Yuko, I definitely need to deal with her alone. I can't involve anyone else because they don't know of her existence, not even the Sakayanagis, if I assume they don't have that much information on us. Shizuko's DID formed after mother died after all, so they'd only know if they looked into her medical records, which I made damn sure were hidden extremely well. 

The physical, printed copies of those medical records were burned, but I had requested the doctors for electronic copies, which I have on me. Yeah, I brought it here to ANHS when e boarded the bus, it was a USB that I could plug into a PC or laptop at anytime if I needed them. 

Currently, that USB was hidden inside my school bag, which was in my room back at school. Even if the school staff would go through my room, they'll see it as a personal belonging and not mess with it. It's not as secure as I want it to be, but it's better than nothing. 

Back to Yuko, I could approach the problem in three different ways. The first is ignoring her completely, then let her come to me, a lure tactic. The second is that I approach her directly and see if she'd agree with working with me to keep the DID secure. 

The last is the option I've been dreading, the option of violence. I can't hope to fight her, I just can't bring myself to do so. She's the one person I don't want to fight, like at all. Sure I don't wan to fight allies like Ayanokouji, Matsushita and Kushida, but they may very well betray me at any second, so I'm keeping my distance. 

Whether it's Shizuko or Yuko, or whatever alter there is, she's still my little sister. I'm not Horikita-senpai, I care about my little sister very much, and I just don't want to hurt her. At times like these I can't help but think, what would mother do?

Someone tapped my back before I could think of anything further. Turning around from my seat, I saw Shizuko, no, Yuko, waving at me in a rather cute manner. 

"Good afternoon, onii-sama." She said. 

"Afternoon. Anyway, what did you want? I'm trying to thinking here." 

"Haven't I said that you should stop thinking for once?" She replied, taking a seat across me. 

"What's it to you? I need to plan our next move."

"Next move? Onii-sama, the exam is practically over. You saw the messages this morning didn't you? Only Dragon, Rabbit and Horse groups remain." 

Which meant only Class D's VIPs were spared. They must still be discussing which class should guess our VIPs. 

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