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"Two nests wiped out and you are comfortable sipping martinis like it's good news." The complaints of a loyal family member is the last thing he definitely wants to hear at the moment. He had a lot in his mind. The actions of his choosing is based on matters even more unbearable than the loss of nest leaders. His experiment was failure after failure and it was getting on his last nerve. "I am not responsible for every vampire alive on this planet. They have power, they have speed, I have made them the Apex of predators.Do I need to remind you that?" "No Seth it is perfectly clear. But ever since we killed the wolves you stepped a foot back ..." Of all people his sister should be the last one drilling nonsense into his head.

"Valaria if you are still shaking in your boots how about you get yourself an audience with the rest of the clans and discuss it. See if they will listen." "Without you on board? They will think that you don't care,That...." "Am not their mother, aren't they a bit too old to continue breastfeeding. They are clan leaders, they should take care of themselves and their own." He groans taking a sip from his glass before standing up to take his leave already dead tired of his sisters "convincing" speech. He had to be somewhere else's far more important. "I guess I'll have to make up another excuse for the mighty Seth. You owe me." "That's why I love you." he chuckles giving her a kiss on the forehead as a gesture of love. They were not always together but when they were one could see how they appreciated each other's company. They never spoke stories of their past and they never betrayed the other. It was always a choice they swore by without the need for words. "I will not always be there." the sister groans walking towards the office door. "So stop slacking or they will not trust you and trust me when i say they will leave with no second thought that you are their god." "Creation is always a burden when it evolves, don't you think." He replies smiling back at his sister.

"Pass the puck to Max he's open." The coach shouts frustrated as the scores are still at per, how are they going to win if the score is 12-12. "Pass it to Derrick." The captain shoves William roughly but carefully grabbing the puck mid air, he tosses it around looking for a clear shot which he gets and Boom!! He sends it to the goal the crowd goes wild. Midviel high up by two more points but the game is not over and William is still on fire for his revenge. "Good one it won't last though." "Tell that to the score board, excuse me."

"Ladies and gentlemen we are now down to the last event I know you are all excited let's introduce our first participant from Dale high Miss Rachel smith . Strong player, good at the bars since she was three I heard." "Yes Chuck determined at a young age, she might be the one to hold the title this year." "Might is a strong word there since we have Cate Bridgette still competing. A queen at the bars and the championship holder since 2019..."

"..Did you hear that my sweet little Hayden?" "What was that? Did you hear a fly buzz Ruby? Oh! It's just Miss show and tell, am a bit busy preparing the person who will beat you so excuse us." Hayden states walking away from the bragging blonde dragging Ruby away. "Hey am not done." "I am." "Yes you are, Always pushing but never getting, that must be your motto." Hayden turns glaring at the girl before smirking.
"Always bitching never clever must be yours." The blonde rolls her eyes at their opponent before turning away having enough chit chat with the enemy. "She is damaged." The midnight black haired states staring at the back of the blonde . "Mommy issues it always bears the worst fruits. She'll need a decade in therapy and you need to focus back on stretching." "Yes ma'am." The two joke around as Hayden helps her out with the final stretches.

Back in the ice rink Derrick grabs the pack from Ron dribbling past William who quickly tries to grab it but completely fails. "Don't waste my time Willie." By this time most of the boys were already out of the penalty box and pumped up with enough anger to dice a dragon. Especially derrick and William who were in and out for most of the sessions. That was evident judging by the broken glass glistening the floors, seats and scorekeepers coats. The insults they hurled at each other was not enough men not even Jack's sarcasm saved them from throwing sticks. And when the sticks ran out the boys had to jump each other through the glass. School property destroyed, the game orchestra harmed and the players were out for blood this was quite a game and the fans were enjoying every minute of it.

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