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Type: ☠︎︎𝚜𝚖𝚞𝚝☠︎︎

𝕄𝕒𝕔𝕚𝕖𝕤 ℙ.𝕆.𝕍

Walking in the park was something I did often. It relieved me from stress, and night walks were the best. The park was oddly quiet, usually it was packed but I guess it was late and people were trying to sleep.

I walked a little further sitting down on one of the benches and just looking up at the stars. They were beautiful, heavenly almost. My thoughts were pushed away as I heard the fall leaves crunching from a distance. I snap my head toward the sound seeing two men walking toward my bench. "Sorry we didn't mean to scare you" a brown haired man said siting next to me, "we wanted to make sure you were ok" he continued.

I looked up a little seeing a beautiful purple colored hair boy. "I-I um- I'm Colby" the boy stuttered only making my cheeks flush that he was flustered around me. "H-hey I'm uh Macie" I giggled making him smile. "So what are you doing here by yourself?" The brown haired boy said, "I'm Sam by the way" he chuckled, "well Sam this is where I come to relax" I smiled at him making him stare into my eyes smiling back. I heard a deep voice clear his throat making me turn around and look at Colby. "How about you can come to our place" he said trying to smile but I could still see his face fuming with anger.

"Yea sure!!" I kindly accepted the offer. I saw Colbys face light up as the words left my mouth. "Really??" I nodded my head, making his smile grow wider. "Alright that's fine with me" Sam implied nodding his head. I lifted myself off the bench (A/n: "nO cAuSe I wAs oVeR oN tHe bEnCh!!") making my way to their car, "well come on" I smirked gripping the handle making them run to the car also. "I call shotgun!!" I yelled making Colby chuckle at my stupidity, "ok ok, I'll take the back seat" Sam said laughing getting in the back seat.

Me and Colby were sat upfront. We spent the whole ride talking about ourselves and honestly we had a lot in common. There was something about Colby that made me feel like I've known him for so long. The sexual tension slowly building up every second. Before I know it we were pulling up into the driveway of a beautiful house. "Woah" I whispered to myself making Colby and Sam chuckle, "nice, isn't it?" Colby said looking at me, "y-yea it is" I stutter as we make eye contact. "Common we'll give you a tour" Sam said like a toddler, skipping into the house.

I chuckled at his stupidity following him into the beautiful home. Sam grabbed my hand making me launch into the house faster than before, "ok so this is our couchhh" he smiled plopping himself and me down onto the couch. I looked over seeing Colby staring at us with demon eyes, his face was red with anger but tried not to show it.

He was jealous.

A brilliant idea came into my head as I looked back at Sam again. I ran my fingertips down his arm laying my head on his shoulder. Sam looked at me for a second and looked at Colby. He looked back at me and smirked, "thinkin what I'm thinking?" He whispered in my ear making me nod. Sam then put his hand on my mid thigh sliding it up and down making sure Colby could see us. I could hear Colby grunt something under his breath and before I could even react he came and ripped Sams hand off my thigh and caries me up to his bedroom.

"What the hell colby?!" I yelled once he laid me down on his bed. He was quick to hover me with a angry look plastered on his face. "You were flirting with him" he growled under his breath. "Ok and I can flirt with whoever I want to" I rolled my eyes at him. I new I was testing him and that exactly what I wanted. He looked down at me with a face full of lust and jealousy, but somewhere in there I could've swore I saw a little bit of sadness. "Flirt with me...not him" he said looking between your eyes and your lips.

"Bad girls deserve punishment" he smirked holding my hands above my head. A little smirk plastered on my face. "Wouldn't you agree Y/n?" He growled in my ear (a/n: boy wth are you a dog?!) I nodded my head slowly still shocked by the situation. "I need words slut" Colby rasped out looking straight into my eyes. The blue gorgeous orbs I adored now dark grey and filled with lust.

"Y-yes I agree" I managed to speak out. He slid his white t-shirt quickly off, throwing it down onto the floor. I looked at his abs in awe. "You certainly like to stare at me for someone who likes to flirt with Sam" he chuckled making me blush a bit.

"May I?" He questioned as he held the bottom of your top asking to take it off. I nodded my head feeling the fabric lift off my body. I could feel his stare making me cover up, "w-what are you doing?" He asked looking at me with sad eyes, "d-do you think that I think your ugly?" He looked so shocked by my actions. "Y-you were just staring at my chest so I didn't know" I stuttered looking everywhere but his eyes, "no I think your beautiful" he reassured.

"Don't let anyone tell you different" he whispered as if he talking any louder I would simply break like a shard of glass. "Colby.." I breathed out needing to feel him, "yes my love" he smirked at me leaving small kisses on my neck. "P-please do something" I chocked out.

"I'm sorry but you'll have to wait" he growled into my ear (A/n: here comes the dog again 🙄🤚🏻) "don't think I didn't forget about what you were doing downstairs with Sam" he rasped out unbuttoning the buttons on my shorts and throwing them somewhere onto the floor. He stuck his large hand into my lace underwear massaging my clit.

"P-please no fore play" I begged wanting him to do something other than taunt me, "fine you want to wine? Your punishment will just be even worse" he yelled ripping off my panties and flipping me over to where my butt was in the air.

"Now I want you to count for me, ok princess?" He smirked at me, "yes daddy" I reply softly. "Good girl." He rasped out as one of his large hands made its way hardly onto my ass. "One" I winced, *smack* "two" *smack* "shit- three" *smack* "four" I whimpered as little tears left my eyes, *smack* "five".

"Do you think that was enough for you? Hmm?" He growled rubbing his hand on my now reddened butt. "Y-yes daddy" I spoke, wiping my tears. "Now I'm gonna fuck you so hard you won't be able to walk for weeks" he whispered into my ear seductively. Before I could say anything he slams into me making the head bored on his bed forcefully hit the wall. "S-so tight" he grunted going in and out of me at a fast pace, "o-oh Colby" I moaned burying my face into the pillow. He then grabbed my neck and pulled my head out of the pillow.

"No covering up y-your moans. I wanna hear you" he moaned making me nod slowly. "You feel so good kitten", "oh fuck Colby, I-I'm gonna cum." I moaned as I felt a knot starting to form in my stomach. "S-shit, oh god. Me t-too" he replayed going harder than before. Before I could say anything else I released all over his cock, "oh fuck y/n" Colby grunted looking at all of his cum oozing out of me.

I collapsed on the bed as he laid down beside me. " that was", "amazing" I finished for him making him chuckle. "Would you um, like to get lunch tomorrow or something." He spoke nervously. "Yes ofc" I smiled at him making his face light up. "Great! Tha-", "are you guys done up there?!" We both heard Sam yell before Colby could finish.

"Oh fuck off sam!"

Hello everyone! I'm so sorry for the very long break I took! I just needed time to recover from my dads death and was very busy. I hope you guys can forgive me! I will start posting more form now on! I love you guys!

-ya gurlll 😂🥇😏🤠🙄🤍😈🧢💔🥺❤️😭😬👀😍💀😒🤷🏻‍♀️🙌👀✊🏻🤚🏻🖤😤😔😱🦖

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