Chapter 22- And So It Began

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"Frank!" I shake him vigorously but he won't snap out of it "Wake up, please! Spice!" I smack him hard and he jolts in a heartbeat. He stares at me blankly with rough breath "Are you okay?" I ask, my hand gently caressing his cheek regretting the hit. After a few moments he speaks. "I'm with you aren't I" he's hot and damp, it scares me. He pulls me closer to him, nuzzling at my neck. "You smell so good" he comments before pulling me even closer, I shush him, encouraging him to close his eyes. He grabs the sheets pulling it over us. I fist his hair softly hearing his soft grunts of approval. "Tell me you love me" "I would but it would never be enough for how I truly feel" I answer truthfully, I feel his smile on my skin as his hands roam at my waist. I eventually hear his faint snores and I let the tears escape my eyes. This isn't good. The fact that I wake up sweaty and cold in the middle of the night is a worry but if he wakes up hot and damp, it's too much. The things that have happened to us are egregious and unforgettable and we have each other to help one another but we're not sleeping anymore. How are we supposed to function without sleep? It's either he's tending to me or I to him. I can't help but wonder am I the reason for his sudden uncomfortableness. Did I somehow make it seem like I was forcing it out of him? Albeit, I didn't even ask.

I move just enough so I can have a full profile of him even in this darkness. The way his dark blonde strands cover those hidden basils like bangs, in a messy fashion from a messy sleep. The way his legs unconsciously wrap around mine possessively. The musky scent of French vanilla and spice that swirls around the air and the quiet whispers that leave his mouth carrying my name. I love him, with every aching vein. I am connected to him some how in some way and I can't just up and leave like I normally would once things get weird but what sense would it make now, anyway? Things are very weird and I'm still here trapped by his spicy banters. I stare at him, stroking his bicep and my mind begins to travel in wonder as in: I wonder what his nightmare was?

I make a mental note to press him about it later.


Sweat drips down every pore, my heart rises at every move and my throat burns at every scream "Frank!" He plunges into me repeatedly. He woke up the second time around not from a bad nightmare but from a terrible lust. He slides into me with haste and I can't help but moan it feels too good. I feel my pussy tighten around his thick cock as he stays still in me as if telling me Im in you but as if showing me it's him not anyone else. Him. Who do I belong to? Him. Who do I live with? Him. And who do I love? Him.

He teasingly moves his hips in circles as I claw at his back marking him, proving that I might be his but he is in every way mine. "Frank please!" I beg "Please what?" He replies panting, almost as breathless as me but not quite. Bastard. "Deeper! Make me come" he smirks at me "Always a pleasure" he moves with intension, just one hard thrust and I explode in ecstasy as does he simultaneously and there is no better feeling "There is nothing better than waking up in you, Lion" He slowly rips out of me and I feel his absence.

I didn't notice a frown was placed on me until he lifts my chin asking me about it "What's wrong, Lion?" I shrug even though I feel tears rising I quickly blink them down. I don't know what's gotten over me. "Nothing. I just- I guess I'm just not used to being without you considering we've spent every moment together since my graduation" he softly smiles at me "I'm right here" "You know what I mean" He swoops me in his arms "Oh yeah? I can fix that if" he pauses for dramatic affect, the basil eyed bastard "you're up to it" I smirk deviously "For you Mr. White I'm up for anything"

He took me again


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