𝙸 𝙼𝚎𝚝 𝙷𝚒𝚖

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Type: ☠︎︎𝚜𝚖𝚞𝚝☠︎︎

𝕂𝕖𝕟𝕫𝕚𝕖𝕤 ℙ.𝕆.𝕍

Today was the day. I get to meet the TrapBoys. Me and Tara have been friends for awhile and recently she got a boyfriend named Jake. Jake has 3 roommates and today I get to meet all of them.

"Heyy you ready Kenz?" She asked jumping up and down like a little kid. "Yess, now come on we're gonna be late goofball" I smiled running out to her car. "Ok ok hold on" she giggled putting the key in the ignition.

"We're here!!!" Tara yelled parking the car in the driveway. We went up to the door unlocking it and stepping in. I heard fits of laughter coming from the living room, seeing 4 boys on the couch watching a movie.

"Hey guys, meet Kenzie" Tara said gesturing me to the boys, "Hey Kenzie" they all said making me giggle.

There was a dark brown haired boy he was pretty skinny and quite pale "Hi I'm Sam" the boy smiled.

There was a boy with red and black hair. Jake. I've met him before since he was Taras boyfriend "oh hey kenz" he said waving.

There was another dark haired boy with a man bun and nice tan skin, "hey I'm Corey" he nodded.

Last there was a very beautiful boy with dark purple hair and a nice toned chest and piercing blue eyes, "Hey I'm colby" he said with a sly smirk on his face.

"Hey everyone" I smiled not taking my eyes off of Colby. "So who wants to go get yougurttttt?" Tara yelled doing jazz hands, "I'm not that hungry so I'll just chill here" I said shrugging my shoulders. "Yeah me too, I'll just chill here and get to know Kenzie" Colby said glaring at me then Tara. "Ok that's cool, come on guys" as Tara said that all the guys shot up running out to the car. "Bye guys" Tara said shutting the front door.

"So what do you want to talk about" I said fiddling with my fingers as I sat down on the couch, "You." He said locking eyes with me, "And what about me Mr.Colby" I smiled, my eyes darting down to his lips. "Hm, are you single?" He whispers his eyes locking with my lips also. "Yes in fact i am, you?" I said as my face got closer to his. "Oh so single babe" he smiled connecting his lips with mine. His lips moved in sync with mine as he put his hands on both of my cheeks pulling my face in making the kiss more rough then before.

He pushed me down onto the couch holding both my hands above my head. He lips moved down to my neck, harshly sucking on it leaving a huge love mark, "oh so beautiful" he smirked in a raspy but gentle voice.

He made his way back to my lips as he swiftly slipped my shirt above my head, "No brah?" He smirked as his eyes locked with my bare breasts, "what? They're uncomfortable" I giggled waving my hands in the air softly, "it's fine, it's hot" he smirks kissing from my collarbone to my bare chest.

He slowly slides his hand over my thigh to my left breast squeezing it lightly as he attaches his mouth to my right one, "Mmm" I lowly moaned as my hands went in his hair lightly. He took my breast out of his mouth making a little popping sound. "Don't you think your wearing to much?" I smirked looking down at his fully clothed body. He sat up a bit putting his arms out slightly, I looked at him confused, "Common then princess, take it off" he said in his deep raspy voice.

I sat up a bit slowly unbuttoning his white unbutton shirt slowly pulling it above his head. His toned abs came into view as I ran my long acrylics along them, "Like what you see babe" he whispered as he hovered over me once again. "Mhm" I hummed as I stared at his perfect toned chest.

He slowly moved his hands from my hips to the buttons on my shorts. He looked up at me for permission, I nod vigorously as he then unbuttons my shorts sliding them off my legs throwing them across the room. He runs his large hands up and down my thighs as he lowers himself kissing the inside of them and sucking lightly leaving small love marks down the inside of my thighs. "So beautiful" he whispers almost to himself as his eyes scan over my half naked body.

He slowly slides down my black lace thong throwing them on the cold floor with my shorts. I hiss as I feel the cold air hit my unclothed heat. He plants small kissing on my inner thighs. "S-stop it" I wined, "stop what babe?" He smirked innocently his blue eyes piercing threw mine. "T-teasing" I wined again tilting my head back a bit, "keep wining and I'll stop right now" he whispers in my ear as he wraps his large hand around my neck as his other one goes down swirling figure 8s on my clit. "Ahh of fuck" I moan lowly somewhat to myself, putting my hands in Colbys hair once again.

He groaned as I tangled my hands in his beautiful purple hair. He began to rub faster now inserting one finger the other two moving fast motions on my clit. "C-Colbyyy" I arch my back a little as he adds a second finger, he nibbles on my collarbone as he speeds up his motions with his fingers. "Colby I'm g-gonna cumm" as the words left my mouth he instantly pulls his fingers away sucking on them lightly. "W-why'd you stop" I wined bucking my hips a bit. He immediately slams my hip back on the couch, "I'll stop if I want to princess" he whispers in my ear threw gritted teeth, "Understand?" He whispers again but a little more softly.

I slightly nod making him lower his head to my ear again slightly nibbling on it, "Use your words baby" he purrs in my ear, "I-I understand" I say loud enough for only him to hear, "good girl" he whispers one last time before he swiftly stands up unbuckling his belt and shimmying his pants off his legs leaving him only in his boxers. My eyes trail down to his large bulge eyes widening slightly. He chuckled looking at my face. "shit I don't have any condoms" He smiles down at me, "I'm on the pill get that smile off your face" I smiled back at him. He got back on top of me pecking me on the lips before pulling his boxers all the way down making me gasp slightly and eyes widening a little more than before.

"Ready babygirl?" He rasps our pinning both of my hands above my head, "Mhmm" I hummed bucking my hips as I feel his tip slide between my folds. "Patience baby" he states threw gritted teeth as he slams into me without warning. I hiss as he didn't give me time to adjust to his size, "Oh f-fuck colbyyy" I moaned when his length thrusted against my g-spot, "Found it" he hummed sweat lightly dripping off his forehead, "faster- fuck, please" I moaned as his speed increased hitting my g-spot every time. "S-so fucking tight" he grunted letting his head fall back. I could feel a knot in my stomach form as he went harder and harder each thrust. "Fuck babe I'm so close" he moaned burying his head into the crook of my neck, "M-me too" I whispered as my eyes rolled back into my head and my legs began to shake from the pleasure filling my body.

"I-I'm gonna cum colbyyy" I screamed out as I felt my orgasm release. "God Kenzie" he moaned as I felt him shoot his load into me. He thrusted a few more times to ride out our highs before crashing down beside me. We painted heavily trying to catch are breaths from the amazing sex we had just experienced. "So Kenzie" he smirked breathlessly, "Hmm?" I hummed looking into his eyes, "How would you like to go on a date with me? I would love to get to know you better" he smiled, "Is the Colby Brock asking me out?" I smirked turning over on my side to face him. "Maybe" he shrugged blushing a bit, "Yes I would love to" I smiled as my eyes darted to his lips. "Good, looking forward to it babe" he playfully smirked putting his lips back on mine.


Hey everyone sorry I've been kinda busy lately I promise to update more. Lola I just want you to know that I'm still working on your request. And Kenzie I hope you like this thank you so much for all the support and requesting this I love you all 💗💗💗

-ya gurlll😂👍🏻🤚🏻🤪🧡🤷🏻‍♀️👊🏻😊🐢🧟💛🙄💗🥺😬💜🤍😠✨🖤🤦🏻‍♀️😔👻😟🩲🖐🏻💙💚🤨👌

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