𝐸𝑛𝑒𝑚𝑖𝑒𝑠 𝑡𝑜 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑠

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God i hate mondays.

   Why did i have to get up. I look at the time to see it's 9a.m. Great i have that stupid video to film with Sam and Colby. Sam is my best friend.. always has been. We grew up in Kansas together. Colby on the other hand, me and him don't get along. I never knew why, since i've never done anything to him, he just always has and I never really felt like asking.

   I finally got out of bed and decided to take a shower. I ran my fingers through my greasy hair, i felt like crying but maintained myself for today. I turned my shower on hot and stepped in. "Ow!" i winced as the hot water hit my wrists and thighs. I looked down at the old and new scars that were on my body, i knew i needed to stop, but i couldn't. No one knew about this, not even Sam and i tell him everything.

   I got out, dried myself off, and put on my XPLR hoodie with some black jeans. It was hot outside but i couldn't let them find out about what i've done. I wasn't proud of it, actually beat myself up about it everyday, and i know Sam would too. Colby wouldn't care.. he would probably encourage me too do it more.

I got out of my thoughts as i heard Sams car horn go off. oh great. I walk out of the house giving Sam a hug and plastering a smile on my face. "You look disgusting per usual" said Colby looking me up and down. I could feel my heart burn from what he said, i've always been insecure but Colby has only made it worse. Sam gave him a glare as i got in the back seat, i couldn't let him know the stuff he said affected me.

"So.. what are we filming?" i said trying to ignore the angry tension Sam had towards Colby. "Well we were gonna do an exploring a haunted asylum.. is that alright with you?" Sam said turning around to look at me for a second before quickly turning his head back to the road. "yeah.. yeah that's fine" god i hate scary stuff. Wish he would've told me that before i agreed to this shit.

When we got there the place looked beaten up, looked like a place someone would be murdered in. Sam pulled out his camera getting ready to film the intro, "Are y'all ready?" me and colby both just nod our heads. "WHATS UP GUYS its Sam and Colby!" i giggle a little bit at how loud Colby says it every time. "We have a guest with us this time, our good friend Y/n!" Sam said doing jazz hands towards me, "Hiii" i said smiling and waving at the camera. Colby gave me a nasty look like he was about to throw up just by looking at me.

They both continue to go on about the history of the place and how we were going to get in without getting caught. Where i was zoned out trying to figure out what i've done wrong. I could feel the tears start to form in my eyes but i held them back, "he can't see that i care." , i saw Sam look at me through the rear view mirror with worry so i quickly put on a happy face in hopes he didnt see my tears.

"Alright well yall ready?" Colby said, only looking at Sam, "For sure, lets go." Sam said looking back at me. We all got out of the car and started walking to the asylum, "Holy shit this place is huge" I say in almost a gasp like tone. "God Y/n do you have to make a comment about everything? Just shut up for once in your life!" Colby yelled at me making me flinch back, scared. Colby was always rude to me but never yelled like this. Me and Sam sat back in shock, i could feel tears welp up in my eyes.

   All the flashback of me being yelled at as a child came flooding back in my brain. "Im sorry." i say softly as i sped walk back to the car, i could hear Sam screaming at colby for what he had done. What did i ever do to him? God i don't get it.

   I sat in the car crying wondering what i did to Colby. It got hot in the car so I took my sweatshirt off, as I did that I saw Sam running to the car. Shit.  He couldnt see my scars he would kill me. He opened the car door and started rapidly apologizing to me. "Y/n im so sorry for what Colby did, i dont know whats gotten into him." He stops speaking slowly as he looks down at my arm. "Y/n what the fuck!" he says slightly raising his voice in worriedness.

   "Did you do this because of Colby?" he spoke calming down a little bit. "Not just Colby, i dont know Sam things just havent been good for me." I said keeping my head down so we didnt make eye contact. I could feel the tears swell into my eyes as I thought about all the bad things Colby said to me. Me and Sam quickly looked up when we heard a knock on the car window.


    He looked at me seeing my face red, swollen, and with tears streaming down my face. I could see Sam about to say something but i stopped him. "No. Its okay Sam i got it." I spoke and he gave me a slow nod while getting out of the car and leaving just me and Colby together. The first few seconds we were silent felt like hours, I looked up to see Colbys ocean blue eyes fill up with tears as he looks at the scars on my arms. In one motion he grabbed me and hugged me tight as he sobbed into my shoulder. "Oh Y/n im so sorry. So so sorry" He slurred his words as he spoke repeating the same words over and over again. I stood there hugging him, to shocked to say a word.

    I pulled away from him wiping his tears from his pretty face. "Why Colby? Why did you do it?" I said holding back my tears, "I don't know Y/n, i wanted you so badly but from the day I met you I thought you hated me. I always thought you were the most beautiful girl i ever seen." I noticed how close our faces have gotten to each others, "Ive always loved you Colby." I saw his pretty blue eyes that were once filled with sadness light up again. Our body's were now so close they were pressed against each other. He put one of his hands on my waist and the other on my cheek pulling me in until i felt his soft lips on mine.

    "What the fuck did i miss while i was gone??" we both pulled away quickly and turned around to see Sam have a confused look on his face. Me and Colby both looked at each other and busted out laughing. "I dont even wanna know at this point" Sam said rubbing his head, "Sorry Sam just couldnt help myself" Colby said looking at me smiling. "Guys keep in mind we still have an exploring video to film" Sam rolled his eyes at us with a little smile on his face. Colby put his arm around me and kissed me on my cheek. "Wait what if your fans find out" I said backing up a little bit, "Let them. They'll see i have the most beautiful girlfriend in the world." I chuckled at him "Girlfriend huh?" He winked at me and we all walked to go finish the video.

OML ITS BEEN AWHILE GUYS, anyways hope yall liked this lmk if yall want anything specific to be done im gonna try to post more. BUT WE BACK BITCHESSSS.

- ya gurllll 😋🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️😚🥲🙄😀🤦🏻‍♀️😀💔🤦🏻‍♀️🤨🤦🏻‍♀️🥰😋❤️❤️😭💀🤭🤣🙁🤣😩🤣🥲😚🤣🤷🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️

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