Stars return

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She yawned as she slumped around her living room. It was the middle of the night but she'd needed a drink desperately, so she'd had to get up. A quick trip to the kitchen and she was ready to sleep again. She went through the motions of double checking everything, just so her brain wouldn't give her another reason to wake up. She'd checked everything was off and was now just making sure the living room window was locked. She gave it a test pull before being satisfied she was completely fine and could sleep. She looked out into the clear night sky, idly deciding to see if she could spot a certain constellation. She knew she couldn't not while her husband was in their bedroom, but she still smiled softly when she spotted where they were supposed to be. That empty space where a mighty lion should be.

"Hey there Leo, having a good night?"

She liked to imagine that they would gleam in response, she'd like to think they could hear her. After that fight months ago when they'd been separated from Loke then eventually returned to him, she'd been wondering if it had any effect on them, had it affected Leo in any way?

"I wonder if you remember me, remember that day. Would you like to come see us again? It'd be fun to talk to you all, even if we'd have to help you keep control of your power again." She frowned at the sky, remembering that terrifying moment when it looked like they were trying to stop themselves from exploding. "Though it hurt you a lot didn't it? Maybe it was for the best you went back"

It could almost seem sad, with how lonely they were in the sky, so she was glad they spent most of their time here with Loke. It was perhaps weird to see what were technically just balls of heat as alive, but she'd talked to them, laughed with them. Maybe the ones in the sky weren't alive, but some form of them were. Maybe they barely had any form of conscience, but she still wished them the best. It was hard to know, hard to guess with Celestial spirits, but that's what you got adding magic and life to stars.

So caught up in her musing, she didn't notice Loke sneaking up on her before it was too late. His arms were around her waist and his lips were on her neck in a Loke patented 'Love attack' before she could so much as blink. He kissed her up from her neck to her cheek before letting out a small whine in her ear.

"I woke up and you weren't there Lucy, you scared me"

He yawned by her ear and she felt a little sorry for him. The lack of her presence probably woke him up, his subconscious bugging him about it until he opened his eyes.

"I'm sorry Loke. I needed a drink and then I...Well I got distracted"

He hummed thoughtfully, looking up at the sky.

"It is a lovely night. I can see how you'd get lost in it, but you can daydream while in bed with me"

He tugged on her, pouting and needy for her company. He was definitely tired and most days she'd accompany him, but she was a bit melancholic tonight. She indulged him a little though, leaning back into his hold, up against his chest. Her eyes stayed to the skies, but she was comforted by the arms tightening around her. He was such a cuddly lion.

"I know, I'm sorry. I just got to thinking about Leo"

He shuffled on his feet, fidgeting with her pyjama shirt.


"Yeah. After getting to meet them, I can't help but think of them from time to time"

His hands scrunched into fists against her skin. His words fell out alongside a laugh, but it sounded hollow.

"Not planning to replace me are you? I know some of them would be less of a hassle then me but surely you love me most?"

She frowned at the insecure undertones in his voice. She pulled herself out of his grip, turning around to face him. He flinched slightly, looking like a kicked puppy. She reached out and tenderly held his hands in her own.

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