Volume 7: Fires Come, Fires Burn

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I'll walk with you, whether the path leads to victory or defeat. I no longer care for the results of our battles, all I care about now, is seeing all of you happy. I'd be a proud brother, knowing that I'm doing my job well.  -ForgetMe

You could be as silent as the dead of night, or you could be as loud as a gun being shot. Now, if you were given the choice when you die, would you rather be remembered, whether as a model citizen or a criminal, or would you rather be forgotten, forever?  -Berette

It seems we have quite the problem. I suggest you do not make your presence known to him. He is coming to this school, and sooner than we initially thought. Also make sure your niece and nephew do not go near the conference room, I do not know what the professor will try and do, especially to the children of the one that betrayed him.  -AChair

Toma Hisoka POV

Significant changes were made to our contract with Sakayanagi, and I mean significant. Multiple new clauses were added, some deleted, some remade. At this point, to Sakayanagi, the contract was just a placeholder to get closer with me, which I personally believe wasn't even necessary. Then again, she had to consider the fact that Horikita and our class are so wary of her, she would see me as a traitor if I casually hung out with her. 

And, by her self-proclamation, we were dating, I didn't even get to disagree. 

Somebody help. 

Well at any rate I was currently just walking my way to class, with Shizuko right behind me. Yeah, they dissociated again, it's becoming more frequent now. Within the last few days they've done so around ten times, and even they don't know why, not even Yuko. This just means it calls for further research. 

As we near the classroom. we heard a commotion. Inside, Sudou was by Horikita, complaining about something. 

"What's wrong, Sudou? We could hear you from outside." I said as we approached them. 

"Huh? Oh, sorry. Was just complainin' about Ryuuen's lackeys screwing around with me." He replied. 

"You too?"

"Too? Did you get tailed as well Toma-kun?" Horikita asked me. 

"I get tailed on a daily basis." 

Wasn't even a lie. Ryuuen sends his classmates to stalk me quite often, and so do Nagumo's year mates.

"Do you think they're plannin' on staging another fight, like that time they tried to get me in trouble?" Sudou asked.

"Who knows? I can't say at this point. But I'll consider countermeasures, just in case. If they happen to approach you again, make sure you don't get physical." Horikita said.

"I understand. I ain't gonna break my promise to you. Even if they start throwin' punches, I'll stay calm." 

After Sudou finished giving his report, he returned satisfied to his seat and casually started a conversation with Ike and Yamauchi.

"I wonder if Sudou-kun's finally become a normal, well-adjusted person."

"Yeah, his speech is still a little crude, but that's fine." Ayanokouji said.

"I'll admit to it, but either way he's still Sudou. As for you Horikita, I'm most interested in whether your superiority complex would break." I commented. 

"Oh? And what about you? You have such a guardian complex that you're becoming rather stupid." 

"I'm fine with that. So long as the people I'm protecting can have a fulfilling life." I said, patting Shizuko on the shoulder. 

COTE: Mysterious Siblings(DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now