89. Wet

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'We need to find Euron Greyjoy's fleet and sink it'.

'Your Grace, he's already destroyed a good portion of our fleet. To send our remaining ships after him—'

'I'm not talking about sending our ships after him.' Danny told them

'Would you have to go yourself? Euron's ships could be anywhere or in more than one place. You'd be flying around the open seas alone for who knows how long.' Tyrion reminded her

'I wouldn't be alone. I would have Drogon, Viserion, and Rhaegal. What can anyone do to them?' danny asked pompously.

'They can still do something to you.' Missandei reminded her.

'It only takes one arrow. It's too great a risk. You're too important.' Tyrion told her and Mabel nodded in agreement.

'What about Casterly Rock?' danny questioned

'The Unsullied will be there soon.'

'And what will they face?' Neely questioned

' A difficult situation. They know we're coming.' Tyrion informed them.

'Cersei thinks my whole purpose in life is to destroy house Lannister. she will be right no one has ever taken the rock, the Lannister army is well trained and well provisioned with 10,000 men at least. they will see us coming and they will be ready' Tyrion told them. 'The gates of Casterly rock impregnable the fight up the walls will be hard, we will be at a great disadvantage many men will die just like my father said they would.'

'interesting thing about my father he built our house and our army and Casterly rock as we know it but he did not build the sewers that was beneath him so he gave it to the lowest person he could find. Me. he was right I was lower, the company I kept as well and I couldn't bring them though the main gates couldn't have them in my chambers in the process of building the fortress so I made a little something for myself. A passage below the sea. Under One of the main guard towers. Casterly rock is an impregnable force fortress but it's a good friend of mine one said give me 10 good man and I'll impregnate the bitch.'

'Bit!' Tilly repeated and Tyrion stared up at mabel.

"Impregnate the lovely lady,' Tyrion adjusted and Mabel chuckled looking down to tilly playing with the little wooden figurines 'And so it begins. They will face the bulk of the Lannister forces they will be outnumbered but my sister's army fight for her out of fear, the unsullied fight for something greater they will be fighting for freedom and the person who gave it to them. They'll be fighting for you, that is why they will triumph.'


'This is not enough! There was supposed to be more! Where are the rest of the Lannister's!' Grey worm yelled looking out over casterly rock.


'I wanted you to show you what we will be digging for, the caves before we started.' Jon said leading them through the caves towards the dragon glass. He lit the torch lighting the path ahead of them.

'Well this is it, all we will ever need' Jon told her 'there is something else I wanna show you your grace' They continued deeper into the cave. Carvings drawings and ruins scattered the cave walls. Danny could hear Tilly's voice echoing her roar's and howls echoing through the cave.

'The children of the forest made these'


'Very long time ago' Jon told her

'They were right here standing where we are standing before there were Targaryen's and starks and Lannister's maybe even before they were men...' danny said looking around the walls.

'No' Jon told her and continued deeper into the cave she followed him 'they were here together the children and the first men'

'Doing what? fighting each other?' danny questioned Drawings of men women and children across the walls standing peacefully together.

'They fought together against a common enemy' a drawing of white walkers engraved in the walls. 'they came together and put aside their differences... fought together' jon corrected her. 'The enemy is real' Jon told her 'it's always been real' they looked at the White Walkers carved into the wall.

'And you say you can't defeat them without my arms and my dragons?'

'I don't think I can' jon admitted

'I will fight for you. I will fight for the north... when you bend the knee' she informed him

'My people won't accept the southern women not after everything they have suffered'

'they will if there kingdoms depend on it. they chose you to lead them they chose you to protect them, isn't their survival is more important than your pride?'


'Got you!" Mabel declared scooping Tilly up. "you are a silly girl, silly, silly.' Mabel declared kissing her tummy Tilly giggled out. 'Look at you, covered in cave.' Mabel declared wiping at her face. 'Bath time.'

"NO!" Tilly declared.

'Yes.' Mabel told her and Tilly scrunched up her face. "You are all dirty.' Tilly stuck her tongue out in rebellion.

'Who's the boss?" Jon questioned coming up behind them.

'Mama.' Tilly answered obediently.

'That's right, ooh.' Jon declared. 'stinky,' Jon teased and tilly laughed out.

"Am not!" she shouted through laughs.

'Peewww.' Jon told her.

"See even the king of the north thinks you need a bath.' Mabel told her and tilly let out an exasperated breath.

'Fine.' She moaned out.

'Thank you Jon.' Mabel whispered as she passed.


Tilly was cleaned dry and sleeping soundly when Tyrion found mabel soaking her eyes closed and head tipped back against the edge of the tub. His hands wrapped around her wet body pulling and teasing at her skin, warm under the water.

"This is not without difficulty, I'll have you know," Tyrion told her as he watched Mabel step out of the tub her body dripping onto the floor. Her entire body elongates, the delicate curves of her body accentuated.

"What's that?" she questioned innocently.

"You know exactly what I mean," Tyrion told her.

"Pretend I don't." She laughed.

"I mean watching you, naked and wet, is making it difficult to concentrate," he told her, half-growling as she leaned down to him, leaning to kiss her, nibbling her bottom lip. A whimper escaped her as she exhaled. She heard his own ragged breathing against her cheek, his body rigid against her.

"Fuck," he mumbled. And she couldn't agree more. He felt so fucking good. He pulled back, holding himself above her as he begins to slide out and back in. she wrapped her legs around his back, pulling him down into her. Tyrion's fingertip glides over her jawline, and then tucked a loose strand of her hair behind her ear. His eyes are fixed on hers, a look of passion in his stormy gaze.

"You feel amazing," he groaned, as his pace quickens. She couldnt even respond with words, her breath hitching in her chest, moans stacking up. Her fingers grip the muscles of his back, as she leaned up, capturing his mouth with hers. 

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