Chapter 6- Hey little sister what have you done ?

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After I left Frank's office building, I changed into my sweats, tank and sneakers. I took that bun off and made a french braid.
I went to Donut Plant for breakfast I was craving a tres leche donut, super good by the way. Then went to school saw Sasha and Ella. Sasha was ranting crazily about her new boss. David. What a nuisance. He's too cocky for my liking. He really is charming though. I just think that all 3 of them are up to something and I'm not stupid.

I'm walking to the grocery store to pick up a few snacks for Jenalyn's sleep over. It's gonna be fun i'ma make it fun. I'm not Jada. Jada would've killed Jenalyn the moment she stepped in her house. Jada isn't a bitch but she is strict especially when it comes to Jenalyn. I am too, but I know how to loosen up. I pick a pint of Hagen-daaz Vanilla Almond Swiss for me and a pint of Dark chocolate chocolate chip for her, a bag of almond m&m's, a bag of gummy worms, a pack of cheddar popcorn, Oreos, Spicy Doritos, and 2 bottles of Naked's mango smoothies. It's gonna be relaxing IF she doesn't cry while we're watching the romantic movies I have: A Walk To Remember (her fave.) And (my fave) ,The Last Song. I personally don't like romantic movies. I mean I do but I'll do it for her, she needs it. I Pass everything to the cashier before giving in the amount due.

I turn my key in the ignition in order for me to drive to parents house. A route I know like the back of my hand. I get to my desired destination so I park my car in the driveway and make my way to the door. If your wondering my parents (adoptive) have a white mansion like...have you seen Clueless ? It looks exactly like that, it's very simple, elegant but classic. Very pretty.
I knock twice. I head muffled whispers of wonder before both my mom and dad open the door with a big smile on both of their faces "Jessie, baby" my dad sats "Hey , Dad" I reply while hugging them in unison, while stepping in the house "So, where's lady Godiva?" They sigh, then I hear a sweet - refreshing voice and a sweet smell of ripe strawberries floods my nostrils "Right here" she says innocently with bags in her hands filled with all the stuff she needs. "Babe !" I exclaim then hug her hard "I've missed you" I swear I'm grinning like an idiot while hugging the life out of her. "I've missed you too" she replies her voice cracks. I look into her soft turquoise eyes she really needs me right now. Damn, I have to get her to the apartment quickly before she burst out crying. What the hell happened? "Why don't you put those bags in the car." I open the trunk. While she puts her stuff in the trunk, I run back up to the house and talk to the parents "So , you wanna explain why your kicking her out?" "We're not kicking her out we just need her to get some advice on why having sex at a young age is wrong." My mom claims "Mother , you do know I'm Jessica , right?" "Of course I do. But if I send her over to Jada's I don't think she'll come back in one piece." I nod in agreement. She sighs "I just can't believe my...our little girl is growing up" my father says "well , don't worry i'll bring her back all informed about the dangers of sex and with all her limbs" I say sarcastically , they chuckle "well gotta run" . I kiss my fingertips, blow them a kiss and start running backwards to the car "love ya , mom! and pa!" . "Love you too be careful my lovelies". My mom says my dad smiles warmly.
"Alright , love bug jump in" I tuned in the radio they were playing "White Wedding" by Billy Idol. Yes, you don't know how much I adore this guy "I love this song" She's grown to my ways. Jenalyn says while singing the lyrics. I laugh its cute how she's grown to my ways. I start to sing with her " you already know how much I love billy" (I have a tattoo of his name in calligraphy on my back. Billy Idol is one of my favorite artist)
"Hey little sister what have you done?
Hey little sister who's the only one?
Hey little sister who's your superman?
Hey little sister who's the one you want?
Hey little sister shot gun!"
We sang the whole car ride to my apartment infinitely on repeat.
When we get to the apartment , i unlock the door and we get a friendly greeting from Ella , Sash and Jada.
"Omg ! Your so big!" Says Ella enthusiastically "Thank you" Jenalyn says while giggling , she always loved attention "Hey , kid you didn't forget me did ya?" Said Sasha with open arms "how could I?" Then they break out in laughter yeah . I turn to find Jada "JADAA!!!" I run to give her a hug more like I was a linebacker and tackled her "OH MY GOSH, JESS , I can't believe your hugging me?" Yeah I usually hate hugs but this week they've been the top 5 way to get people to stop worrying about one thing or the other. "Lml shut the fuck up" I say in a playful tone. She turns to see Jenalyn and they hug, none of us have seen Jada or Jenalyn in a long time. "Who would've thought that when Jenny loses her virginity , the J's would all be together" Sasha says , we all start chuckling and head our way to the living room when I remembered I have bags to put away "Guys , i'll meet you there in a second" they nod , I take the bags from the kitchen counter, put the ice cream in the freezer first then I walk to my room. I set the snacks on top of my dresser. I put the clothes I was wearing at Frank's job in the dirty hamper and make my way to the living room. They're all in a fit of giggles I look at Jen and ask "You wanna put your stuff in my room?" I ask Jenalyn " she finishes laughing and says "Yeah" she takes her tye-dye duffel bag (which I bought her) and her blue Jansport book bag and makes her way to my room. I plop my self on the couch next to Ella "what's so funny?" They start laughing again harder this time "She told us of how your parents found out and" Sasha tries to say -laughs again- Ella finishes her sentence "She forgot to throw out the condoms!" Then i start laughing cause 1. They're laughs are infectious and 2. How stupid could Jenalyn be , not to be mean of course but when I was her age or older. I was an expert I always cleaned the sheets , threw the condom out like I was a master at hiding things no lie. But then again she just lost her cherry and you know everyone makes mistakes. Gonna have to teach Jen my tricks. "Uhh , how did it happen anyway" Ella asked "Yeah like what , position , what type of condom , who ?" Sasha stated , Ella throws a pillow at Sasha "That is not what I meant" she huffs , yeah Ella doesn't think dirty like Sasha and I. "Well , I don't know anything yet but I plan to find out" "OH" they say in unison "Well since you guys are gonna be here me Ella and Jada are going to do a little shopping" Sasha said enthusiastically , Ella nodded ... But where's Jada ? As if reading my mind Sasha says "Jada is downstairs , don't worry ... Mwah see you later" And just like that they grab there purses and jackets and out the door. I walk to my room to see Jenalyn just sitting there on the edge of my bed , just thinking. I walk over to her she notices and lifts her head to meet my eyes . Turquoise to forrest green . "They left , it's just you and me. I have no judgement for you ... Tell me what happened ?"I say softly. She lets out a deep breath , that lets me know she's not ready ...." Okay how about this we both take nice hot baths, put on comfy pj's , put on a movie, eat some of our favorite snacks and then talk?" She smiles a weak but nice one. "Yeah I would like that."

Hey guys sorry this chapter is such a drag but to inform you so will the next one. I'm so sorry I promise things will get very interesting soon, don't stop reading.

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