𝐻𝑒 ℎ𝑖𝑡𝑠 𝑦𝑜𝑢

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This always happens.

Colby, your boyfriend, always comes home late. You had enough of it.

Ever since he turned 21 it was constant going out to the club. Of course, he could spend time with his friends. You just wanted to have time with him too. You were tired of him coming home drunk just to make a mess that you would have to clean up later.

Your thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the front door opening and slamming shut, making you jump a little. You look over only to see your drunk out of his mind boyfriend.

"Where the hell have you been??" You yell at him, only to see him stop and look at you with demon eyes. The blue soft eyes you once loved were dark and filled with anger. "What the fuck are you talking about y/n" he rolled his eyes at you.

"You said you would be home by ten. It's fucking 2am Colby!!" you could feel your anger level rise as he acted clueless about what he did. "does it matter? let me have fun once in my life god dammit y/n." i could see his jaw clenching as he stared at me with dark eyes full of pure anger. i had never seen him yell at me before, he always talked so calm because he knew i had a lot of trauma as a child and that i was afraid of yelling. "i never said that babe, you can have as much fun as you'd like" i spoke in a soft voice hoping to calm him down. Me trying to calm him down only seemed to anger him more.

"Don't you get it Y/N, i would rather hang out with my friends then your sorry ass of a girlfriend." he slurred his words, a part of me wanted to believe what he said wasn't true, but another part of me believed he was right. He could do so much better than me? I could feel tears weld up in my eyes, he knew so many other beautiful girls who would die to even get a foot close to him, so why did he choose me? "Oh great here we go with your little crying act, it doesn't do any better for you to cry. You're even uglier when you do." he was shattering my heart piece by piece.

I couldn't take it anymore, i screamed at him while tears were running down my face "How could you say something like that to me colby? After everything ive done for you? Youre being such a awful person right now, not even my ex treated me this bad." Colby knew everything about my ex, and he promised never to be like him and to only treat me right and with respect. As soon as Colby heard the last sentence come out of my mouth he raged towards me with a swarm of anger all over his face. He gripped my shirt, pinching my skin, and throwing me up against the wall "The fuck did you just say to me Y/N?",  i couldn't get anything out of my mouth for i was so scared of what he would do next. 

"Colby please stop, you're hurting me." i winced in pain as his grip on my shirt got tighter and as it became harder to breathe. "I dont care, your nothing but a dumb bitch anyway" just as i was about to say something i felt a hard stinging pain against my cheek. My mind went blurry trying to figure out what just happened, as i came to realization i placed my hand on my cheek where Colby hit it. "Ow fuck" my jaw tightened as my cheek was already starting to bruise up and hurt. I look up to see Colby staring at his hands looking in disbelief. I backed away slowly from him, my heart still racing after what just happened. He finally looked up at me, his blue eyes soft as ever and back to the way they were. He came closer to me in a faster motion making me flinch back and protect my face with my hands. Before removing my hands from my face i can hear Colby fall back down to the ground and sob. I opened my eyes to see him, my heart immediately getting soft. I moved over into his arms and laid on his chest trying to comfort him without getting scared again. 

"What are you doing? You should hate me right now." Colby managed to let out through his sobs. i didnt say anything back, just looked into his big blue beautiful eyes, the ones i fell in love with. "Cmon Y/N say something please, hit me, scream at me just say something baby." why did I feel  so bad for him? i looked as Colby's eyes moved to my cheek and more tears began to come to his eyes. He slowly moved closer to me trying not to scare me again, he grabbed my hand as gently as ever and guided me to our bathroom. He carefully placed me on the sink "ill be right back okay?" i slowly nodded still confused on what was going on. A few moments later he came back with and ice pack and a rag soaked with cold water, he placed the ice pack on my cheek making me wince from the sudden cold feeling and pain.

"Im sorry im just trying to make things better love" he said while a frown appeared on his tear covered face, "i placed my hand on his "You are colby." i could see his cheeks redden when i put my hand on his. After all this time of being together i still make him blush over the smallest things. " i really love you Y/N. Im so sorry for doing this to you, when we got together i promised to never hurt you but now i-" his voice then began to crack out of sadness and more tears started to come out of his eyes. It hurt me to see him like this "oh colby" i hopped off the counter and pulled him into my arms as he sobbed on my shoulder.

We stood there for a while when he lifted his head up "I would lay there for hours but you're so short that i have to bend down and it's hurting my back" he chuckled while wiping his nose, i opened my mouth and hit him on the arm "Cole Robert Brock" i said trying to sound angry "im sorryyy" he said giving me a gentle kiss on the forehead.

"I love you cole." i said smiling wide at him

"I love you so much Y/n" he said doing the same


First story from being back and its ... SAD ????? im so excited to make more content and stories for you guys, ill try and get a post up every other day if possible.

- ya gurlllllllllllllllllllllll (can't put my emojis cs im on my computer rn :(((((. )

♡︎𝕔𝕠𝕝𝕓𝕪 𝕓𝕣𝕠𝕔𝕜 𝕤𝕞𝕦𝕥/ 𝕗𝕝𝕦𝕗𝕗♡︎Where stories live. Discover now