Leo Minor

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"Hey Loke" He paused from his place at the kitchen sink. They'd just eaten and he'd demanded to wash the plates. He was listening to her, his head tilted in curiosity, so she continued.. "Do you want a child?"

He spluttered, dropping a plate into the soapy water. It took a moment for him to recover, but he turned to face her, blushing furiously.

"Excuse me? Did I hear you right?"

She shrugged, trying to seem more nonchalant than she felt. It had been something on her mind for a while, but especially now that Lisanna had managed to convince even Natsu to have a child with her. It felt like she was always a babysitter these days, it made her yearn for a little one of her own. Perhaps she was springing this on him suddenly, but it had been building for a while.

"Yes, you did. You don't have to say yes obviously but I like the idea of having a child of our own. I think you'd be a great father"

He blushed furiously but his smile showed how pleased she'd made him. He stood taller, pride exuding from every inch of him.

"You'd be a brilliant mother Lucy but...It's not something we can have, not in the usual way anyway. I'm a spirit and you're a human. I don't know if I can get you pregnant, but I don't think a human body is equipped to handle a spirit baby."

"Ah, yeah, that makes sense. I hadn't thought about that"

She tried to hide how upset she was, but his own mood soured with her. His face fell as he fidgeted nervously.

"I'm sorry Lucy. It's a drawback to marrying me I guess, a huge one at that"

He was looking worse by the second and she was starting to regret bringing it up, but it was an easy problem to solve. If she couldn't have children with him then-

"What about adoption?"

He paused, before looking at her with renowned interest. A spark was returning to him as an emotion she couldn't quite place flickered across his features.

"It doesn't matter to you, whether they're blood related to you or not I mean?"

She was almost offended- No scratch that, she was offended that he'd think so little of her.

"Of course not! My child is my child regardless of where they came from. I will love them with all my heart. Do you not like the idea of adoption?"

That was the major worry now, that he was so repulsed by the idea of a child not his own he'd refuse even adoption. But, to her surprise, he looked pensive.

"No, I'd love to adopt a child, in fact two children would be an ideal number. Just thinking about how different the two siblings would be and doting on them both is amazing"

He was on the pinnacle of gushing, he was probably going to be incredibly adorable. s

She hated to interrupt, but he'd lost her a long time ago.

"What are you talking about Loke?"

"Hm? Oh right, I wasn't talking about adoption in the same sense as you are. But having both is incredibly appealing to me. I was talking about Leo Minor"

A Celestial Spirit? Was he talking about adopting a spirit? Could you do that? He wasn't wrong though, having a spirit child and a human one would both have their own unique challenges, but she was absolutely warming up to the idea. She would love them both equally, she would just have to hope they loved each other.

"Leo Minor? I don't have their key though"

"No one does. Apparently he's supposed to be my, um, cub" He blushed darkly for a moment, doing his best to recover himself. "But spirits aren't really born in the same sense as humans so I always just figured it meant when I found a mate they'd appear. But that hasn't happened yet."

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