𝚠𝚎𝚝 𝚍𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚖

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Thank you so much for requesting please go follow her shes very sweet!
Sophie's P.O.V

I was woken up to the sound of moaning.

What the hell

I thought to myself as my eyes were still adjusting to the sun light coming threw the window (A/n: YoU CaNt YeEt aLL tHe SpEciAL eD kiDs oUt ThE sEcOnD sToRy WiNdOw)

I turned to my side to see my boyfriend, Colby, slightly moaning and grunting in his sleep.

I giggled lightly trying not to wake him up from his Wet Dream.

I reached over him and grabbed my book and reading glasses and began reading, as I normally do in the mornings.

Everything was fine until I heard.

"Ah fuck, that's it fucking call me daddy baby"

My eyes widened as I heard him say the word Daddy. Colby didn't like the word daddy and never really liked to be called it during sex.

I began to shake him awake. "Colby wake your ass up" I said in a stern voice.

Colbys eyes fluttered open as he looked at me wide eyed, "Umm good morning uh Sophie" he said with the slightest bit of a smirk on his face.

"Oh don't give me that sly smirk Brock, you know what you did" I  said with a cheeky grin, "Actually no I really don't Soph".

"Ah fuck, that's it fucking call me daddy baby" I said mocking his words from earlier. His eyes widened.

"I- um, Babe it was just a dream it doesn't mean I like that word" he said crossing his arms and raising and eyebrow.

"Sure you don't like it....daddy" I said saying that last part in a whisper, "what did you say" He said with now both his eyebrows raised.

"I said...DADDYyyyYy" I said busting out laughing as i began to go downstairs and make breakfast. Before I could leave the room I was pushed up against the bedroom door.

"You think you can just tease me about this" he asked barley through his teeth, "Uhh duh" I said back in a smart ass way just to get him frustrated.

"That's it" he said picking me up and pining me down on the bed. "Wait nooo I haven't had breakfast" I said in a baby voice, "While I'm about to have mine" Colby barley whispered as his eyes went up and down my body.

He quickly took off the hoodie i was wearing revealing my bare breast, cause who in the hell wears a bra to sleep. "Ha boobies" I bursted into fits of laughter as he said that, "what?" He said smiling.

"N-nothing, continue" I said calming myself down, "ok,that's what I thought" he said while slowly pulling down my undergarments down with his teeth, now leaving me fully naked.

He started to slowly swirl his tongue on my clit, going in clockwise circles, my smile quickly faded as my mouth fell into an "o" shape.

"O-oh fuck" I moaned with eyes closed and mouth agape as I could feel Colby smirking, "I-I can feel y-you smirking you bit-bitch" I moaned out stuttering a few words in the process.

I could feel him lift his tongue off my clit and start thrusting his fingers in and out at an inhumanly speed.

Ahh fuck Colbyyy" I yelled out while I gripped onto the sheets, just as I was about to release I felt his fingers slide out. "Heyyyy that was mean" I pouted crossing my arms, "I know but I've got something better, so no need to worry princess" he said as he unfolded my arms and put them above my head while giving me a quick peck on the lips.

He slowly entered moving back and forth slowly to give me time to adjust, "G-go faster...daddy" i said slightly chuckling at my comment I made, but that quickly faded as he began thrust at a inhumanly speed giving me no more time at all to adjust to his size.

H-holy shit, C-colbyyyy" I screamed as I felt him hit my g-spot. He chuckled a bit.

"Found it" he said as he moved his face into the crook of my neck lightly nibbling at it.

"Oh fuck Sophie" he said going faster than before, "I-I'm close Col-Colbyyy".

"M-me to babygirl" he said as my walls tightened around him and I released. "Are you on the pill?" He asked through his heavy breathing.

"Yes" I said as I felt him release and collapse beside me.

"Holy shit" I said out of breath, "Yeah holy shit is right" Colby said chuckling.

"So colby...?"


"Do you really have a daddy kink..?"

"...Dammit Sophie" he said trying to hide his blush.

Hope you liked this Sophie, thank you so much for requesting. If anyone else has a request please don't be afraid to comment, so yeah go follow Sophie and.....GoodbyEeEee BiYaTcHeEeeEsss

                                         - ya gurllll 😂🥰☃️🐶😁😊💕🤧🤔💅🏼💅🏼🥺❤️🤪🛬🤘🏻😞🙈🐢🙏🏻👋😥😈💦🖤💔😩😎✊🏻🦠

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