𝚋𝚎𝚜𝚝 𝚏𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚗𝚍

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Wassuppp y'all it's ya gurlll so basically I'm going to start writing like a lot because there's nothing to do soooo yeah enjoy this story, GoOdByEeeEeE🤠🤠🤠
                  Your P.O.V
"Y/nnnnn it's been 2 hours can you hurry uppp" Colby said, he had been wanting to go to hot topic all day but you were in Victoria Secret for the past 2 hours.

"Patience colbs patience" you said with a slight smile. You and Colby have been bestfriends since y'all were born, y'all were inseparable, nothing could come between you two and you may or may not have a huge crush on him but of course he doesn't know because you didn't want to mess up y'alls friendship.

"Pleaseee princess" Colby said with a pout on his face. You blushed at the nickname, you could see the smile corrupt on his face. You playfully roll your eyes and go to pay for your things.

"No" Colby said sternly, you raised an eyebrow kinda confused (A/n: ShE ConFuSiOn, ok I'll stop) he then very quickly swiped his card paying for all of your stuff, you looked at him and pouted, "You really thought I was going to let you pay silly goose" Colby said looking down at you because he was very VERY much taller (A/n: HAHaahahaH short ass mother trucker)

"Come on let's go to Hot Topic you big baby", Colby started jumping up and down like a little kid. You guys walked into hot topic and Colby immediately started looking around picking out all of the clothes he wanted.

"Hey colbs I'll be right back ok?", "alright hurry backkkkk", you giggled at his stupidity and walked over to the cashier and gave her your card, "When he comes over here pay for him with that" you said pointing at Colby then your card, "Will do ma'am" you smiled at her and walked back over to Colby.

"Are you ready to check out?" You asked him and he just fast nodded with a giant smile on his face. You two walked up to the cashier and checked out all of his clothes, as soon as he went to pay the lady swiped your card in.

He whined, "You payeddddd?" He said like a little child with his bottom lip out, "Yessir colbs I did, now let's go" you winked, he blushed and a smile grew on his face. Y'all walked back to his Corolla and started diving back to y'alls apartment (A/n: I know they don't live in an apartment but pretend you and Colby live together) you walked up to the apartment number and unlocked the door setting your bags down on the table. "Wanna watch a movie y/n/n?" Colby asked as he sat on the couch turning the TV on, "Sure why not"

"What ya wanna watch?" Colby asked scrolling through the options of shows, "Can we watch Riverdale pleaseeee" you asked like a little baby, "You only watch that because jug heads In it but ok" he said playfully rolling his eyes

Time skip

A sex scene started playing and you could feel Colby shift in his seat some, "I-I'm gonna u-use the bathroom,I-I'll be b-back" Colby said stuttering while running up to the bathroom.

It had been 10 minutes and Colby still wasn't back, you got worried and decided to go check on him, on your way up you could hear soft moans coming from the bathroom.

"What the hell" you said quietly, you slowly opened the bathroom door to see Colby jerking off, it turned you on but he was your bestfriend so you couldn't until you heard, "fuck Y/n"

You stopped in your tracks as you heard him moan your name. A smirk grew on your face as you started walking back to the bathroom slowly opening the bathroom door. Colbys dick came into your view as you watched him jack off to your photo.

You cleared you throat to get Colbys attention. Colby jumped slightly and just stared at you wide eyed, "need any help there colbs?" You asked Colby with innocence lingering in your voice.

♡︎𝕔𝕠𝕝𝕓𝕪 𝕓𝕣𝕠𝕔𝕜 𝕤𝕞𝕦𝕥/ 𝕗𝕝𝕦𝕗𝕗♡︎Where stories live. Discover now