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                       Ruby's diary.

' Words are an extension of one's emotions. Each letter talks a lot about what one feels and one wants to hear. As much as it pains to let it,
it hurts more keeping it in. The depth of each sentence and paragraph opens one up to an understanding as you feel free letting the words carry the burden of what you want people to know. So I write the pain in my heart in my mind where I can keep it safe away from my enemies all the secrets hidden in words within every thought in my head. For all it needs is a paper and pen to write down what the world can archive.'

"In this class you are allowed to express your character the way you want. I need you to understand sentence construction and tenses are extremely important when it comes to writing, polish it in order to unlock your potentials like a genie in a bottle." Miss Nadia stops upon seeing Kim Jack mimick her words and actions in such an insulting way, annoyed she smacks the back of his head putting a stop to his shenanigans getting a smile on Hayden's lips as she mouths a 'you deserve it punk.'

"You need to construct your words properly for the meaning to be understood. Have we understood." Miss Nadia proceeds hoping everything is properly grasped by the teenagers. This children had the attention span of a new born baby. It was hard to change up her methods of teaching to better suit a generation that is limited to understanding 30 seconds tutorials on the internet. She also had one more advantage unlike other subjects Creative writing has always been the most interesting for all the students so they tend to put all their concentration to everything the she says. "Okay so today's assignment is based on canis lupus latin for wolf. You shall write an essay on this majestic creature (cough sound). It was evident the cough was forced making her turn from the chalk board eyes sharpened to spit the culprit in purple jacket hair silver and eyes soulless staring back at her. "Am sorry Mr. Silverstine do you have a problem?" "Not necessarily a problem but a question. Majestic creatures? Can't we write about something that is not smelly, ferocious, under no control creature with lack of stability or class?" "Are you describing Dracula?" Ruby suddenly intrudes anger swimming in her veins at the boy's disrespect towards her kind shocking the class. The little mermaid had more than just a glimmering smile, they could see the fangs struggling to remain hidden and boy was Derrick not ready for this.

"Sweetheart you are walking on the wrong path. You do know that is the school mascot." "Oh! Am sorry..... It was inappropriate for me not to raise my hand Miss.Nadia." Ruby annoyingly puts her hand smirking at her sudden remark. "Yes Miss. Morganstein. "Are you describing yourself?" Oh! No not that Ruby just stop save your skin, her line urges Derrick's blood to boil to degrees no thermometer can measure. Everyone could see his ears turn red but were also completely surprised by the fact that Ruby was not phasing at all she sat there smirking awaiting his ridiculous outburst. "I'll ask for my leave before I lose my dignity and get arrested for murder." The raven head rolls her eyes at his dramatic exit going back to her books ignoring the scene in front of her while Derrick packs his book dragging himself out of the room. Nobody, nobody in their right mind has ever dared to talk to him the way the new girl did. Seems like she is going to be fun to destroy and when Derrick silverstine has his eye on someone he makes sure to make it his life time mission to break them to the point no one can put you back together. Too bad for him Ruby was already shattered and no one not even him can break her even more. Everyday waking up felt like a punishment for the she wolf . Breathing was torture but it's going to be fun to see the silver head try. Don't you think?

"I can't believe my ears what did you do to Mr. Annoying?" Hayden questions taking a seat next to Ruby shaking her body vigorously forcing her to drop her history book on majestic creatures. "You scared me, Jesus." Reprimands the blue eyed female coughing out the excess water that almost drowned her lungs. "Well nothing much. I don't know where the exaggeration is coming from?" "The exaggeration may be a little too much but well deserved. You are clearly feeding the school's gossip quacks. Title 'a force to wreak on with and the force of Derrick silverstine doesn't just rain it pours.' how is that for the weather forecast news." Jack teases grabbing some chips/fries from Ruby 's lunch plate. "Are you trying to scare me with second grade bullying because am not shaking. "Assures the raven haired picking up her fallen book "You insulted him." Ron announces "Am sorry that is nowhere near the truth, he insulted himself." Defends Ruby stating her truth. She just diverted all those insults to him but he listed them down himself ."He is way over his head." "Good job convincing us, try telling it to the many masses that worship him and have their heads up over his ass." Fred states turning Ruby's head facing her toward her group of newly made enemies. "You just signed your death certificate." Ron whispers staring at the group of cheerleaders in their purple and black uniforms walking towards their table "Talk about school spirit." Hayden mocks drinking her pineapple smoothie through her favorite swirly straw. "Oh! They are getting close. Am gonna pretend I barely know you." Jack notifies turning away from her."Wow! with friends like this who needs enemies." Mocks Ruby as she watches Jack and Ron turn away from her. Before she could stand and leave the table she feels a strong stench of perfume suffocating her forcing her to seat and wait for the attention seekers to do as they please. "Well are you gonna stand there or talk? You are blocking the light and I find this book quite charming compared to your tragic need for self importance."

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