99. Winterfell

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They arrived at Winterfell as united front Daenerys and Jon Snow riding side by side Jon wearing all black and Daenerys was an all white everyone stood tall and proudly for the king of the north and the queen.

'The people don't seem so welcoming.' Danny remarked. She stared down ponpusly at the northerners that lined the pathway as her and her troops came up to the castle.

'I told you they don't take well to outsiders, but they will love you.' Jon assured.

Sandor wish rode in tall and large and arya noticed him she saw the man she left to die, alive and well and with her brother and the dragon queen. Arya was shocked to see him, but he didn't notice her.

'You should consider yourself lucky' Tyrion told Varys 'at least your balls cant freeze off.' Tyrion joked, Tilly sat next to him, in between him and mabel as they rode. She laughed and laughed clapping with every bounce.

'You love telling unic jokes... why is that?' varys questioned.

'Because I have balls and you don't' Tyrion told him from inside the carriage.

'Tyrion.' Mabel hissed but he blew her a kiss.

Bran sat front and center in front of Winterfell when Jon got there he hugged and kissed his head.

'Look at you he said you're a man' jon said looking at his brother. Sitting in a wheel chair. Immobilized from the fall.

'Almost,' bran told him.

'Where is arya?' jon asked

'Lurking somewhere' Sansa told him, hugging him as well.

'This is queen Daenerys of house Targaryen this is my sister Sansa stark of Winterfell.'

'Thank you for inviting us the north is just as beautiful as your brother said you are' danny complimented stiffly.

'The north is yours your grace' sansa said bitterly,

'We do not have time for this' bran told them 'the night king has your dragon he's one of them now the wall has fallen dead march south.'


'As soon as we heard of the wall falling I called all our men back... when can we expect your people to arrive?'

'We need more horses and wagons if it pleases my lady and my Lord. And my queen' the boy, Ned Umber added looking from Sansa to Jon to Daenerys.

'We will give you as many as we can spare'

'We need to send ravens to the night watch as well' Jon said

'Your Grace... But you're not are you? You left Winterfell a king and came back a... I'm not sure what you are now a lord? Nothing at all?' a girl, Alys Karstark. the lords and ladies bickering. While the rest of the troops, the soldiers, were eating and resting after a long journey from the capital to winterfell. Tilly and Mabel were outside. Mabel was freezing her ass off, so much for Tyrell's being warm blooded she was fucking freezing but Tilly's father must have been a northerner because tilly was having the time of her life playing the snow.

'That is not important' Jon told her

'Not important? We named you King in the north' she was just a girl but the men rallied behind her

'You did my lady it was the honor of my life and I will always be grateful for your faith but when I left Winterfell I told you we need to make allies or we will die. I have brought those allies home. I had a choice keep my crown or protect the north. I chose the north' he told them

'If anyone survived the war to come we will have Jon Snow to thank.' Tyrion told them moving around the long table. 'he risked his life to show us as a threat is real thanks to his courage we have brought with us the greatest army the world has ever seen we have brought two full grown dragons and soon the Lannister army will ride north to join our cause' he added and there was an uproar 'I know I know our people have not been friends in the past' tyrion reminded them 'but we must fight together now or die.'

'May I ask how we are supposed to feed all of these armies, the dathraki and the unsullied and two full grown dragons?' sansa questioned 'What do dragons eat anyway?' Sansa questioned

'Whatever they want.' Danny told her smugly.


'That's not weird at all.' Mabel remarked touching the face in the red leafed tree. Tilly started making faces at the tree. Sticking out her tongue and pulling at her lips.

'Can my face be in the tree?" Tilly asked.

'No.' Mabel said sternly.

'Jon?" Tilly begged.

'I don't think so, maybe in a different tree.' He pondered.

'why would you want your face in a tree my love?" Mabel questioned.

'Why not?" Tilly offered.

"You Used to be taller,' arya told Jon, coming up behind them.

'How did you sneak up on me?' he asked grinning.

'How did you survive a knife to the heart?' Arya questioned

'I didn't' Jon told her. She hugged him hugged him tight and he lifted her off the ground. 'Arya this is Mabel and Tilly Tyrell.'

'Hello,' Mabel said softly taking tilly's hand. 'We will leave you two to catch up.' Mabel said nodding ot Jon.

'Pretty... you have a bastard while you were gone?" Arya mused.

'Tilly is not mine,' Jon told her. 'Mabel is not mine either.' He added before looking to her hip. 'You still have it?' he said pointing to her sword, the sword he had given her before everything went to hell.

'Needle' she told him

'Have you used it?'

'Once or twice,' she told him. He took out his sword showing it to her 'Valyrian steel' she took it in her hands, admiring it.

'Jealous?' Jon question

'Do you have any for me?' arya questioned,

'Where were you before I could've used your help with Sansa? She does not like the queen does and Sansa thinks she's smarter than everyone.' Jon told her.

'She's the smartest person I've ever met.' Arya told him.

'you're defending her? you?' Jon said shocked

'I'm defending our family and so is she' arya reminded him,

'I'm family too,' he told her

'Don't forget that' she told him hugging him again.

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