5. Star Horse

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A crossbow was pointed at Sansa, but Joffrey put down the crossbow a smug look on his face.

'My mother insists you stay alive so we'll have to find another way to punish... your brother,' Joffrey said sitting back down. 'Leave her face I like a pretty' Joffrey said as his guard started to beat sansa. 'My ladies overdressed, unburden her.' Joffrey told him meryn ripped at her dress, sansa on her knees cried out. The door slammed open and all heads turned.

'if we want robb stark to hear us we are going to have to speak louder!' Joffrey decreed.

''What the bloody hell is the meaning of all of this?' Tyrion said storming forward Bronn behind him.

'I was following orders' Meryn told him confidently.

'Who orders someone to beat a helpless girl?' Tyrion questioned incredulously.

'One that follows the king you best learned that imp!' Meryn, always the loyal servant. Til the end. 'I do not bow before anyone unworthy of-'

'My grace,' Tyrion stepped forward, ignoring meryn, 'She is to be your queen, have you no honor for her dignity?' he questioned, sandor came down the steps and wrapped his cloak around her sansa was shaking as she pulled it tighter around her.

'She committed crimes' Joffrey said

'She is not her brother you halfwit.' Tyrion told him.

'You can't talk to me like that!' Joffrey declared. 'The king has can do as he likes!' Joffrey told them.

'The mad king did is he liked, has your uncle Jaime ever told you what happened to him?' Tyrion reminded him.

'No one threatens his grace in the presence of the kings guard!' Meryn said threateningly.

'I'm not threatening the king ser I am educating my nephew. Bronn next time Ser Meryn speaks kill him. That was a threat, see the difference?' Tyrion walked back down to Sansa cautiously he offered her hand she wrapped the cloak tighter around her before accepting his hand and standing up and following him out.

'I apologize for my nephews behavior... tell me the truth do you want an end to this engagement?'

'I am loyal to King Joffrey my one true love.' Sansa said obediently.

'Lady stark you may survive us yet.' Tyrion said as she disappeared.

'The little king is backed up clogged from balls to brains.' Bronn told him.

'Do you think dipping his wick will cure his ales?' Tyrion questioned.

'There's no cure for being a cunt but the boy is at that age and he's got nothing to do all day except pick wings off flies. It couldn't hurt to get some of the poison out.' Bronn suggested.


'On nights like these... the sky so deep, not a cloud in the sky, all the stars visible...' Mabel lay on her back in the camp, Tilly stared up at the stars next to her. one hand around Tilly the other pointing out the constellations as the fire crackled nearby. Soldiers drinking and chatting loudly as Mabel preferred the silence and solitude with her daughter, she wasn't about to get that though while she was here.

'Alright your uncle Willas would be proud, me teaching you this young.' Mabel remarked. 'The Big Dipper As the myth goes, Zeus fell in love with a young nymph named Callisto. Hera, Zeus's wife, was jealous and transformed Callisto into a bear.' Mabel growled tickling Tilly's stomach. 'While she was in animal form, she came across her son Arcas, but he didn't recognize the bear as his mother and tried to shoot her.' Mabel pulled back an imaginary bow, letting the invisible bow soar into the sky. Tilly giggled mimicking her. 'Zeus intervened and turned Acras into a bear too. He placed Callisto, shes Ursa Major and her son he became Ursa Minor permanently in the night sky.' Mabel told her, she knew that Tilly was going to understand nor comprehend any of this but Mabel found peace in the stars. 'they get to be together forever in the sky, I think its sweet.'

Tilly tried to neigh as a horse walked by.

'Horsey?' Mabel questioned and Tilly nodded she jumped up trying to gallop but failing she neighed a big smile on her little face. 'There are horses in the sky too, called a Pegasus.'

'Peggy.' Tilly told her.

'That's right, Pegasus is one of the most prominent constellations in the northern sky. It was named after a winged horse in mythology. The brightest star in the constellation is Epsilon Pegasi, which forms the creature's nose.' She pointed it out and Tilly followed her finger finding the star but she couldn't see the horse, she just saw the stars. 'Pegasus belonged to Poseidon, the god of the sea, earthquakes, and storms. In a battle between Perseus and Medusa, Perseus decapitated her and the winged horse sprang from her blood.' Mabel tipped her head to the side sticking out her tongue. Tilly laughed clapping her hands which mabel laugh all the more.

'Pegasus was stolen by the Greek hero Bellerophon with the help of Athena and Poseidon. Pegasus allowed Bellerophon to ride him in order to defeat the monstrous Chimera.'

'Mera.' Tilly repeated.

"A chimera is a creature of hybrid nature, two or more beings in one.' Mabel told her and Tilly scrunched up her nose. 'Like if you had a tail!" Mabel declared and Tilly's hand went to her butt. "But you don't, so you are not a chimera.' Mabel told her and tilly burst out laughing again.

'Bellerophon later fell from the creature's back while trying to reach Mount Olympus. After some time, the riderless Pegasus reached Olympus and Zeus transformed him into the constellation. Pegasus was also known for bringing thunder and lightning to Zeus whenever he needed it.'

'Star Peggy.' Tilly said.

"Yep.' Mabel agreed. 'alright time for bed.'

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