Chapter 9- Digging

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Franks POV
Ezekiel 25:17 ~ The path of a righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and tyranny of evil men blessed he who in the name of charity and goodwill shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness for he is truly his brothers keeper and finder of lost children.
That's the quote that helped me build everything around me. That's also the quote i saw in Pulp Fiction. Very compelling though. I've built my work, my life from the ground up not taking any of my parents money or help. Yes, my parents both come from a long line of riches no rags, but i didn't use it. I simply thought why use theirs when I could make my own. Vitality is one of my strong suits. I've been called many things including "Cold hearted bastard" to "A non stop working brilliant young man" "Heartless" to "strong willed" but I've never cared what anyone thought , I've kept an impassive face till now. I've never cared about impressing anyone till now.
"So she just ran ?" David asks in disbelief "Yeah , pretty much" I confirm , David shakes his head and scoffs "Man, I knew you were ugly but Jesus" I look at him so he knows that isn't funny. "Ahh , you like her" Ashton says. I give him a cold stare. "Obviously" I state , while taking a sip of my Samuel Adams "No, I mean enough to care about her" I stay quiet , I honestly don't know, it's just ever since I met her she's had a great impact on me but I don't even know her that well and the fact that I pulled out "The Contract" and she ran in terror (or so it seemed)....I realized I don't wanna hurt her what's so ever. "I never thought of her as a runner" adds Ashton. I my head at the comment "You don't know her" he scoffs "And you do" I was about to kick his ass when "Well anyway, me being an amazing best friend and cousin ... I did some research" David throws a folder on the table in front of me , I pick it up. "I was gonna do that guess you beat me to it" I say as I pick up the folder "Man , she's been through hell and back" now I'm really interested and apparently so is Ashton , he finally ripped his eyes from the TV screen. I flip through the pages "Her father big company guy uh..Jonathan Fergusmichz , goes to Spain to trade some oil where he meets her lovely mother Elsa Corerra and you know he falls in love stays in Spain yada yada , obviously they pop out a few kids Jada , Jessica and Jenalyn." I nod so does Ashton "But then they get divorced leaving the mom with the kids BUT mom suffered from depression and before Jonny there , she was a drug taker and dealer of various products such as heroine , Mary Jane , pcp , etc... Since daddy left she starts again leaving Jada and Jess in care of a drunk and high, abusive mom.After that mom decides to find love again and she dates this guy ; name ? Don Jon Aplice. Just a regular guy except he's 20 years younger than the mom and sadly he was abusive too" I got this gut wrenching feeling in me, surprisingly knowing this makes me wanna hunt down anyone who would ever wanna hurt Jessica. Who the hell would wanna hurt 3 helpless kids. David continues "But mom goes little crazy decides to move with the guy to Oklahoma and does so abandoning her own children and unexpectedly the dad comes rushing to take care of them but like us Jonathan was a Dom. and he decided to have his daughters as his submissives. Especially his favorite one .... Jessica." This suddenly makes me feel bad about what I am. "They would get raped and beat everyday when with him. That's why they all got adopted also why she ran away from you." David finally finished. I'm in shock this beautiful, vivacious girl is still standing, still breathing after all this shit has happened to her. Complete. Utter. Shock. But I have to keep trying I don't know what it is but ... I want her and only her. "You got all this from the Internet ?"I ask "Nope, I called social workers" of course "Man, fuck this lets watch the game" Ashton says exasperated I guess from all the morbidity. So we all clink our bottles and lounge for the rest of the night, watching the football game and having a couple laughs.
But when they left , I couldn't stop thinking about;if I hurt her ? Did I bring back unwanted memories ? Is she okay ? I've called her 94 times now, all went straight to voice mail. And then it hit me she might see me sooner that she'd like.

Poor Jessica, she's been through a lot and the worst part is this isn't all and she will go through more.... I'm so bad

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